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At least 148 including 132 children dead as Taliban storm Pakistan school

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Getting sick to my stomach just reading about it. Those responsible are nothing but the lowest scum of humanity and a blight to the human race.
More people believe its India and the US than the rest of the list put together. Fucking hell, its a party living next door to these nutjobs.

Well given that drone strikes have killed hundreds of innocent people in the region it's not all that surprising that people harbour resentment towards the USA.


Upto 126 dead with many more wounded. Absolutely disgusting. And it just shows that the majority of victims of Islamic extremism is often Muslim civilians themselves in a lot of these countries.

Pakistan really needs to take these events to heart and understand India is not it's enemy. The Pakistani military, the ISI their spy agency has long cultivated these groups, recruited them to Pakistan to help carry out attacks in India, and foment terrorism in Indian Kashmir, but a lot of Northern Pakistan has now fallen to the Taliban and tribal militants. Attacks are increasing each year. This was an army public school which has far more security and safety than other places.

Another worrying concern is the fact Pakistan is estimated to have 70-110 nuclear warheads. Who knows what the situation is like as terrorism keeps increasing and extremists run roughshod in the country. Here's hoping there is a strong military response here. Just sad that these were children and young teens. People who are the future of the country, who were studying and trying to get educated.


Awful, awful news. Education really is the most effective weapon against the Taliban/Islamic extremists and they know it, hence cowardly attacks like this.
This certainly put a damper on my morning. :/

Hopefully Pakistan takes the initiative to finally clean the garbage out of their basement, they've been hesitantly complicit with their existence for far too long.

Dai Kaiju

It's time for Pakistan to reclaim control of the rural parts of the country and exterminate or imprison all militant groups.

I'm not sure if you're serious or making fun of people who aren't reading the OP, but it says the whole point of this is that it's revenge against Pakistan for trying to do that.
Pakistan protected the tribal region from US incursion except for drone strikes. Everything that the Taliban does is completely Pakistanis fault.


Hope Pakistani army wipe these cowards out. Melala became a symbol of Taliban resistance, the whole country need to wake up and see what these cowards have done, come together and support their annihilation , use Melala bravery as their strength. Their seems to be widespread support for Taliban only because theyre a force against the west and nothing else (backwards mentality), hope they can see the evil theyve been supporting and encourage their destruction.

This entire attack was in retaliation to violence by the Pakistani army in the first place. You do not stop violence by retaliating with violence. You do that and the Taliban will plan something else bigger in response. End the pointless cycle of killing, that's what the Pakistani army needs to do.


I thought Pakistan had helped prop up the Taliban, giving them a safe haven while we were at war with them Afghanistan?
I'm not sure if you're serious or making fun of people who aren't reading the OP, but it says the whole point of this is that it's revenge against Pakistan for trying to do that.

No more half measures. You can't call yourself a country if there are vast regions of your own land you don't control.
This is how the Taliban loses power. Now let's not give it back to them by bombing buildings or wedding convoys full of children ourselves.
Pakistan protected the tribal region from US incursion except for drone strikes. Everything that the Taliban does is completely Pakistanis fault.

So the Pakistani government should let the US effectively invade part of their own country after seeing the fantastic job that was done in Iraq and Afghanistan? Did you bother to think before you started typing?
This entire attack was in retaliation to violence by the Pakistani army in the first place. You do not stop violence by retaliating with violence. You do that and the Taliban will plan something else bigger in response. End the pointless cycle of killing, that's what the Pakistani army needs to do.

The problem is that they've shown time and time again that they won't respond to any type of bargaining or peace talks. This attack also shows that they're willing to go to extremes to get their point across. The army is stuck in a position where if it doesn't do anything, innocents die. If it does something drastic, innocents die.

Another thing is the fact that these people aren't just a bunch of radicals holed up in underground caves in specific locations. These people are EVERYWHERE in the country, including the metropolitan areas in the big cities like Lahore,Karachi etc. They get recruits from Islamic schools called "madarsas". If the education system and the poverty was under control, people would just send their kids to regular school, instead they often just send them off to madarsas which brainwash a lot of these kids and teenagers, and then turn them into willing agents that carry out these attacks.

It's going to take nothing short of a MASSIVE show of force to get the Taliban to back down, even if temporarily. Then you run the risk of them increasing the frequency and caliber of their attacks.
So the Pakistani government should let the US effectively invade part of their own country after seeing the fantastic job that was done in Iraq and Afghanistan? Did you bother to think before you started typing?

