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Atheists in Malaysia should be hunted down, minister says

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
In which case I really can't say anything worth reading.
Truest thing you've ever written. You have indeed demonstrated that quite superbly across your posting history.

I dont accept oppression. But they cannot win this battle. They need to get the fuck out or your learn to live with the rules of the land. Thats their realism. I wouldnt want to live there.

I am open to other solutions.
Yeah, I think we all see that you are not interested in anything except peddling your scorn at people who dare to band together over their common persecution. I mean:

Ok fine whats the solution for these idiots who got themselves into this mess? Especially pig boy?
Incredible. Not just calling them idiots, but victim-blaming too. It's disgusting.
It sure is nice but its not realistic in malaysia. I have checked myself. I have lived there its nice for a little while and i love the food but yeah i prefer freedom.

My response is deal with it because thats all they have ic gheu stay there. Please give me something realistic. Fuck they can take the bus to another country its like a hundred bucks to move to thailand but thats not the point. You want that place to suddnely be modernised and civil. News flash that shithole will be like that when you die.

World is cruel. Yes deal with it. You dont need a club to belong to a group to tell you that your are not in a group anymore. You are one fedora away from greatness in that case

If your life is teeming with people following a faith your cannot follow any longer, it is good to be together with people who have similar views, who have similar experiences, who you can openly talk to about things that bother you.
It's basically free therapy.

But you don't care.
You have settled on "everything is bad, everyone needs to accept it, things never change".
What a terrible attitude to have. And so damn wrong, if we look at history. Society can be changed.
And get your victim blaming nonsense out of here. (seriously, "IDIOTS"?)


Yup, just like gays and lasbians should continue to hide in the closet. No wonder you stalk alone. No one would want anything with a 2 face cunt like you. Oh I would just pretend I am religious to fit in. Ah those silly idiots who try to live their lives as they are.
He's absolutely right.

If you're the kind of Atheist who needs to form groups and argue with Theists and convince everyone that your way is better...you are literally no different from the people you defected from.

You've just traded one ideal for another, and used a different thought process to rationalize it.

As an Athiest....I simply do not care what your religion is, or how many people believe in it. It is of absolutely no consequence to me.

Unless a consequence would be forced upon me (topic of this thread), in which case I honestly have no problem lying or choosing an affiliation to keep the peace, or make people feel better around me.

It doesn't matter. The actual stories of religion are nonsense to me....but I understand why people cling to it, so I can empathize with the belief system. All humans face existential dread at some point, religion is just a very convenient (albeit a bit flawed) way to cope.

You are confusing atheism with ignosticism. Ignostics think debating gods and religions is of no use, as those things have no material impact on our reality and people can't even agree on the definition of the words.

You can be both an atheist and an ignostic. I am. But not everyone who is an atheist is.

I can understand the political stand atheists want to take, as convincing others to abandon supernatural religions and instead rely on science and reason to inform their worldview will have major material impacts that are positive in the realm of politics, which actually affects people's lives.


Truest thing you've ever written. You have indeed demonstrated that quite superbly across your posting history.

why thank you, mysterious and ever so respectful fan of mine

You are confusing atheism with ignosticism. Ignostics think debating gods and religions is of no use, as those things have no material impact on our reality and people can't even agree on the definition of the words.

You can be both an atheist and an ignostic. I am. But not everyone who is an atheist is.

I can understand the political stand atheists want to take, as convincing others to abandon supernatural religions and instead rely on science and reason to inform their worldview will have major material impacts that are positive in the realm of politics, which actually affects people's lives.

I mean I might be conflating the two, i've actually never heard the word "ignostic" before so I don't have a word to make the distinction.

But yeah I get that the stance against religion is a more important one when you're in a place where people want to murder you for taking that stance.

And, well, I used to think that the world would be a better place if all supernatural religions were replaced with science. I no longer believe that to be entirely true. I kind of feel like religion is something that's just inherent in humans.

It sure is nice but its not realistic in malaysia. I have checked myself. I have lived there its nice for a little while and i love the food but yeah i prefer freedom.

My response is deal with it because thats all they have ic gheu stay there. Please give me something realistic. Fuck they can take the bus to another country its like a hundred bucks to move to thailand but thats not the point. You want that place to suddnely be modernised and civil. News flash that shithole will be like that when you die.

