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Attack on Titan Season 2 |OT| NO MANGA TALK

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Last scene interpolated to 60fps. I've watched it so many times, lol.


The actual fight after was good, but this amount of hype building and emotion was amazing.
Erens tears and voice acting were done so well it may have been the first time I actually liked him. Mikasa wasting no seconds in trying to murderize everyone was amazing.

Jesus, that Eren scream at the end is so much better than the dub. lol


The scene build-up is fantastic but the actual transformation was ruined by 3D colossal titan imo. Looks bad. :/


semen stains the mountaintops
Someone did a comparison of the flashback scenes with what they looked like in season 1.


I really dislike how in most animes, you usually get a bunch of shots where they draw the faces a bit off, you can see what I mean in the season 1 pictures, but season 2 so far hasn't had that at all, every face is drawn perfectly. I guess with just 12 episodes to do, that they were able to make those 12 look way better than season 1's, even though they still skimp out on some of the animation.


What, Ymir's backstory? This whole episode is about her inner conflict and motivations. If that's what you're talking about, it doesn't seem out of place at all to elaborate on her backstory.
And we've seen a lot of her and Christa this season. Showing us now was a fantastic decision.


Can someone link me the OST. I feel like anything I search regarding AoT I'm going to get accidentally spoiled on something. lol


The scene build-up is fantastic but the actual transformation was ruined by 3D colossal titan imo. Looks bad. :/

Yeah, that part takes me out of it. Slim hope but I hope it would be replaced with a hand drawn one in the blu ray release.

Jesus, that Eren scream at the end is so much better than the dub. lol

Just checked that part in the dub since I haven't watched that, Erens Titan roar has a lot more, uh, female undertone to it in english?

Looks like the dub has gotten better though. When the first season of it came out I only gave it a brief try because Eren sounded like a weenie but all the characters aged appropriately. If (who am I kidding, when) I do a complete rewatch I might do the dub.


Looks like the dub has gotten better though. When the first season of it came out I only gave it a brief try because Eren sounded like a weenie but all the characters aged appropriately. If (who am I kidding, when) I do a complete rewatch I might do the dub.

I watched it on Toonami. The dub handled the episode and the reveal great, I thought. It's just that final roar from Eren was a stinker.
Reiner and Bertholdt transforming scene is so good! I knew it from manga and have watched the scene more than 20 times and still gives me goosebumps!

Yeah, I've watched it several times more since seeing it again on Toonami, I thought the dub did a fantastic job with it.

So much intrigue! I love it!

All this other new mystery/answers/more mystery stuff going on I'd almost forgotten about the basement and key etc! lol.

Those ending credits are so creepy. XD

Yeah, I've loved the expansion of the mysteries this season.

Finally the OST of season 2 is out!!!!So good!!!

Originally came to the thread to see if anyone had posted this, finally got my copy, and it's so good to have more of this soundtrack on disc, the OST for this season is sooo good again.
I'm kind of sad that the hype and excitement this series had with season 1 has not really carried over to season 2. Of course the 4 year wait certainly didn't help. I just remember this massive momentum the series had in 2013, the show actually got a lot of new people into Anime. There were parodies, memes, fan videos etc.

I feel that Season 2 deserves a lot more love than it's getting. I'm guessing that My Hero Academai has replaced AOT in terms of popularity?


I feel that Season 2 deserves a lot more love than it's getting. I'm guessing that My Hero Academai has replaced AOT in terms of popularity?

I don't think MHA has come close to approaching the cultural zeitgeist AoT achieved back in 2013.

The huge time gap was the main factor here. A shame, but it apparently couldn't be helped.


I don't think MHA has come close to approaching the cultural zeitgeist AoT achieved back in 2013.

The huge time gap was the main factor here. A shame, but it apparently couldn't be helped.

Yup it's just the time gap. Thankfully, the gaps shouldn't be so crazy going forward.


I watched all of kabaneri, was mediocre bordering on bad. Non of the characters are likable because theyre so 2 dimensional, the reveal for the main plot was stulid, and they killed all tension the series could gave had within 2 episodes by making the main characters unkillable. Plus the way the main guy fights is fucking stupid


Exactly my thoughts. I gave it a shot but, jesus is it underwhelming.

Yeah I dropped it in episode 4 or so, was pretty, but not engaging...

I watched all of kabaneri, was mediocre bordering on bad. Non of the characters are likable because theyre so 2 dimensional, the reveal for the main plot was stulid, and they killed all tension the series could gave had within 2 episodes by making the main characters unkillable. Plus the way the main guy fights is fucking stupid

Why? Just why.

I should've dropped it as soon as the main villain showed up, dude just ruined everything. Also it was really weird occasionally hearing comments about how it had the better protagonist (He was smarter, that's it), that their monsters were better than Titans, etc. Even before the show undeniably became total crap, I really don't know how anyone ever got that impression.


I love how pretty much everyone agrees the villain ruined that show.
How you gonna make a villian whose main reason for being evil is fucking daddy issues.

I don't know how people say the show had a better protag when he's given no character development and we're just supposed to give a shit about him immediately. Plus he acts like a coward far too often, even though hes basically immortal. The zombies being better monsters than titans is laughable considering theyre of no threat to anyone important and don t do anything interesting. Plus the plotholes involving the gun technology


How you gonna make a villian whose main reason for being evil is fucking daddy issues.

