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Assassin's Creed Syndicate |OT| Once more unto the glitch

Well, I pretty much cleared the entire map and have not done anything in sequence 4 still. I am lvl 8, going to be really overpowered for the actual story missions.


Well, I pretty much cleared the entire map and have not done anything in sequence 4 still. I am lvl 8, going to be really overpowered for the actual story missions.

That's what always happens when you do side missions in bulk before progressing the story in any open world game.
I actually enjoy that, since the story missions are rarely any more interesting than the side ones, so being OP just makes you see all the cutscenes and setpieces faster :p

I envy all of you who can play this now. I'm waiting for the PC version. Played this briefly on a PS4 on Saturday and my hype has returned after being completely killed during the weak marketing campaign that this game had. Now I feel like in the Ezio trilogy years, I can't wait to play the new AC.
Well, opinions are subjective. I have a hard time believing someone could enjoy this combat or the parkour in close quarters, but as I said, it's all subjective.

Let's agree to disagree, opinions on this game are a mixed bag of "Best since AC2" to "Ugh."

of course I wasn't meaning to be confrontational.


Someone mentioned a perk/skill that makes enemy gang members stop attacking me. I don't find it though. Or do I have to conquer the parts of a city.


Well, opinions are subjective. I have a hard time believing someone could enjoy this combat or the parkour in close quarters, but as I said, it's all subjective.

Let's agree to disagree, opinions on this game are a mixed bag of "Best since AC2" to "Ugh."
Implying that there's an equal number of positive and negative reactions.

Instead, opinions on this game seem to be generally positive, with a handful of people differing.
Anyone else take more pleasure in killing the female enemies? The things they say, like "Don't make me come over there." And the tone of their voice. Makes me hate them way more than the men. Whenever I see a female in a red coat, it's time to die.


Anyone else take more pleasure in killing the female enemies? The things they say, like "Don't make me come over there." And the tone of their voice. Makes me hate them way more than the men. Whenever I see a female in a red coat, it's time to die.

They're super cruel to the kids too.

I like kidnapping missions quite a bit if I'm actually able to get to my target undetected. Walking them out is fun. Usually though I fuck it up coooooompletely.
Someone mentioned a perk/skill that makes enemy gang members stop attacking me. I don't find it though. Or do I have to conquer the parts of a city.

It's definitely there. I saw it this morning. I know it's not a perk; I'm pretty sure it's a skill. Or could be a gang unlock. But it's there somewhere.

Venom Fox

Just started this last night, I told myself I wasn't going to do it after the shitfest called Unity but I did and I'm glad I did.

Jacob and Evie are quickly becoming my favourite AC characters, their likeable right from the start with their charm and wit. Evie is my favourite character of them both, one reason being because I don't like Jacobs brass knuckles and prefer Evie's cane sword. As well as Evie seems be more level headed than Jacob

As far as graphics go, the only downgrade I can see is the texture quality is lower than Unity, other than that it's a beautiful game in parts.

IMO I think they've nailed the setting, Victorian London is beautifully recreated, with all the landmarks being where they should be (I even visited 10 Downing Street following a map from 2015). Crossing the Thames towards Westminster you really get the feeling of a murky, dirty, smog ridden city, and if you take a look down below in to the river, it's laden with barges and tug boats pulling along cargo. Again IMO London circa 1800's has never looked so good.

Story wise, all I know is Jacob and Evie want to take London from the Templars and in the modern day Sean has become a master assassin when in other games he was just a computer geek who sent Desmond to do all the work. In other words, it's dumb but fun and that's all I wanted tbh.

Combat feels like it needs more work, it's getting there but it's still not perfect yet. Traversal is as good as ever something which I did like in Unity, again it's not perfect but, I suspect with traversal systems as complicated as these they never will be so I guess we will have to learn to love them.

Bad guys drinking tea and talking about it...yep this game is set in Britain alright !:p
lol, Coffee is more popular up north where I live :)


Holy crap, this zip-line basically skips the parkour.
They are releasing a Jack the Ripper DLC, you know. I'm probably gonna pick it up based on how much fun I'm having with it.
Yeah, I know. I might check it out depending on the price and impressions.
The stalkers in Rogue were somewhat similar. Would love to have that mechanic brought back.
Ok, I totally forgot about Rogue. That's the only AC game I haven't played. Been meaning to pick it up for a rainy day.


I agree, I said it in my post above, you can tell a lot of love went into the map design. Definitely my favourite AC setting ever.

I love how it draws from Unity in terms of entering a building or an area, and going through various ways to take on a group.

I like kidnapping missions quite a bit if I'm actually able to get to my target undetected. Walking them out is fun. Usually though I fuck it up coooooompletely.

I was surprised at how I went from hating the kidnapping missions to understanding how to do them. They're fun, require patience, and a bit more thinking.

