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Assassin's Creed Syndicate |OT| Once more unto the glitch

Sorry if this is OT, but I'm still LTTP with AC Unity lol; I've only just gotten back to it after a 4 month hiatus (I haven't had much game time in the past few months). At first, it felt really sluggish and slow with an overwhelming map that was boring to traverse around, but I'm happy to say that I have finally gotten into the swing of things after that break and the combat feels quite satisfying now..

It's also fun when you don't have to focus that much on collectibles (I'm ignoring them now unless they're on my path) as there's way too much bloat and menial crap. The traversal is great though, and I like the improvements they have done to it including some neat animations (although sometimes it can still feel a bit clunky and you go places where you don't want to go). Also, I don't like how you can't drop off ledges directly onto the ground unless there is another ledge/surface below it that you can attach on to.

I hope AC Syndicate can polish and iron out these small issues. I think then I'll be ready to fully enjoy AC again since Black Flag (I mean I'm still liking Unity although it's still quite rough around the edges). I mean impressions on this thread are already looking positive which is a good start!


So I've reached a point where I'm hunting down a lot of collectibles, I went looking for a place I could buy the treasure maps (as I'm constantly carrying at least £60,000 after doing all the gang upgrades) and couldn't find it.

Jokingly I checked the real money shop and there they are. That's... kinda gross right?

You can buy the maps from the Black Market on the train.
What's with people saying the frame rate is good? This struggles to stay at 30fps half the time.

Because Unity was frequently running around 20? Only thing I can think of.

The framerate tests that were done a few days ago all showed it hovering around 27-29 so I guess that's considered "good"


I'm having a lot of fun with this. I hope it's not overlooked by a lot of people due to Unity. (Though I liked Unity more than most. Helps that I didn't play it until 3 months after release.)


Calling it now, "Driving Ms. Disraeli" is one of the best missions in the game. lol

I love it when these games can afford to do a silly mission like that. Reminds me of AC Revelations where you were picking flowers and getting a painting for Sofia.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The bounty hunts side missions seem like the buggiest shit in the game. I've lost so many missions doing those due to glitches from the guy being in my buggy and not getting credit for being alive to tackling the guy and him disappearing but jacob still having dialogue while he's there to a carriage running over the 'quest npc' and voiding the quest entirely

Not to mention if you knock out the bounty and put him in the carriage, the bounty talks while in the carriage. Like, why?


So I've reached a point where I'm hunting down a lot of collectibles, I went looking for a place I could buy the treasure maps (as I'm constantly carrying at least £60,000 after doing all the gang upgrades) and couldn't find it.

Jokingly I checked the real money shop and there they are. That's... kinda gross right?
Any shop on the side of the road sells them, as well as the black marketeer on your train.


2. Evie
3. Jacob
4. Edward
5. Altair
6. Eveline

That's it. All of the Assassins are here!

Jokes aside (I like Arno lol) this is true, Arno was disbarred :p

Edit: Just realized Connor isn't there either, I haven't played 3 admittedly.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What I liked about Altair is that in the first half of the game he's a total fucking dick.

Most the AC leads are pretty dull though with little to stand out about them. Ezio's held up and he's a decent character, but I think it's more of a criticism on how boring the rest of the leads tend to be.


Liking it so far. You can tell they scaled back a good bit from unity but so far less is more. The carriage stuff weirded me out though. It's funny driving a horse and buggy with the same controls I've been using for years for cars. Feels good but unnatural at the same time.


The PS4 DLC stuff was easy to miss, I didn't even know it was available. You can also open the Ubisoft Club thing and claim a free Ezio suit, gives you a nice stats boost and increases the amt of currency you collect
So the modern day part is weak again?

Is there at least a strong assassin/templar story here? Little tired of it just being any bad guy is a templar without motivation or somehow tying into the long war between the 2.


So if we were to rank all of the assassins where would Jacob and Evie place

Are we counting Shay?

If so, Edward> Shay> Ezio> Evie> Altair> Jacob> Connor> Arno.

I'm biased though because I was never a huge Ezio fan.

So the modern day part is weak again?

Is there at least a strong assassin/templar story here? Little tired of it just being any bad guy is a templar without motivation or somehow tying into the long war between the 2.

The Templar villain is literally mustache twirling. I quite like him.
His Venice themes for ACII are second to none, such a magical atmosphere he created. Playing in Venice felt like being in a fairytale of sorts, amazing stuff.

