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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


So I just did one of my most memorable moments in a video game.

I was doing one of the assassin contract side missions. I had to kill ten of the brute guards (the ones with gold body armor) in less than a minute. The first thing I tried was hiring some of the mercenaries to help me out. Well they didn't do so well against the brutes lol. So I decided to do a double assassination and then just fight the rest on my own. Well I try this a couple of times and I get close but can't finish within the minute.

So instead I decide to use my poison. I poison five brutes and watch as their friends stare in wonder at what is going on. Since the timer doesn't start until a brute actually dies I just stand at the side and watch for a few. When the first guy I poisoned finally drops to his knees I walk over and do a double assassination. Before another guard can turn around I assassinate him. For the final two I just disarm them and kill them with their own weapons.

It was pretty fucking fantastic.


bdouble said:
I'm trying to decide. Will I be ok if I didn't play AC1? Or should I just read up on it. I'm really interested in this game just because it seems like they added so much and the premise of the first seemed so kick ass. Really though story isn't that big for me and what it comes down to is the first one worth playing? Leaning on skipping it and just saving my money.

edit: just remembered. The PS3 version was crap so that answers my own question.
The PS3 version was patched so that the constant crashing was fixed. There might be some slight differences between texture quality and screen tearing with the Xbox360 version, but you'd have to play them side by side and be really anal about it. In other words, the PS3 version is perfectly playable.

If you don't care about story, you can skip the first game. There is a brief introduction in AC2 which sets up the basics, but it is very brief and doesn't do much to introduce the greater storyline outside the Animus. You might want to read a summary of the first game, at least, to get a handle on that stuff. Also, I think you'll have a distinct advantage playing the second one having gotten used to "how things are done" from the simpler first game.

AC1 is not bad. It has a few problems, but mostly problems of omission. What's there is light, repetitive, and filled with missed opportunities, but it is fun to run around the world, kicking ass and backstabbing your way through the Crusades.


Sqorgar said:
The PS3 version was patched so that the constant crashing was fixed. There might be some slight differences between texture quality and screen tearing with the Xbox360 version, but you'd have to play them side by side and be really anal about it. In other words, the PS3 version is perfectly playable.

If you don't care about story, you can skip the first game. There is a brief introduction in AC2 which sets up the basics, but it is very brief and doesn't do much to introduce the greater storyline outside the Animus. You might want to read a summary of the first game, at least, to get a handle on that stuff. Also, I think you'll have a distinct advantage playing the second one having gotten used to "how things are done" from the simpler first game.

AC1 is not bad. It has a few problems, but mostly problems of omission. What's there is light, repetitive, and filled with missed opportunities, but it is fun to run around the world, kicking ass and backstabbing your way through the Crusades.

The PS3 version is definitely playable, but the tearing is very obvious.

AC2 >>>>> AC1


Neo Member
my god this game looks phenomenal on my kuro. it doesnt look like 720 being upscaled. and im mainly a pc gamer so im pretty finicky about my IQ, but yeah, sexy looking game. top 3 this gen imo.
Ok finished the game, surprisingly satisfied with the way it ended. Still the end game achievement title isn't as good though and Altair is still way more bad ass than Ezio.

Now then I wonder if a no HUD play through is actually doable this time around. Would certainly try that when I actually by this game for PC.

Beyond end game spoilers, seriously don't read them. If you think highlighting a spoiler might spoil the game for you, well this one will probably spoil it even more.

Ok so lets me see if i got this right. Alien species that make humans in their image for one reason or another. War breaks out between the two. Adam and Eve exist for some reason or another and are well the first assassins i guess. Assassins are supposed to be human with some alien genes mixed in, or just genetically engineered humans that are better than average? So assassins have a crazy prophetical destiny while the templars are just your average power hungry evil organization aka Illuminati or what have you. I am just tossing this out there maybe some one will put up their own opinions on this.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Lostconfused said:
Ok finished the game, surprisingly satisfied with the way it ended. Still the end game achievement title isn't as good though and Altair is still way more bad ass than Ezio.