World is cruel. Yes deal with it. You dont need a club to belong to a group to tell you that your are not in a group anymore. You are one fedora away from greatness in that case

You just sound a bit jaded about Malaysia in general


But death for apostasy seems to be fairly supported even if not carried out, not just in Malaysia either.

It's still wrong, even within a Quaranic framework. Killing people for their beliefs is wrong, the Quran even helpfully points that out.


Religion was, is and will always remain a mistake.

Yep, I truly believe the world will be a much better place once all religions are eradicated, but humanity will probably be long gone before that is even close to happening. Religion is a big business and they will not simply let it go.
Religion is a cancer.

No, Religion /has/ cancer.


Honestly, yes. It's Ideologies around organized religion and their perceived end goals that are the problem. There's nothing inherently wrong with religion or spirituality.
I think eventually Albania will probably be one of the last Islamic theocracies or muslim majority countries that isn't a repressive and hardline state? Turkey, Malaysia, even Pakistan are all going backwards from being open and secular.

This is all Saudi influence. They have been allowed to go unchallenged,to fund hardline groups and promote their hardline Wahabbi Sunni ideology everywhere.

how do Saudis fund their missionary work to spread extremist Islam? do they use oil money? oil money they get from the West? are we funding extremist Islam?


Man the past few days have been really eye opening to how much anti-atheist sentiment there is on GAF.

There is. But this thread really takes it to another level. What's more disturbing is that some of those "well just act like you're not atheist, and get over it" are atheists themselves.

Especially people in the west have this weird perception of atheists as if it's some kind of "white privilege" thing. They laugh at the notion that atheists are still discriminated against or even hunted in many parts of the world.


There is. But this thread really takes it to another level. What's more disturbing is that some of those "well just act like you're not atheist, and get over it" are atheists themselves.

Yeah I wonder how well a statement like that would work about a country where Christians are persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Christian!"

Or where Muslims were persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Muslim!"

Where is this anti-atheist sentiment coming from?


Yeah I wonder how well a statement like that would work about a country where Christians are persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Christian!"

Or where Muslims were persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Muslim!"

Where is this anti-atheist sentiment coming from?

It's people clumsily trying not to criticize Islam or Muslims.


People should be free to believe in what they want without it causing wars, murder, conflicts and more in all places of the world.

Sadly that won't happen for a long while and possibly even never.


Yeah I wonder how well a statement like that would work about a country where Christians are persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Christian!"

Or where Muslims were persecuted: "Well just act like you're not a Muslim!"

Where is this anti-atheist sentiment coming from?

I edited my previous post but i'll answer you too. I seriously think that especially people in the west think that atheists are primarily white and come from a position of privilege. Discrimination and being atheist doesn't register to people as something that would happen and in the west it rarely does.

There is a real struggle for Atheists, especially in Muslim countries. i can speak to that being an ex-muslim myself.

boiled goose

good with gravy
If that is true, then the 'regressive left' is actually a real thing.

I don't think it's that.

It's just that a lot of people, even liberal people, are religious.

Deep down they realize that they have little grounding to criticize other religions and even horrible (though theologically justified) stances like killing apostates.

Criticize one religion and one holy text and the same exact criticisms apply to your own irrational and unjustified views.

It's easier to just say lol atheists.


I don't think it's that.

It's just that a lot of people, even liberal people, are religious.

Deep down they realize that they have little grounding to criticize other religions and even horrible (though theologically justified) stances like killing apostates.

Criticize one religion and one holy text and the same exact criticisms apply to your own irrational and unjustified views.

It's easier to just say lol atheists.

This would be a good point, but some of those people who are saying the atheists should pretend they are not, are atheists themselves.

Honestly, yes. It's Ideologies around organized religion and their perceived end goals that are the problem. There's nothing inherently wrong with religion or spirituality.
I don't think believing in things that are irrational, unprovable or provably wrong and then basing your whole life around those beliefs is a good thing personally.
Last time I read a story about Malaysia, it was about some villagers getting swallowed whole by a giant snake.

You'd think they'd have more important shit to worry about.


I don't think believing in things that are irrational, unprovable or provably wrong and then basing your whole life around those beliefs is a good thing personally.

depends on the religion. some are better than others.

i.e. I don't really have an issue with, say, Quakers, or Bahai, or Sikhism.

I have problems with anti-scientific views, beliefs that would violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and violent/exclusionary religious behaviour.

