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Assassins Creed Odyssey is a gigantic, bloated, mtx ridden, beautiful mess…and i absolutely love it


Im playing through it again on pc after playing it for 200 plus hours on xbox one x back in 2018, and despite its numerous faults…i cant put it down. The game is undoubtedly bloated, you play as a greek super hero essentially betraying everything that made the older games great, and the micro transactions are just out of control. Despite all that though, the core gameplay loop is just so much fun. Yes its cool down based combat at its finest, but it is a blast to walk into a base and kill thirty spartans with your ridiculous super powers. The world is a joy to explore as well, and the story is pretty interesting. But the glue that holds this all together for me is Kassandra.


Not only is she a grade A honey (especially with uh, certain nsfw mods…) but she is very well written and acted. Maybe the best ac protagonist since ezio. Ive never played as Alexios, but in sure he’s great too. She is a joy to play as and its fun to see her very grounded perspective in a world where everyone believes in gods.

Long story short, there is a very, very fun game burried here if you can look past all the modern ubisoft isms. Its a shame that this games sequel, valhalla, couldn't reach the same high’s.
I liked it. But at about 50 hrs mark, it tends to get a bit tedious. Hard to continue beyond that so dropped. I don't think gameplay loop supports length of the game it is all that well.

But i enjoyed everything about it.


I liked it. But at about 50 hrs mark, it tends to get a bit tedious. Hard to continue beyond that so dropped. I don't think gameplay loop supports length of the game it is all that well.

But i enjoyed everything about it.
To me it became a great podcast game too. Run around, grind some levels for a few hours.
Origins is way better imo. Odyssey (and Valhalla) are just too huge and bloated, both overstayed their welcome. If we’re strictly talking about the RPG trilogy.
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I really enjoyed it, and Kassandra really was great.
But overall I preferred Valhalla, mostly because I prefer that setting/period in history. And male Eivor was fantastic.


Good for you I guess. I tend to enjoy some crappie games from time to time, despite that unfortunatelly didn't make them any less crap.


It was too bloated for my liking. I kinda lost interest by the time the enemy mercs started to have such huge HP pools that it took 30 mins to beat them.
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Mr Hyde

Put down about 130 hours in the game. It had its moments but it was so bloated and repetitive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Valhalla suffered from the same issues, although I liked that one better because of the Viking setting. But Ubi needs to scale their shit down, many of their games (Far Cry is another example) just feels like busy work getting through a checklist.


Gold Member
The Atlantis Dlc was really good, but I never played through the main game. After 50-60 hours I had absolutely no more desire and felt I had already seen and experienced everything.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
For me it marked the game when the AC player animation really went into the tank. They were once near the top of the industry and innovative, and then.... this fucking crap. RIP.
It's cool but by the time the game allowed me to travel to Athens I kind of fell off. There is just something about Greek landscape that is so bland and uninteresting outside of the few historical sites.

Origins was a lot more interesting in my opinion.


Great game...but I could only play it on PC with mods to ake care of grinding and mercs.

On the consoles it gets bogg d down for me quickly due to grinding, leveling and merc mechanics.


Lock the thread mods, youtube man says its bad so now i’ve reconsidered my entire perspective. Thank you funny youtube man for telling me how to think. Dont know where i’d be without you and r/gaming

I guess you didnt watch the video at all

Also explain how the game is actually good if you think its good?

I just thought it was mediocre. I have it. Ive put about 30/40 hours into it. Its kinda meh.
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Its fine I guess . But the combat, the skills tree and the gears/ build system wasnt that deep to keep the game interesting .


I guess you didnt watch the video at all

Also explain how the game is actually good if you think its good?

I just thought it was mediocre. I have it. Ive put about 30/40 hours into it. Its kinda meh.
I explained it in my OP. I like the characters and story, and i thought it was fun to play. Clearly myself and Mr. Dunkey felt differently, where as he felt if was a middling open world game while i enjoyed it it way more. He’s entitled to his opinion, as are you, and as am I.


My fav of the new ones, love the world and setting. Will definitely revisit it.

But WTF was it really 5 years ago already?!


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
I also loved it despite all its flaws. Valhalla was a huge disappointment coming from Odyssey.
I preferred Valhalla, but had to dump it for moral reasons. Actually, Odyssey at the very end for the same reason.
I played it at release and remember actually enjoying it a lot. However at around 60 hours in, when I realized I had barely scratched the surface, I decided to put it down. My compulsive need to do every bit of side content makes a game like that kind of impossible to not burn out on. I've thought about trying it again over the years, but especially with all the DLC they've added now I feel like it would take me upwards of 200 hours to complete.

