Assmad gamer writes to tabloid crying, to inform us all they will be buying an XSS.

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I was put off the Xbox Series X because of the lack of games but also because of the bullying attitude of Microsoft, using its money to buy out everyone and making Game Pass a thing that nobody else could copy. I don’t like how they purposely sideline Japan either, or their focus on online play.
However, there are limits. I’m not violently opposed to Microsoft, it’s just a preference. I’d prefer to buy PlayStation 5 but the price and their peculiar attitude this year has put me off. They’ve not announced or shown hardly anything all year and they don’t seem to have any interest in engaging with their fanbase or treating them as anything other than commodities to be taken for granted.
And as much as Game Pass disturbs me, in the way it’s just bludgeoned Xbox’s way to success, you can’t deny it’s not good value. I would’ve resisted it but I’m afraid the obvious answer now, in terms of what consoles to buy, is the Xbox Serie S. It’s now £230 cheaper than the PlayStation 5, which is a massive gap with almost no practical difference in performance.
I will miss the PlayStation 5 exclusives but since they already seem to have dried up I’m not sure how much of a problem that’s going to be. It won’t matter though because for me, at least, I can’t afford two consoles and I’ve made my choice. It was going to be Sony but I feel they’ve essentially pushed me away and I can only hope that the things I didn’t use to like about Xbox aren’t too much of a problem.
I’m sure Sony have already convinced themselves that this was unavoidable, but it wasn’t. They could’ve absorbed the increase themselves. They already did for America but apparently no one else in the world is worth that special treatment, so I’ll take my business elsewhere.

There's too much to unpack here that's silly. But looking at this article and many of the other articles from different countries that have come out since the price rise, I just gotta say, I'm not defending the price rise, but don't you gamers feel maybe there's just a bit of an overreaction going on here?

I feel like with all these views on the price rise, everyone's acting like it's almost the end of the world. Yeah, it's not good, and Sony's reason for it is a bit suspicious, but then you have Japanese gamers begging for steam released, that one guy working with a lawyer to sue them for fraud (what?), several other articles, and now this. I just feel that there may be some hyperbolic behavior associated with this price drop, but that's just me.

At the same time, while the title of this article is prime for a tabloid, it may not really be click bait if you consider that many of the people overreacting are casuals, sure they may not be non-gamer casuals, and may check a gaming forum once a week, but these are the COD/Fornite players we are talking about that watch people on Twitch, so they are still gamers, just on the casual end, and to them maybe this title doesn't seem as strange as what it would be to someone who posts on Neogaf, or other gaming sites that aren't as relevant.

Update with alternate article from a different reader

PS5 price increase is final mistake for Sony and PlayStation

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Gold Member


Newspapers and media outlets allowing any random person to basically run a blog on them was the death of news media. The NY times opinion pages were bleak.
What this guy thinks holds only as much value as what any given poster on this forum thinks, and if someone started a new thread any time anyone posted anything dumb we'd waste more energy than bitcoin


So we're supposed to believe this person only just now decided they're going with an Xbox instead of a PS5 because of the recent price increase?
On top of that, rather than going with the now cheaper Series X they're instead buying a Series S, which was already cheaper than both a PS5 and a Series X since launch?
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Update with alternate article from a different reader

PS5 price increase is final mistake for Sony and PlayStation

UK is really upset about the price increase. Going overboard with some o the stuff here. Went right after Jim Ryan.
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