I am a nonbeliever myself but I wouldn't say all religions are bad. Just some really popular ones. But they are definitely bad, I stand by that. I agree with Harris' "motherload of bad ideas" re: Islam.
depends on the religion. some are better than others.

i.e. I don't really have an issue with, say, Quakers, or Bahai, or Sikhism.

I have problems with anti-scientific views, beliefs that would violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and violent/exclusionary religious behaviour.

I am a nonbeliever myself but I wouldn't say all religions are bad. Just some really popular ones. But they are definitely bad, I stand by that. I agree with Harris' "motherload of bad ideas" re: Islam.
It's the concept of religion itself, to me it doesn't really matter how benign a particular religion might be. I'm not going to deny that people's faith hasn't resulted in positive things, it of course has, I just think that religion as an idea, belief system and guide on the whole is irrational and stifling


depends on the religion. some are better than others.

i.e. I don't really have an issue with, say, Quakers, or Bahai, or Sikhism.

I have problems with anti-scientific views, beliefs that would violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and violent/exclusionary religious behaviour.

I am a nonbeliever myself but I wouldn't say all religions are bad. Just some really popular ones. But they are definitely bad, I stand by that. I agree with Harris' "motherload of bad ideas" re: Islam.

More so some people are better than others. One of my favourite analogies recently is saying most religious people take part in cafeteria-Christianity/Catholicism/Islam. They pick and choose the parts which they feel help them in their day to day lives, and in most cases that involves side-swerving all the misogyny, hate, violence, killing, rape, pillaging, war and some of the daftest claims around science/physics/logic. It focuses more on spiritual belief, prayer, tolerance, wanting an afterlife, love thy neighbour and so on. All of this usually producing people that are very easy to live around and get on with, even if they still have some dogmatic stances.

Literalist believers, or believers who aim to use the horrible shit in the books 1:1, often for political gain, are the ones that seem to head off to violence, oppression, silencing, abuse and worse in the name of their chosen God. When these kinds of people get into government a country is usually absolutely fucked. A forecast of regression, destruction of tolerance and erosion of human rights/liberal values within years. We have literal examples of this with some countries that are not what they were 5 years ago, let alone some from the 70's/80's. It's not just Islamic countries either, some Catholic majority countries are pretty bad for human rights too. It's probably just that Islam has a bit of a monopoly on "Islamic law/Sharia law" ran countries. Whereas the home of Christianity/Catholicism, being most Western countries, have already largely gone through their separation of Church and state battles. There aren't many religiously law/enforced countries around over this side of the pond.

You still get degrees of literalists in protected secular societies (protected meaning separation of church and state/freedom of speech), it's just a lot of them, whether it's Christianity or Catholicism, get "marginalised" to thinking, rather than acting/doing. They can stand about holding up "God hates fags" signs or protesting abortion or saying the world is 6000 years old, but that's the extent of it. Speech, and some regulated protest. Any sort of action, if oppressive/violent/threatening, will routinely get swept up by law and you and your group(s) dealt with. Islam is a growing religion in most Western societies and without a big dissection on it, the tldr, in my opinion, is there is friction and at times violence/conflict coming because some entering Western countries are not used to literalist interpretations (when radical/violent/intolerant) not being accepted/tolerated here. Especially when it comes to physical actions. We begrudgingly put up with those God hates fag signs (but we challenge/criticism them back), but we're not going to let you rape, abuse, hit, and oppress women. If people are coming from societies which rule by religious law, often literalist views from a book, they can't just come to places where it's not tolerated and expect to be able to continue as-is.

The term regressive-left which has reared its head in here is often used to challenge people who act as apologists on behalf of literalists/literalist Governments. They are the evidence that people can lift from the books and take an interpretation as is, and should be spoken about honestly, not apologised for. Regressive views aim to say "nonsense! x, y, or z isn't in the books, these people just think wrongly and aren't the real Christians/Catholics/Islamic followers". "God(s) would never tolerate raping, killing, oppression and all that horrible stuff!". It annoys people as there is no true definition of "real follower". There are simply beliefs, interpretations and actions, and unfortunately, throughout history and still in the current day, literalists, or those seeking to use religious theocracy for political/power gain, can lift plenty of ammunition in any of the Abrahamic books to empower them abusing/killing/hurting/oppressing. Like it or not, in all of the big religions, the book(s) are often full of hypocrisy, one minute saying don't do anything bad/hurtful, the next talking about insane punishment and consequences. It is what it is, you don't need to be an edgy atheist to drop passages from the books online that say messed up things. It's actually really easy to do and we need fewer apologists jumping out from the bushes and more honest discussion to shift more people to "cafeteria" versions of their religions/faiths, not to get them to become nonbelievers, but to accept the books are written of times thousands of years ago (another issue here at times almost unique to Islam is that the texts are supposed to be literal words of God, so it can be challenging getting people to view them as of the times).