Do you understand there's a FIGHTING SEASON in Afghanistan because they have a SAFE HAVEN in Pakistan? How about you think before you type shit you know nothing about.


This entire attack was in retaliation to violence by the Pakistani army in the first place. You do not stop violence by retaliating with violence. You do that and the Taliban will plan something else bigger in response. End the pointless cycle of killing, that's what the Pakistani army needs to do.

I'm sorry but that may well be the justification they try to use but it is bullshit. Going into a school in order to blow up students is not in retaliation to the Pakistani army offensive, it is a cowardly act to kill education and inflict fear.

What are the Pakistani army to do anyway, let the Taliban run wild? The senseless killing must end but to think if the army could just stop attacking them and the Taliban will stop planning acts of terror/mass murders is just wrong. I get what you mean about escalation, but I just don't know how anyone can apply logic to a group which thinks killing children in this way is a legitimate attack.


Disgusting that the taliban can do this, it proves they don't care about the Pakistani people. The Pakistan leader even said they weren't going to kill children but yet kill nearly 100. Taking it out on innocent people isn't right! I hope Pakistan wipe them out, they do not deserve the right to live.
Do you understand there's a FIGHTING SEASON in Afghanistan because they have a SAFE HAVEN in Pakistan? How about you think before you type shit you know nothing about.

Oh shit guys, we've got an expert over here.

Please educate us on exactly why Pakistan, despite the deaths of thousands of soldiers fighting terrorists in the region, deserves all of this? I can't wait to hear this. I'm sure it'll be more substantial than some vague rambling about the ISI or other such bullshit.
Whatever sympathy the Taliban had in Pakistan has gone now, what a huge misjudgement and saying the bombers had instructions to not harm the children well that worked, not. What utterly despicable animals and a huge miscalculation, the Taliban will pay a heavy price now.


It's hard to imagine the mindset required to pull the trigger on this man children. Whatever justification they provide in the eyes of their dream God, I just can't even comprehend getting to a point where I put that much of my human decency aside to kill children.


More Pakistani soldiers have died fighting the Taliban than any other. There really is a lot of lack of understanding in this thread.
Oh shit guys, we've got an expert over here.

Please educate us on exactly why Pakistan, despite the deaths of thousands of soldiers fighting terrorists in the region, deserves all of this? I can't wait to hear this. I'm sure it'll be more substantial than some vague rambling about the ISI or other such bullshit.

No, I'm not going to explain anything to you. It's a waste of time, your set on your ignorant view.
I'm not sure if you're serious or making fun of people who aren't reading the OP, but it says the whole point of this is that it's revenge against Pakistan for trying to do that.
I'm aware of their current efforts, but it's clearly not enough to deal with the issue. Large parts of the country are beyond the control of the central government and it is not possible to maintain the peace if you have powerful militant groups running around.
It's hard to imagine the mindset required to pull the trigger on this man children. Whatever justification they provide in the eyes of their dream God, I just can't even comprehend getting to a point where I put that much of my human decency aside to kill children.

The terrorists have presumably grown up as the poorest of the world's poor, then their terrible justification would probably be about privilege, seeing as how they attacked a military shool which provides the schooling of the middle/upper classes of Pakistan.

More Pakistani soldiers have died fighting the Taliban than any other. There really is a lot of lack of understanding in this thread.

Muslim deaths don't strike the same chord.

I'm aware of their current efforts, but it's clearly not enough to deal with the issue. Large parts of the country are beyond the control of the central government and it is not possible to maintain the peace if you have powerful militant groups running around.

Not large parts of the country, but particular parts of the country where the tribal peoples predominate.

Pakistan protected the tribal region from US incursion except for drone strikes. Everything that the Taliban does is completely Pakistanis fault.
The Pakistani Taliban are secessionist, definitely not Pakistan's fault.
More people believe its India and the US than the rest of the list put together. Fucking hell, its a party living next door to these nutjobs.

This attack is abhorrent. It's evil and unconditionally wrong. But it's not inexplicable if you consider conditions on the ground from the other side. These people don't strap bombs to themselves and walk into schools because they have nothing better to do on a Tuesday morning...

How are human beings capable of these things? How?

The Taliban recruits these people from populations that have been victimized and broken and who are hurting in ways we can't even imagine...

And lets not pretend they are the only side killing children. From the Huffpost
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International issued a pair of reports in October fiercely criticizing the secrecy that shrouds the administration's drone program, and calling for investigations into the deaths of drone victims with no apparent connection to terrorism. In Pakistan alone, TBIJ [the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, U.K.] estimates, between 416 and 951 civilians, including 168 to 200 children, have been killed.


