I played a fair bit of it and then quit. I thought it was average at best, if not mediocre. For me it’s nowhere near as good as similar games such as Bioshock 2 (which I consider to be the best Bioshock) or Prey. A metacritic score of 70 is too high imo.
Well, Bioshock 2 is one of the goats. So it's ok to be inferior when compared to it.
But I would certainly say that gameplay wise, Atomic Heart is much better. Telekinesis alone is more satisfying than anything in B2.
I wont say a thing about Prey because I hated that game. A game where enemy variety is "black goo type 1", "black goo type 2" etc.
And the environments are nowhere near as interesting as the ones in AH, imo.
What we should be hyping up and not to thread steal: Play Prey'17
As stated above: terrible enemy variety, combat feels horrible, samey looking environments, boring af recycling mechanic, boring combat, terrible sound mixing etc.
I've tried so much to love it. I love Bioshock, I also love everything from Arkane (even Deathloop), but Prey is such a boring game to me.
Soundtrack was dope tho
And I've seen spoilers, story goes to some interesting places.