It's the kind of game that would've been absolutely perfect for 13-year-old me to play over summer vacation.

I do recall that it may be the only game where I've ever really been wowed by the environments. Sometimes you would crest a mountain or something and look out over a valley and the view would just be incredible. I think it's the only time I've ever used a photo mode.
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AC Odyssey hooked me like very few games do nowadays. I'd just get lost for hours and hours on end, and never feel bored despite the undeniable bloat. I put easily over 100 hours into it and enjoyed every bit. Game was a 10/10 for me. And yes, Kassandra was my favorite protagonist in any game in recent memory.

Unfortunately AC Valhalla did not do it for me at all.


It was the one I stuck with the longest. I really, really liked the setting. She was an interesting character for the most part. (It is what it is attitude for the most part). I would stop playing for a long time and pick it back up. I also really liked Origins, but this one was more fun if that makes sense. I do agree that some things were lazy, like some animations.

Valhalla I can't play. I don't know why but it just is NOT fun. Stiff and it seems like they are trying to make you spend money (maybe its just me).


AC Odyssey hooked me like very few games do nowadays. I'd just get lost for hours and hours on end, and never feel bored despite the undeniable bloat. I put easily over 100 hours into it and enjoyed every bit. Game was a 10/10 for me. And yes, Kassandra was my favorite protagonist in any game in recent memory.

Unfortunately AC Valhalla did not do it for me at all.
Eivor is no where near as charming as kassandra/alexios as well.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Great game...but I could only play it on PC with mods to ake care of grinding and mercs.

On the consoles it gets bogg d down for me quickly due to grinding, leveling and merc mechanics.
I never understood the grinding complains. I did like 2 or 3 of those repeatable quests for XP. Unless people consider unique side quests grinding too.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I've got the platinum for it about 2 years ago when they dropped the 60FPS patch for PS5. Best 120h of assassin's creed I've played so far. Kassandra is the goat character!


My least favorite of the three open world AC games, but they were all solid games if you could deal with the formula.

Black Flag was the last truly great AC game.


I had fun with AC Odyssey. I didn't feel the need to see everything and do every side quests, and that's a good way to approach giant games like this. I put in 50 hours or so, had my fun, then moved on to something else.


The last 3 AC is best to treat them as a MMORPG or GAAS game. You dont need to finish them in one go. You can play 20-30 hours, put it down and come back to it in 2-3 months. Is a year-long game and i belive this was also the intend of Ubisoft. To play the game all year, until the next iteration. Is not one to rush through it.
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Jinzo Prime

Whatever you do, don't play this game on last gen consoles. Load times alone made me what to pull my hair out, repetition made me quit!


Im playing through it again on pc after playing it for 200 plus hours on xbox one x back in 2018, and despite its numerous faults…i cant put it down. The game is undoubtedly bloated, you play as a greek super hero essentially betraying everything that made the older games great, and the micro transactions are just out of control. Despite all that though, the core gameplay loop is just so much fun. Yes its cool down based combat at its finest, but it is a blast to walk into a base and kill thirty spartans with your ridiculous super powers. The world is a joy to explore as well, and the story is pretty interesting. But the glue that holds this all together for me is Kassandra.


Not only is she a grade A honey (especially with uh, certain nsfw mods…) but she is very well written and acted. Maybe the best ac protagonist since ezio. Ive never played as Alexios, but in sure he’s great too. She is a joy to play as and its fun to see her very grounded perspective in a world where everyone believes in gods.

Long story short, there is a very, very fun game burried here if you can look past all the modern ubisoft isms. Its a shame that this games sequel, valhalla, couldn't reach the same high’s.
What about Bayek?


Kassandra is the best AC character i played, Bayek second. I also enjoyed the last 3 AC very much, gameplay wise i think Valhalla is the best, with its reduced loot system and better combat, also England was awesome, but everything story and characters wise the Origins and Odyssey are better.


Male Eivor gave me syntax error because Eivor is 100% a woman’s name, it’s one of the most poorly researched things in a big budget game I’ve encountered during my days as a gamer.
I'm not an etymologist and haven't knowingly been exposed to that name before I played the game, so that didn't even register with me, as it probably didn't with most other people.
I just enjoyed the voice actor in The Last Kingdom and enjoyed his work in the game, too.

Edit: and if I remember correctly, they stated female Eivor is canon, and male Eivor was created just so the player could choose for themselves how they wanted to play.
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