Now then I wonder if a no HUD play through is actually doable this time around. Would certainly try that when I actually by this game for PC.

Beyond end game spoilers, seriously don't read them. If you think highlighting a spoiler might spoil the game for you, well this one will probably spoil it even more.

Ok so lets me see if i got this right. Alien species that make humans in their image for one reason or another. War breaks out between the two. Adam and Eve exist for some reason or another and are well the first assassins i guess. Assassins are supposed to be human with some alien genes mixed in, or just genetically engineered humans that are better than average? So assassins have a crazy prophetical destiny while the templars are just your average power hungry evil organization aka Illuminati or what have you. I am just tossing this out there maybe some one will put up their own opinions on this.

I thought it was more like this; (I'm assuming you watched the entire Truth video

Black_Ice said:
So... here are my thoughts on the files from Subject 16 (The Truth)

After seeing the entire video

Major Spoilers - Probably shouldn't read if you haven't seen the video or beaten the game and don't want to be spoiled

The two are obviously the Adam and Eve of the Assassins Creed Universe. But I would have to think, didn't Minerva say that her race created humans? If this is the case I'm thinking that the silhouette holding the Piece of Eden is one of the people like Minerva, and that's why the other humans are working for it/her/him/whatever their race is.

Like Minerva said to Ezio (or in reality Desmond) the humans and their race, let's just call it Race X, went to war but Race X lost?

This video seems to be a prelude to that war that Minerva mentioned. Adam and Eve, the first creations of Race X seem to be escaping some kind of workshop, labor force, or whatever, and get a hold of a piece of Eden. This is how they become to level Race X in power, and eventually win the war, even though there were some of race X left, like Minerva said

It is probably the pieces of eden that have to do their assassin powers one way or another, and then it is passed down through genes.

Captain N said:
I could be totally wrong, but I think this could be where the series goes.

The other Assassin's in present time will be the people you need to take down with Lucy being the final baddie

Not at all

Have you seen the ending/The Truth????
I just got to Flori and finished DNA Strand 5 before that.

carriage ride
in the Mountains with DaVinci was so incredible.
Just when I think the game can't get any better it does. A slow burn followed by a nice big high.
Excellent story so far and the pacing is restrained, something I don't see in games too often.

I'm a huge Altair fan but Ezio has a lot of depth and color to his character which is all I could ask for replacing such an awesome character like Altair.
However the fact that they mention him and he's still a huge part of the game is also really awesome. It's not just a sequel in number with a new coat of paint,
Ubi shows that they care about their characters and their fans. If this is what we get with AC2, then I can't imagine the awesome that will be BG&E 2.

And holy shit....
How can they pack in all this stuff into this game? It's amazing.


lol @ this story

Why do people think AC3 will
be in Japan? Is there a hint of that? What makes you think it won't be in the modern day, with Desmond using skills he learned reliving Ezio's life?


I love this game. I loved AC1 and this one is lightyears beyond it. 4 hours into it so far and I can't wait to play more. :D


Ranger X said:
It's very simple guys. Some games have 2 character models, one in-game (lower poly lower detail) and another set for cut-scenes (high-res, more details). Uncharted 2 is a prime example of this.
In AC2, it's there's only one set of characters. They look a bit worse in cut-scenes but it's only because the camera is near.


For your information, the original Uncharted had two different sets of characters..

But Uncharted 2 only has 1 set; the characters you see in the cutscenes are exactly the same models you see in-game.


Alright so I need some help finding a glyph. I'm in Romagna near the Avamposto Veneziano. It's the place with all the water around in and the boats. I have searched the boats and the building near it. Can't find it anywhere. Anyone wanna help me out?


well not really...yet
JambiBum said:
Alright so I need some help finding a glyph. I'm in Romagna near the Avamposto Veneziano. It's the place with all the water around in and the boats. I have searched the boats and the building near it. Can't find it anywhere. Anyone wanna help me out?
Search the nearest Viewpoint tower. Its on there. I stumbled upon it entirely by accident.


