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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood |OT| where my bro's at?

OldJadedGamer said:
Ok, what am I missing? I started the game not too long ago and I started out with three exclamation points around the Map and I've done everything I can, all the story missions all the towers that I can reach have been lit on fire. I did two of the exclamation points but there is a third but it's behind the white wall and I can't get to it. I've done everything I can think of, even getting one of the districts to 100% rebuilt.

The last achievement I got was DNA #2 so I'm still early on, I just can't find out where to forward the story along.

The exclamation point shouldn't be behind a white wall, try another way around.
DualShadow said:
The exclamation point shouldn't be behind a white wall, try another way around.

I didn't think so and found the problem. It was the tower in the middle of the water. I tried to go to the tower first and it wouldn't let me because of the white wall since I had to trigger the story line to the right of the tower. Once I did that, the white line went away. I'm on my way now.
Finally devoted a good chunk of time to this game this past weekend. My initial thoughts were that was a really pleasant surprise, but the more I play it the more annoyed I get with certain aspects.

- The stealth portions suck. The game gives you radar, but half the time it doesn't even seem accurate. The mission where you have to lead the senator to a safe house was totally infuriating because guards would appear that weren't on the radar. If they're going to go to the trouble of framing the story with the whole ridiculous Animus thing to help explain the HUD, then give us working radar or some way to detect what the guards can see.

- The controls can still be frustrating, especially in combat. I've done all of the training stuff and gotten gold medals, but I STILL don't feel like I'm doing it right. So much of the control is context sensitive that it can be kind of glitchy.

- The story is total gobbledigook. I would be much happier if we just had the Renaissance segments. So much time and attention is spent on those portions, it sort of cheapens it to frame it with the lame modern day segments.

There are a lot of things I like though. Training a squad of assassins is super addictive, and it feels awesome to call the entire squad down on a Borgia tower. I wish there was even more of this in the game.

The setting and style are top notch IMO. Even though Rome isn't as exciting as AC2, it's still
impressive to see all of these locations rendered in game. I studied art history in college, and I never thought I'd play a game like this. I want even more of it.

Overall it's less of a cash-in than I thought it would be, but I'm hoping 3 has some further refinements.
OldJadedGamer said:
I didn't think so and found the problem. It was the tower in the middle of the water. I tried to go to the tower first and it wouldn't let me because of the white wall since I had to trigger the story line to the right of the tower. Once I did that, the white line went away. I'm on my way now.

Yeah that tower was annoying, I remember trying to do it before the story event as well. The blocking off of sections wasn't particularly well done in AC:B.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
1stStrike said:
Fucking best editing I've ever seen in a game music video.

Seriously. I haven't even seen any official game trailers with so many sick cuts and transitions. That must have taken him forever.


ZealousD said:
Seriously. I haven't even seen any official game trailers with so many sick cuts and transitions. That must have taken him forever.

Yeah, if I'd never played AC before and watched that video I would go to amazon.com right after and buy every game in existence.

I want to see a video full of bloopers with his commentary in the background. I bet he has a shit ton of them as he would've had to do almost all of those scenes multiple times to get them just right.
Working on these Borgia Flags, at 93 out of 101. All of Rome is cleared so all thats left are the secret flags and Dear god these Lair of Romulus flags are annoying to get to.
xKilltheMx said:
Working on these Borgia Flags, at 93 out of 101. All of Rome is cleared so all thats left are the secret flags and Dear god these Lair of Romulus flags are annoying to get to.
There's one in particular that you only have a small window to get or you have to start the whole mission over again.
xKilltheMx said:
Working on these Borgia Flags, at 93 out of 101. All of Rome is cleared so all thats left are the secret flags and Dear god these Lair of Romulus flags are annoying to get to.
Worst one is during the horse chase in one of those Lairs. Fuuuuck that one Flag.
ZephyrFate said:
Worst one is during the horse chase in one of those Lairs. Fuuuuck that one Flag.

Yeah I just got that one. Pretty annoying to say the least. But I pretty much get the flags (using guides) and then quite out of the memory.

ShockingAlberto said:
There's one in particular that you only have a small window to get or you have to start the whole mission over again.

Say WHAAATTT!? Which Lair is it in if you remember?


Sooo.. I just got the game. I'm mostly looking forward to the multiplayer, but I will try to get through the whole singleplayer campaign first.

Also, is it me or the video that plays at the beginning is a huge mess? The quality is horrible and there's screen tearing all over the place. And I don't even care about those things usually..

Anyway, I just started the game and now this is a completely different thing. Oh so pretty.. :_)


xKilltheMx said:
Working on these Borgia Flags, at 93 out of 101. All of Rome is cleared so all thats left are the secret flags and Dear god these Lair of Romulus flags are annoying to get to.
There is one lair opening I just can't reach, kept going in circles trying to get to it. The lair is the one where there are there bars above it, you can run over them. The lair is just beneath it, but you can't climb or swing to it.
TheOddOne said:
There is one lair opening I just can't reach, kept going in circles trying to get to it. The lair is the one where there are there bars above it, you can run over them. The lair is just beneath it, but you can't climb or swing to it.
You need to fix the aquaducts first.
Dear Ubisoft.

I was wrong... even with just a year between games you can create a game that is totally worth the $60 bucks and get me addicted all over again. I want to go on the record and say that this series is my all time favorite new IP of this gen.


TheOddOne said:
Is this highlighted on the map?
They mention it when you're near the Lair, and they show up as small Arches on the map. The ones that are slightly greyed out are not fixed yet. There are eight total.


ZephyrFate said:
They mention it when you're near the Lair, and they show up as small Arches on the map. The ones that are slightly greyed out are not fixed yet. There are eight total.
Thanks! Will try it later today.


