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At least 148 including 132 children dead as Taliban storm Pakistan school

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(CNN) -- A group of gunmen have stormed an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing at least 22 people -- including 17 children.

The Pakistan Taliban -- Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) -- claimed responsibility for the attack Tuesday.

Two teachers and an army official were also among those killed, while 47 people were wounded, according to Shehram Khan, health minister for the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Pakistan military said a rescue operation involving its troops is currently underway at the school, with gunfire being exchanged. It added that the bulk of the students and staff have now been evacuated.

In a telephone call to CNN, a spokesman for the TTP, who identified himself as Mohammed Khurrassani, claimed that six suicide bombers entered the school compound with orders to kill older students.

He said the attack was revenge for the "Zarb e Azb, Khyber-1 military operation and revenge of dumped bodies of detained prisoners."

For the past few months, the Pakistan military has been conducting a ground offensive aimed at clearing out militants in its restive regions along the border with Afghanistan. The campaign has displaced tens of thousands of people.

Northwestern Pakistan is home to loosely governed tribal areas. It's also a base for foreign fighters and a refuge for members of the Taliban and other militant groups.


According to CNN 700 people could still be in the building.


PESHAWAR: Taliban militants have entered an army-run school on Warsak road, taking students and teachers hostage.

Five to six terrorists have entered the Army Public School

104 including 84 children killed, scores injured

Firefight, evacuation underway

About 500 students and teachers are believed to be inside

Rest in Peace :(
Indian News reporting up to 100 dead now

I don't know how Pakistan is still able to support sending terrorists to India especially Kashmir when they have first hand seen in many cases what these terrorists do.


The Talibans are soooooo brave. Attacking Children and killing them. So brave of them. I would like to meet them all, sit down and thank them for how brave they were when they killed all those children. Then I would put a fork throught their eyes.


Felium Defensor
Over 100 students now? Omfg, my heart just sank/imploded within my chest.
Fucking blind piece of shits who take away innocent lives. God damnit.



What does this do. what does it accomplish. who believes because of this. what does it do but engender hate and fear
If they have 400 kids, they are basically going to demand the release of every Taliban person in jail in Pakistan. And they will get it.



Talk about innocence, they are children.

I hope there is a world of pain waiting for these 'people'.
Are they trying to one-up Boko Haram and their attacks on schools?


Killing kids? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they come to the conclusion that attacking school children is a good idea?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
The article mentions that they targeted senior students. What is the age group of the school? Is it coed?

I don't think they would do this if they were worried about the moral support from the public. I think their only goal is to destroy the publics support for an anti-taliban campaign by showing that just a few attackers can inflict this much damage (granted they are targeting innocent, unarmed kids).


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
These are the same people who shot a girl in the face for visiting school.


Easy to see it from their mentality. Its an army school for kids, and Pak army is a problem for them.

A TTP spokesman tells Reuters, “It's a revenge attack for the army offensive in North Waziristan."
And killing their kids will make the army magically disappear? A five-year old can see how this is gonna go.

But I'm giving these fucks probably too much credit by comparing them to a pre-schooler.
These cowards attacked a public army school for children. Sickening and inhuman. Prayers for the lives lost. As a Pakistani, this is gut-wrenching and I can't describe how much it boils my blood.


And killing their kids will make the army magically disappear? A five-year old can see how this is gonna go.

But I'm giving these fucks probably too much credit by comparing them to a pre-schooler.

I imagine their thinking would be that if you kill the children of soldiers, much like how tribes would kill the male children you are removing some people from the genepool who are likely to join the army or in my example guard the village from future attacks when their children are older and the ones initiating them. It's horrible, warped and sickening, but sadly there's people on this planet despite everything who still see violence as a real option to fix problems.

RIP to all the innocent people who died today :(


Targetting children specifically.. I can not think of anything worse. Awful.

RIP young ones. May those responsible be caught and suffer the consequences of their fucked up actions.


The moment you attack someones children and hold the rest as hostages you are green-lighted to be eradicated from the face of the earth. There are things for which you could be sentenced or killed, but for stuff like this you've got to be sure there isn't a single one of them left. Christ, do they even know what they did? Surely they are not getting any good PR out of this, they've just signed their death sentence. Even if they get what they want and release the hostages (but i fear this will end in a even bigger bloodbath), they should be hunted and hanged on their intestines while being soaked in pigs blood. No heaven for you guys.


What the fuck.
Attacking children is low. Attacking anyone is wrong of course, but most children didn't even have the opportunity to make someone mad. And then suicide bombers to, this is going to be difficult to solve without any more children dying if those guys have deadmans switch or something like that.


GAF's Bob Woodward
This is shocking. When I first heard 'military school', and '20 dead', I was thinking it was a military academy of some kind.

But 84 children? Who does this?
What an absolutely fucking horrible news day, didn't think it could get any worse after the hostage situation and PA killings. RIP to the victims


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
But 84 children? Who does this?

You need a certain kind of ideology to override the basic human instinct to not harm children and fool yourself into thinking that education of women is a sin worthy of eternal consequences. Some of these fools probably even thought that they are saving "souls".


Truly fucked up. I'm amazed governments can let this happen to their own people. I'm amazed and disheartened that people can be so corrupt as to allow this to happen.


The moment you attack someones children and hold the rest as hostages you are green-lighted to be eradicated from the face of the earth. There are things for which you could be sentenced or killed, but for stuff like this you've got to be sure there isn't a single one of them left. Christ, do they even know what they did? Surely they are not getting any good PR out of this, they've just signed their death sentence. Even if they get what they want and release the hostages (but i fear this will end in a even bigger bloodbath), they should be hunted and hanged on their intestines while being soaked in pigs blood. No heaven for you guys.

Children mainly from army soldiers. bye bye Taliban
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