I really don't understand the design/usability choices they made with this game. I absolutely fucking love AC2/Brotherhood, but they just added so many additional layers of things that either aren't user friendly, or are actually bad.
-Den Defense is fucking terrible. If you could actually pan out the camera in a useful way that would allow you to easily see the map and the type of units you have out, or at the very least pause the game when you do something similar it wouldn't be THAT bad. But man, it sucks. As a result I've spent most of the 15 or so hours I've spent on the game completely ignoring the story to max out assassins to lock down Dens so I never have to do it again (after intentionally doing 3 to get the one Assassins Challenge). This also means that I am constantly having to go out of my way to bribe heralds or kill the templars that bring awareness down.
-The (apparently) respawning bomb material chests out in the world are somewhat baffling. They don't show up on the Treasure maps (which was really fucking with me at first as it took me a while to figure out the difference), and they also seem unnecessary as enemies drop materials all the time, as well as the respawning chests full of them in your dens, plus the million dudes all over the place that will sell you bombs. Running around the city I can hear the sound of the chests with them all the goddamn time, and it's annoying.
-Mediterranean Defense: Fuck This. I actually didn't really have a problem with it until I realize that no matter what you do you cannot lock down cities. Even with 5 assassins at level 10 in a city at 100% control, there is literally nothing you can do to stop the control % from going down. I only have about half of the cities in my control, all with 5 level 10 assassins in them, and it's a goddamn nonstop micromanagement nightmare to barely keep everything in control with sending people on quests, as well as continuously having to recuit new assassins in the city to make up for the ones you are assigning to other cities. At this point I'll probably just keep it up until I cap all the cities and get the achievement, then just let them take everything. I don't understand why they couldn't have kept the cities on permanent lock-down if you got 5 assassins assigned to it. On a related note, the ticker onscreen when quests are completed/dudes leveling up is ridiculous; at one point I actually timed two minutes and fifty-one seconds of literally nonstop audio cue/popup telling me that people had leveled up/could be assigned to dens/quests complete/materials gained/etc. Again, what the fuck.
-Game is way, way glitchier than past games (which were already a little janky). So far I've seen a million people spawn in mid-air/sideways, been killed in cutscenes because enemies continued to attack and hurt me, had invincible enemies that wouldn't die, enemies that once killed would have their character model expand and spin wildly until they got to be about probably 50-60 feet high then disappear, and a million other things. I've read about a ton of gamebreaking bugs on other forums, and right now I may be fucked because I have open assassin slots, but every time I get within about 40 meters of a Recruit Assassin marker on the map, they completely magically disappear.
I can't even really comment on the story yet because I've been getting totally bogged down in all the crap above. I loved Brotherhood and felt it struck a fairly good balance between ridiculous micromanagement/bullshit, but I'm just completely baffled by the way they just seemingly dogpiled shit on top of this one. And almost all of my complaints above (technical issues/glitches aside) could have been completely fixed with a few very minor usability fixes. I just don't understand, and it's really, really disappointing. This was my most anticipated game this year, and I bit the bullet on picking it up day 1 because of that even though I knew it was going to be $35 on Black Friday, and I'm really regretting that. It's still a great game overall, but I'm definitely in the camp with the 7 and 8 review scores (and I would have given the last two games 9s or 10s). I really hope they're taking what they got tasked with in the reviews to heart for AC3, but given the dev cycle they have on these I don't know that they can/will :/.