ZephyrFate said:
Worst one is during the horse chase in one of those Lairs. Fuuuuck that one Flag.

That one's extremely easy since you can get it and then die (from losing your target), but still have the flag.
OldJadedGamer said:
Dear Ubisoft.

I was wrong... even with just a year between games you can create a game that is totally worth the $60 bucks and get me addicted all over again. I want to go on the record and say that this series is my all time favorite new IP of this gen.



Im skeptical they can make AC3 in a year though. With Brotherhood they had a setting sorted (and im pretty sure they had most of Rome built but ultimatly cut it from AC2, so if im right that would have helped). They also had fully fleshed out characters and quite frankly I dont think they can build up that level of characterisation again in just a year for a new time zone.

So yeah while I think the modern day story will be just as good as it would always be - im worried for the historical side of the game. I just dont think they can build up amazing cities and get the historical accuracys right. Never mind implimenting new gameplay mechanics.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
xKilltheMx said:
Say WHAAATTT!? Which Lair is it in if you remember?
I think he's talking about the last flag in the last lair. You have to make a jump and grab a ledge in order to get it, if you miss you fall down to your death. The problem is that if you die in that section you get sent to a checkpoint on the other side of the building, on a lower section with no way to get back near the flag. You have the restart the whole lair in order to try again :lol
Killthee said:
I think he's talking about the last flag in the last lair. You have to make a jump and grab a ledge in order to get it, if you miss you fall down to your death. The problem is that if you die in that section you get sent to a checkpoint on the other side of the building, on a lower section with no way to get back near the flag. You have the restart the whole lair in order to try again :lol

Oh. my. god. I dread going for this flag.
A few quick questions about combat:

In a few trailers ive seen Ezio do some amazing killstreaks like shoot 2 guards at once / floor an enemy then crossbow them in the face.

How do I do these?

Im not actually sure if its called killstreak or execution, basically I mean when you can kill enemies by just pressing 1 button.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
bobs99 ... said:
A few quick questions about combat:

In a few trailers ive seen Ezio do some amazing killstreaks like shoot 2 guards at once / floor an enemy then crossbow them in the face.

How do I do these?

Im not actually sure if its called killstreak or execution, basically I mean when you can kill enemies by just pressing 1 button.

To perform a killstreak you have to perform a counter and then follow it by pressing the attack button. So hold R1 (RB if you have the 360 version) to block and then press square (X on 360) right before an enemy hits you to counter (Note some enemies cannot be countered. Enemies equipped with spears come to mind). Then after that let go of R1/RB, tilt the left stick towards the next enemy (if he's north from you, hold up; south, hold down; etc....), press the attack button (square/X), repeat. As long as the combo is not broken you can keep going. If you see someone's health bar begin to blink white that means he's about to attack you so perform a quick counter or kill him asap to prevent him from hitting you and breaking your combo.
Killthee said:
To perform a killstreak you have to perform a counter and then follow it by pressing the attack button. So hold R1 (RB if you have the 360 version) to block and then press square (X on 360) right before an enemy hits you to counter (Note some enemies cannot be countered. Enemies equipped with spears come to mind). Then after that let go of R1/RB, tilt the left stick towards the next enemy (if he's north from you, hold up; south, hold down; etc....), press the attack button (square/X), repeat. As long as the combo is not broken you can keep going. If you see someone's health bar begin to blink white that means he's about to attack you so perform a quick counter or kill him asap to prevent him from hitting you and breaking your combo.

Yeah im pretty good at the combat, my confusion was with what the 1 hit kill thing was actually called. :lol Im pretty good at doing them (well its not hard to press 1 button right. :D )

Im just trying to learn how to do all the cool moves, and while ive seen the animations where Ezio kills 2 guards at once by shooting them for example, I have NO idea how to pull them off. :(

EDIT: Forgot to say thanks for the explanation - im just confused on how to pull off the fancier animations.


bobs99 ... said:
In a few trailers ive seen Ezio do some amazing killstreaks like shoot 2 guards at once / floor an enemy then crossbow them in the face.

I also remember this from the trailers, is there a way to actually do combos involving the crossbow? Or is that just pulling out your crossbow for a floor execution when you already knocked someone down?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ultron87 said:
I also remember this from the trailers, is there a way to actually do combos involving the crossbow? Or is that just pulling out your crossbow for a floor execution when you already knocked someone down?

You can counter kill with the crossbow IIRC.
Absolutely loving the multiplayer in this game.

So different and fresh from most of the other stuff on the market, and leaping off a roof-top onto some poor sap for an assassination is awesome! :lol

Currently level 30-something, shoot me a PM if anybody is looking for a teammate in Alliance or Manhunter. Love the team-modes. I'm a throwing-knife and poison prodigy! :D


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
bobs99 ... said:
Yeah im pretty good at the combat, my confusion was with what the 1 hit kill thing was actually called. :lol Im pretty good at doing them (well its not hard to press 1 button right. :D )

Im just trying to learn how to do all the cool moves, and while ive seen the animations where Ezio kills 2 guards at once by shooting them for example, I have NO idea how to pull them off. :(

EDIT: Forgot to say thanks for the explanation - im just confused on how to pull off the fancier animations.
Well for a dual execution I think you have to hold attack while in the middle of a killstreak directly after killing someone. You'll need to equip either a sword for the gun execution or a dagger for a knife execution.

Have you tried raising your Action Cam level (under Options -> General iirc)? I think that's what controls all the stylistic angles during kills.
I'm hoping for one more Brotherhood title before Assassin's Creed 3.

I know Altair had more of his story filled out in the portable games but, I'd love another full-fledged console game dedicated to that character.

I mean, he tore down the entire Assassin's order, and then basically had to rebuilt it enough for the lineage to pass down through the ages to Ezio. There's got to be at least 20 hours of content in that journey.
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