Sanctuary is my favourite. Running the Venice rooftops in the moonlight, fireworks going off, festival in the streets, this track in the background.

Man, what a game.

At this point we're better off just making a custom playlist of all his best tracks and calling it a day. They'll never recapture that majestic style Kyd brought to the music, and in turn the games as a whole. The playful chamber orchestra stuff Wintory did on Syndicate is pretty interesting and unique, but IMO nothing has come close to Kyd's work on AC2/BroHood. Parts of those scores made it feel like you were just floating. That atmosphere has never been replicated.
This is pretty easily my favorite "city-based" AC since Brotherhood (I loved Black Flag, but while it was definitely still AC, it just had kind of a different vibe/flow to it). Falling back into my usual routine of clearing out side stuff in an area before doing sequences and moving onto the next area. The mission design seems to be a lot better than the last couple games, even the side missions feel like they've had some actual thought put into them. This was a great surprise.

My only real complaint is that (so far; still fairly early story-wise) our heroes just aren't that interesting, they're fun and charasmatic but there's yet to be much more with them than "there are bad guys and we want to beat them because we're good guys!" I've long since accepted that Ubi is no longer interested in storytelling with the franchise so I guess I at least went in expecting it.


Waiting for the PC release but I'm actually officially hyped for this now.

Was watching some playthroughs and it really looks solid. The setting is absurdly beautiful and it just looks fun to explore. The combat and controls seem a lot snappier too. The series gets way too much shit but when it's good the games really are fun, serviceable, historical romps that totally get the job done.


Hm, I went to GameStop and saw there was a Gold Edition for $90. Does that anything extra just buying the game plus SPass separately wouldn't have?

Oh nevermind, I see you just get an outfit.
Hm, I went to GameStop and saw there was a Gold Edition for $90. Does that anything extra just buying the game plus SPass separately wouldn't have?

Oh nevermind, I see you just get an outfit.

Gold Edition is literally just the game + Season Pass...nothing more, nothing less

so if you buy just the game and the SP down the road it's the same exactl thing
We can only move into the 1900s at this point... Time for some World War action, right!?

I was thinking maybe India. I believe British control of India started around the time that this game took place. Maybe we could get Evie and Jacob traveling to India or something (haven't finished the story yet so I'm not sure if that's plausible).

Edit: Also not sure if that time period would be interesting
I was thinking maybe India. I believe British control of India started around the time that this game took place. Maybe we could get Evie and Jacob traveling to India or something (haven't finished the story yet so I'm not sure if that's plausible).

Edit: Also not sure if that time period would be interesting

We are already having this game, set in 1841:

And I fear any setting that gets into the Chronicles series wouldn't be in the main game for a long time.

People are reaching with this Witcher 3 talk. Unless it's the PS4 version.
The PS4 version is exactly half of the equation, yar? I feel like that doesn't really qualify as "reaching".


Surprised at how much I'm enjoying this game after the complete disaster that was Unity (the only mainline AC game I've started and not finished). This series is such a weird roller coaster ride for me, but I'm happy to say that so far this game is really fun.

The two character idea was gold. I'm spending most of my time as Evie, but I like the variety every now and then when I switch to Jacob and become a murder machine versus my usual totally stealth approach. Music is also pretty ace so far.

Does the game force you to play as the brother or can you go through it all as Evie?

There are certain missions that require you to play as a specific character but for the most part you can pick and choose.


I can't believe I wanna pick this up. Didn't expect that.

Yeah, same here. I've been thinking about picking this up after I saw some footage from it. It looks somewhat solid overall. I don't care for the setting that much but I kind of have an itch to play a game like Assassin's Creed. I don't really play the "UBI formula" games all that often but when I do, I enjoy them. I haven't played an Assassin's Creed since 3 so I think it will be okay for me to play them every couple of years. I'm working on a bit of a backlog but I'll probably be playing this game by years end.


They should have introduced like, a smart ai character that could hide and do murder out on it's own. It would be so cool if there was a ripper a.i wondering around these Victorian streets and you somehow have to stop him.

Bet the Evie DLc wont be as cool as that.

I'm also watching From Hell as I'm typing this.
They should have introduced like, a smart ai character that could hide and do murder out on it's own. It would be so cool if there was a ripper a.i wondering around these Victorian streets and you somehow have to stop him.

Bet the Evie DLc wont be as cool as that.

I'm also watching From Hell as I'm typing this.

They are releasing a Jack the Ripper DLC, you know. I'm probably gonna pick it up based on how much fun I'm having with it.
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