So has anyone decoded any of the secret messages in the glyph puzzles? Sometimes they are in morse code. The one I found just now was in binary. It said.
30 May, 1031


The Inside Track
Zzoram said:
I just got to my castle that seems to be a reskin of the Assassin's fortress from the first game, finished the tutorial there, and left for Tuscany. How far am I? I think I've been playing for like 4 hours. I've only done the first assassination if you can even call it that.
Between 20 and 25% of the story I'd say.
What do you mean by reskin? It's completely different from the fortress except for the training yard :/


JambiBum said:
So has anyone decoded any of the secret messages in the glyph puzzles? Sometimes they are in morse code. The one I found just now was in binary. It said.
30 May, 1031

I decoded the one on the picture of Hitler's grave/bunker. It said:
The double was killed in the bunker

Nose Master

JambiBum said:
So has anyone decoded any of the secret messages in the glyph puzzles? Sometimes they are in morse code. The one I found just now was in binary. It said.
30 May, 1031

I found another one,
July 17, 1918
Alright this will be spoiler heavy "the truth" will be spoken of, you've been warned.
So I finished today, seemed to be pretty lenghthy, couldn't put it down though it was a great time. So the gist of the story as I understood is as follows: Assassins are direct descendants of adam and eve because they were looking out for mankinds best interests as a "free" being. Sometime after Adam and eve took the apple from the god's there was a war humans won and the god's could no longer retain human form. The Templars seem to have no "ultimate goal" in mind outside of power, which makes them pretty one dimensional and probably my biggest gripe with the story so far. I really like how mankind was seemingly in a future similar to what sci-fi depicts, it was a nice twist. So the god's purged the Earth when they lost and started over from scratch more or less, and somehow the assassins retained some god-like abilities? And now they are about to purge and start over again unless desmond and the other assassins can do something to stop this from happening? Do the templars realise what this means for them? Rodrigo thought he could become a god by killing one, is that what they all think? I assume so, they want absolute power, that is for certain.

Why does anyone think the next game will be japan? I didn't notice anything that would hint at it, but that would be pretty f-in' kickass IMO. I want more of the "present" time game play (technically its 2012 in the game right? Whoa just realised the connection there :lol) I really liked the mythology in the game and enjoyed this game so much more than the first.

I did the Ceasar shift for one of the glyph puzzles
the Tesla one: "He used it to develop a bottomless source of energy, Telefunken wireless station." Obviously the "it" is the apple and if you don't know what Telefunken is wiki it.


Unconfirmed Member
Almost done with the game. Just need another piece of advice.

I'm want to get the last piece seal to unlock Altair's armor. However, it's locked up tight in the Duco's palace in Venece. How to I get in there? The place is totally restricted.



Vilix said:
Almost done with the game. Just need another piece of advice.

I'm want to get the last piece seal to unlock Altair's armor. However, it's locked up tight in the Duco's palace in Venece. How to I get in there? The place is totally restricted.


Go up the scaffolding in the back (back left corner I think), its on the roof.
Im fucking crying. I literally drove to Walmart at 2 hours ago at 12am to pick up this game for my PS3 only to have (what it seems like) the blu ray drive fucking die on me.

GAHHHHHHHHH. Do you think they will accept a return for the 360 version? My reciet says nothing! I want to play this dammit!!!


Is there a way to replay sequences? You can see them all in the DNA tab, but I couldnt find a way to play them. I swear you could in AC1... I wanted to do the end over because the sequence of events described in the final cutscene/the truth doesn't make sense to me

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I don't know why people would think
AC3 would be in Japan

I do think, however, that it could [/spoiler] Take place in multiple present day locations! Japan, USA, France, etc.[/spoiler], that would be awesome.