Speak openly and honestly about all of this and you have a chance of reforming, liberalising and encouraging more tolerant societies, which can still have religious followers and freedom of religion. Stick your head in the sand, hold your hands over your ears and always be an apologist or regressive for fear of offending someone and you routinely throw women, especially, under a bus. The "regressive left" as it gets called has become such an easy sniping ground for the far-right, and as anyone with a shred of intelligence will tell you if you fail to speak openly, honestly and with educated stances, you give the chance for radical movements to fill that missing void of intellectual dialect with their own nonsense. The answer to being sick of seeing far right mouth pieces talking on TV/news/online is to have reasonable, honest and intelligent mouth pieces get in there first. Not apologists, or those more concerned with trying to get brownie points with their tolerance of intolerance.

boiled goose

good with gravy
This would be a good point, but some of those people who are saying the atheists should pretend they are not, are atheists themselves.

Many of us have either grown up in a culture where religion is put on a pedestal or in a culture where religion doesn't have much influence.

Everyone is vulnerable to prejudice, bias, and socialization regardless of background

depends on the religion. some are better than others.

i.e. I don't really have an issue with, say, Quakers, or Bahai, or Sikhism.

I have problems with anti-scientific views, beliefs that would violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and violent/exclusionary religious behaviour.

I am a nonbeliever myself but I wouldn't say all religions are bad. Just some really popular ones. But they are definitely bad, I stand by that. I agree with Harris' "motherload of bad ideas" re: Islam.

I disagree. The problem is religion itself. Mild religions and liberal religious people provide cover for extreme ones. They point to same text and also say faith and revelation are paths to truth.

And guess what, the extreme views tend to be the ones with better theoglocial grounding.

Harris is objectively wrong there. Objective analysis shows old testament has far more violence than quoran. But he knows jewish people (his mother's side) so he has first hand experience of how a horrible text doesn't necessarily lead to extreme views.

In the US for example such a notion is easily proven wrong. Muslim Americans are more liberal than evangelicals.

The texts become almost irrelevant to doctrine, culture, etc.
These "death to apostate" Muslims, make Islam look like the religious mafia; Once you're in, the only way out is in a box.
It makes me wonder, how many "Muslims" actually believe in Allah? lol


These "death to apostate" Muslims, make Islam look like the religious mafia; Once you're in, the only way out is in a box.
It makes me wonder, how many "Muslims" actually believe in Allah? lol

Things like this do not help


Or the condensed format below where the Doctor living in the UK eventually gives in to Dawkins antagonising and says the Sharia Law countries state the death penalty for apostasy. That does not help perception or reality, and at the very least makes him an apologist whether he lives in a country where it's legal or not. Was probably initially nervous about admitting his views on national TV.


The history of apostasy and the death penalty in Islam is a long one. As much as many hate Dawkins the point above about a Christian child growing up and one day saying enough of this isn't quite in parallel to lots of the anecdotal and real consequences faced by some Muslims.

edit: Maryam Namazie dropping some truth bombs in that 7 min video as well, even back whenever this was filmed, especially around criticism.

I mean, from Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — Islam prescribes death against Muslims who leave the religion for atheism, if they are ”stubborn" and refuse to repent, according to Negri Sembilan mufti Datuk Mohd Yusof Ahmad.

However, he conceded that Shariah courts in the country cannot yet implement such punishments, and as such religious authorities must redouble their efforts to curb the spread of atheism, Malay daily Sinar Harian reported today.

”If they are still stubborn, then the individual must be punished by death. That is the consensus of Muslim scholars," he was quoted saying.

”Considering Islamic laws cannot be implemented 100 per cent in this country, authorities must do what they can to curb this. The jurisprudence has said that even if we cannot do everything, we cannot just leave it out."

The punishment for the offence of apostasy under the controversial Islamic penal law of hudud is death.

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