Im playing through it again on pc after playing it for 200 plus hours on xbox one x back in 2018, and despite its numerous faults…i cant put it down. The game is undoubtedly bloated, you play as a greek super hero essentially betraying everything that made the older games great, and the micro transactions are just out of control. Despite all that though, the core gameplay loop is just so much fun. Yes its cool down based combat at its finest, but it is a blast to walk into a base and kill thirty spartans with your ridiculous super powers. The world is a joy to explore as well, and the story is pretty interesting. But the glue that holds this all together for me is Kassandra.
Not only is she a grade A honey (especially with uh, certain nsfw mods…) but she is very well written and acted. Maybe the best ac protagonist since ezio. Ive never played as Alexios, but in sure he’s great too. She is a joy to play as and its fun to see her very grounded perspective in a world where everyone believes in gods.
Long story short, there is a very, very fun game burried here if you can look past all the modern ubisoft isms. Its a shame that this games sequel, valhalla, couldn't reach the same high’s.

Not only is she a grade A honey (especially with uh, certain nsfw mods…) but she is very well written and acted. Maybe the best ac protagonist since ezio. Ive never played as Alexios, but in sure he’s great too. She is a joy to play as and its fun to see her very grounded perspective in a world where everyone believes in gods.
Long story short, there is a very, very fun game burried here if you can look past all the modern ubisoft isms. Its a shame that this games sequel, valhalla, couldn't reach the same high’s.