I'm aware of their current efforts, but it's clearly not enough to deal with the issue. Large parts of the country are beyond the control of the central government and it is not possible to maintain the peace if you have powerful militant groups running around.

It's not nearly that simple. For one thing are you fine with massive amounts of collateral damage being inflicted by the Pakistani army in this fight?
This entire attack was in retaliation to violence by the Pakistani army in the first place. You do not stop violence by retaliating with violence. You do that and the Taliban will plan something else bigger in response. End the pointless cycle of killing, that's what the Pakistani army needs to do.

Um wat? How exactly? Just give vast swathes of Pakistan to the Taliban to control? Do you really think these fuckers will stop killing? They executed children, it's wasn't a fucking accident, they'll do this shit whatever. Maybe it wouldn't be as public but it will still be happening in the Taliban controlled areas. Anti-violence is great, and commended, unless you're facing a rabid dog, in which case it's pointless.

One of my best friends was working private security on the Afghan Pakistan border, he said it was a fucking joke. The Taliban would cross over, fire a few shots and then retreat to the Pakistan side, the Pakistani soldiers gave no fucks and just let them come and go when they wanted. They'd track them to a border crossing and on occasion could actually see them, but the Pakistani guards were more interested in not letting westerners on their soil. It's just a damn shame that it takes shit like this for them to learn that maybe they were helping the wrong side.


This is really heartbreaking. I worked mostly with kids while I was in Pakistan. This sort of thing really puts a damper on your day :/.
This is such a pathetic attempt at an attack. The lowest of the low. I don't even know how to find words to express myself.

This is one of the saddest day for me as a Pakistani. To think some of them were even little children.

I saw such a depressing image from this attack. It was of the shoe of a little girl from this school, full of blood :'(

RIP to those who died. Those fuckers who attacked deserve far more than death.


This attack is abhorrent. It's evil and unconditionally wrong.
Here's the point you should've stopped.

Blue Submarine No. 6 said:
But it's not inexplicable if you consider conditions on the ground from the other side. These people don't strap bombs to themselves and walk into schools because they have nothing better to do on a Tuesday morning...

Deliberately killing children in revenge then wanting to die to meet your make believe vengeance loving god is pretty inexplicable to most people.

Blue Submarine No. 6 said:
The Taliban recruits these people from populations that have been victimized and broken and who are hurting in ways we can't even imagine...

Oh no, those poor terrorists, that's awful.

Blue Submarine said:
And lets not pretend they are the only side killing children. From the Huffpost

Maybe wait until the bodies are cold to talk politics?

Back on topic... I don't know, it's horrible how desensitized to this we're becoming. Feels like we've seen these attacks before and will again, I'd like something to change so that it didn't, but I don't see how.
It's over. The operation is supposedly doing its clean-up. Army's responding back quick as well.


Hopefully more of these ops will be carried out in the coming days. A very bleak day for Pakistan.
The children were mostly the kids of Pakistani army officers, I don't think the Taliban realise how much chaos they are about to bring to themselves. I don't think the Taliban realise this will Unite the pak people against them not for them. Time to pay up once and for all
Here's the point you should've stopped.

Deliberately killing children in revenge then wanting to die to meet your make believe vengeance loving god is pretty inexplicable to most people.

Oh no, those poor terrorists, that's awful.

Maybe wait until the bodies are cold to talk politics?

Back on topic... I don't know, it's horrible how desensitized to this we're becoming. Feels like we've seen these attacks before and will again, I'd like something to change so that it didn't, but I don't see how.

So what are you trying to say, that these people were motivated by Islam to kill Muslims and we should leave our investigations into the geo-political/socio-economical context at that?

The children were mostly the kids of Pakistani army officers, I don't think the Taliban realise how much chaos they are about to bring to themselves. I don't think the Taliban realise this will Unite the pak people against them not for them. Time to pay up once and for all

It's sad but this particular attack will strike such a chord with people (most victims being children) that I think this may be a watershed moment in Pakistan's fight against Islamist Militants.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
What an awful and sad day for Pakistan. My sincerest condolences.


So what are you trying to say, that these people were motivated by Islam to kill Muslims?

I'm saying their belief is what drives them and I'm saying that there's no excuse for an attack such as this.

It's like the army leaders have said, all these people want to do is kill and be killed.

And like others have said, these religious fanatics target Muslims most of the time anyway, so your question isn't as ludicrous as you make it out to be.
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