I still think the ones where you have to kill the guy in a certain way are the most fun. Love approaching the mission as a puzzle


Gold Member
Anyone else take more pleasure in killing the female enemies? The things they say, like "Don't make me come over there." And the tone of their voice. Makes me hate them way more than the men. Whenever I see a female in a red coat, it's time to die.

Massive props to them for putting in female enemies in the first place. I've been thinking which other open-world games feature female enemies this prominently and have failed to think of any.


Massive props to them for putting in female enemies in the first place. I've been thinking which other open-world games feature female enemies this prominently and have failed to think of any.

I agree.

I think whatever gender politics they were going for in this game really pays off by giving respect and various roles to women in the game. Whether its enemy NPCs or doing justice to Evie and co. Syndicate's team should be proud of themselves here.

On that note, Sequence 8 man: dreadful missions, minus the black box/assassination, of course. Love Maxwell Roth, but kidnappin' people blows. Also no Evie.

Venom Fox

Yep. So much fun going to Downing St, the palace, Leicester square. Absolutely adore just going through the city.
Yeah, I went on a self made tour last night lol, so much fun seeing everything beautifully recreated, reading through the codex I even found out things I never even knew, like how prime ministers didn't legally have to love at Downing Street or that Buckingham Palace used to be just a house and the architect who was employed to turn it into a palace over spent by £500,000 and was sacked.

I agree.

I think whatever gender politics they were going for in this game really pays off by giving respect and various roles to women in the game. Whether its enemy NPCs or doing justice to Evie and co. Syndicate's team should be proud of themselves here.

On that note, Sequence 8 man: dreadful missions, minus the black box/assassination, of course. Love Maxwell Roth, but kidnappin' people blows.
How many sequences are there and how long is the game roughly? I'm on sequence 3 and its fucking fun.


Without spoilers is there any more like it?

Honestly don't know. Just started sequence 5.

Speaking of which, the black box at the end of sequence 4 is better than any assassination in Unity. The opportunities and side objectives make actual sense. Take advantage of one opportunity and the others open up in a logical way. Spoilers.

Get the key, the key opens up a door to the electro shock therapy, and then on the floor below that is the cadaver.

Unity would throw opportunities at you and then would be unable to connect the dots.
Went back and fourth, but finally pulled the trigger on this due to all the positive impressions i'm reading in this thread. Went with the PS4 version because of the better framerate and the fact that my next purchase (Fallout 4) will be bought for XB1.

Eager to play it tonight!


How many sequences are there and how long is the game roughly? I'm on sequence 3 and its fucking fun.
There are 9 sequences and a "hidden" rift section. And how long is it? I'm not even done with it yet, I keep getting side-tracked by doing the activities and such. And I haven't even touched the Historical Figures side content yet!


Yeah, I went on a self made tour last night lol, so much fun seeing everything beautifully recreated, reading through the codex I even found out things I never even knew, like how prime ministers didn't legally have to love at Downing Street or that Buckingham Palace used to be just a house and the architect who was employed to turn it into a palace over spent by £500,000 and was sacked.

How many sequences are there and how long is the game roughly? I'm on sequence 3 and its fucking fun.

It took me roughly 30-35 hours to complete the main story and conquer all the boroughs
Kidnap missions suck because they're kinda buggy. Just kidnapped one unique npc and threw him in a carriage and drove off. Mission failed because I got too far from my target. Lame.

That last paragraph, i fuckin died

Venom Fox

There are 9 sequences and a "hidden" rift section. And how long is it? I'm not even done with it yet, I keep getting side-tracked by doing the activities and such. And I haven't even touched the Historical Figures side content yet!

It took me roughly 30-35 hours to complete the main story and conquer all the boroughs
Thanks guys! I still can't believe it cost £500,000 to build Buckingham palace, that's around £86,000,000 in today's money.


I like the efficiency once you get the auto loot perk.

Bystander talks trash.. I do a run and stab, get xp, items, coins without having to stop.


Kidnap missions suck because they're kinda buggy. Just kidnapped one unique npc and threw him in a carriage and drove off. Mission failed because I got too far from my target. Lame.

Worst one for me was grabbing some dude on the Thames. Was running away carrying him (had to knock him out for his own good) and one hit knocked him out of my hands. Watched him sloooooooooooowly slide down into the river while I fought the other guy on the bank.

"Target Lost"

Then it crashed immediately after to really drive the point home.

Cider X

Just had a crazy hard crash with insane noise coming out of all speakers in my surround setup, after completing a story mission. Anyone else experience this? (Xbox One)


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I do wish this game was 1080p on consoles, it is same with Unity a good looking game.
And why hasn't Ubi included a photomode
I think the one thing I'd change is making the zipline a bit more unrealistic in ways. Like you can only really zip up to a buildings top from beside it and I'd like to be able to jump off a roof and zip to a building. Mostly make it more like Batman's hah


well not really...yet
It sucks that they downgraded the gear from Unity. One of the best parts of that game was how much choice there was in how you wanted Arno to look, and of course they take that out of this one. Dumb.
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