Also, how creepy as fuck is it when
Minerva is talking to Desmond (but it looks like she's talking to the player

And, we really need a replay sequence patch or something. There are some great missions I want to replay and I want to show my sister the ending, she's interested in the story.


Lemming_JRS said:
So I'm about to follow Da Vinci to
About how far am I into the game, not counting all the side mission stuff?

I'm right about there too and I've played around 20 hours :p
Although I gotta admit that I stood at the villa waiting for cash and upgrading everything to max for about 5 hours.
I love this game too much, just to run around on the rooftops assassinating archers is great.


belvedere said:
So far very impressive, the city feels even more alive than the original. If Uncharted 2 wasn't released the same year, this would be an easy GOTY candidate.

This doesnt even make sense, unless you're only allowed to have one candidate for GOTY.


Fucking UPS what the fuck is up with this delivery schedule :S

11/20/2009 02:27:00 MUMBAI IN ARRIVAL SCAN
11/19/2009 04:52:00 MUMBAI IN DEPARTURE SCAN

I mean FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK come on man I choose UPS for the 2-3 day shipping and after three days it's still in fucking Mumbai? What the hell man :(
I keep getting distracted by side missions. I love owning villa concept. Building and maintaining your small township is cool.

After one point, does it ends up printing more money than you need? Way it is setup, I guess, it will happen.


MirageDwarf said:
I keep getting distracted by side missions. I love owning villa concept. Building and maintaining your small township is cool.

After one point, does it ends up printing more money than you need? Way it is setup, I guess, it will happen.

I have 143k f and nothing to spend it on. :lol

Also, I watched the ending again on YouTube.

Give me fucking AC3 already. Jesus. :lol I'm already so hyped. I can't wait another 2/3 years.
Sai-kun said:
I have 143k f and nothing to spend it on. :lol

lol. First thing I'm gonna do is upgrade it to max asap. I want to buy all weapons, armors, and health upgrades.

Don't know why things like these are not designed seriously in many games. They add stealing/treasures and then make it useless except for beginning.


Do the glowing reddish treasure chests respawn? I've been running around getting them all (or trying to). And I swear when looking at my map again, some have popped up that I was sure I had gotten. Do they respawn, and do you ever get anything other than money from them? If they're all just money and keep respawning, I'm not going to bother.


The Inside Track
jiien said:
Do the glowing reddish treasure chests respawn? I've been running around getting them all (or trying to). And I swear when looking at my map again, some have popped up that I was sure I had gotten. Do they respawn, and do you ever get anything other than money from them? If they're all just money and keep respawning, I'm not going to bother.
They don't respawn. You might want to take a look at the painter's shops though :p


Neo Member
k so, unless the game falls apart in the second half, this is my GOTY so far. uncharted 2 and dragon age trail behind it. damn, and i didnt even really like (or complete) ac1. and if it wasnt for mgs4, this would scarily be, my gotg. fantastic game ubi!


Blimblim said:
They don't respawn. You might want to take a look at the painter's shops though :p

Yeah, I've been using the treasure maps to hunt them all down. I just thought I had picked a few of them up already...guess not. Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the game. This is what I understand from the ending.

There was once a race of advanced beings who created humans to be just like them. Along the way war broke out between the two. While they're fighting each other a flare from the sun whips out almost all life on the planet. Unfortunately, the advanced raced was killed off. But humans were able to survive and thrive because they were built to last as a specises (sp). Now, humans have been fighting each other for pieces of technology that the people before us left behind. A message from the past was sent through Ezio's to Desmond telling him to collect the pieces and use them to save the world from another sun flare up.

Is that pretty much it?

Ranger X

akachan ningen said:
Is the freezing happening on ps3? I haven't had it happen yet. Happened to me a few times in AC1 though. Hated that game.

This game is pretty much crash proof. We really focused on fixing that so you really won't freeze/crash like AC1.

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