I don't know how people say the show had a better protag when he's given no character development and we're just supposed to give a shit about him immediately. Plus he acts like a coward far too often, even though hes basically immortal. The zombies being better monsters than titans is laughable considering theyre of no threat to anyone important and don t do anything interesting. Plus the plotholes involving the gun technology

And let's not forget this inexplicable gem:


When the fuck did they gain the ability to do this? Who the hell knows...

I never watched Kanaberi. Wasn't it an AoT imitator?

A very poor one, yes.


I never watched Kanaberi. Wasn't it an AoT imitator?
Yeap, but it failed to invoke any of the tension or intrigue of the show it took inspiration. Show had some serious potential .it should have played out to something akin to snowpiercer mixed with steampunk. Instead it turns into generic shonen

And let's not forget this inexplicable gem:


When the fuck did they gain the ability to do this? Who the hell knows...

A very poor one, yes.
Yeah, that was a headscratcher. Its like they knew they trivialized the monsters and just said fuck it to try and make them relevant. Let's not forget that the main protag took a serum assumedly hours before the destination and all he used it for was to derail a train he could have easily sidestepped


I never watched Kanaberi. Wasn't it an AoT imitator?

Very much so, and made by the same AoT team as well...Makes me wonder they don't have any fresh ideas...

It basically falls off of a cliff as soon as they introduce the dumb, weak, boring villain.

Redemption still might be possible for the 2018 slated season 2...hopefully with all that time they put more work into the villain.

Still tho:



How you gonna make a villian whose main reason for being evil is fucking daddy issues.

I don't know how people say the show had a better protag when he's given no character development and we're just supposed to give a shit about him immediately. Plus he acts like a coward far too often, even though hes basically immortal. The zombies being better monsters than titans is laughable considering theyre of no threat to anyone important and don t do anything interesting. Plus the plotholes involving the gun technology

You lost me here, he didn't strike me anywhere near being a coward except once. I hate how he gave up on chasing Biba only because he thought Mumei tried to kill him. I mean, come on Icoma, there are many other lives at stake if Biba succeeds with his plan than Mumei. But that is the only time I felt he was cowardly. All other times he was using his head, such as trying to get off the train so he didn't infect others.

I should've dropped it as soon as the main villain showed up, dude just ruined everything. Also it was really weird occasionally hearing comments about how it had the better protagonist (He was smarter, that's it), that their monsters were better than Titans, etc. Even before the show undeniably became total crap, I really don't know how anyone ever got that impression.

I agree with everyone here saying the main villain sucked in that show. I liked it, then episode 8 happened then further ruined the Kabane by giving them some sort of power. I was willing to understand the "Black Smoke" though.


So I finally decided to start the second season and phew, shit escalates quickly. Shame we'll have to wait 3-4 years for another season. Also, lmfao at the colossal titan transformation. I really hope they draw over that in the bluray. It was almost berserk-tier levels of bad
Shoot. I guess it is a good time to tie up the Mom-eating titan plotline; Great job bringing it up, Isayama. Also, the fight's such a mess. Erwin contributing despite losing an arm. :D

"Descendants of Devils" -- That's what Bertholdt calls people within the walls. (And that Armin smile fits that description perfectly).

Now time to rewatch it again.
What a fantastic episode. It's one thing reading the manga, but finally seeing this stuff animated was marvelous. Erwin's charge into the horde was wonderful. Armin's sadistic monologue was great and they got his macabre expression in it as well.

And the Smiling Titan returns.

My God Ymir is such a piece of shit. Historia close behind her. And Mikasa is the only one talking sense.

"Nah son, y'all don't get the benefit of the doubt or a redemption arc. Give Eren back or catch these hands."


"i stole the Power of the Titans from one of their comrades."
wait what

and that was like the 5th time Armin's gotten everyone out of some shit. I keep thinking he's actually gonna die tho.

also, mad hype for next week.
I got a little hunch Eren's gonna get his second kill, or turn into a titan for a minute
"i stole the Power of the Titans from one of their comrades."
wait what

and that was like the 5th time Armin's gotten everyone out of some shit. I keep thinking he's actually gonna die tho.

also, mad hype for next week.
I got a little hunch Eren's gonna get his second kill, or turn into a titan for a minute

I think the implication is that
she only gained the ability to titan-shift after she ate one of Reiner/Bertholdt's friends, who was a titan shifter. She was just another brainless titan for half a century before she met them.
We know from last week's flashback that it's not true, so she's lying?

What do you mean? She was a mindless titan until she ate someone we presume to be a titan shifter at which point she reverted back to human and able to shift at will. The person she ate was with Reiner, Betholdt, and Annie all of whom are known titan shifters.


'enry 'ollins
What an episode. Armin and Mikasa upping their death stare game.

Next episode is going to be sooo cathartic with the mom eater titan.

I think the implication is that
she only gained the ability to titan-shift after she ate one of Reiner/Bertholdt's friends, who was a titan shifter. She was just another brainless titan for half a century before she met them.
Yeah this is what I thought she meant.


It definitely makes sense that comrades who lived alongside Bertholdt and Reiner would want to talk and reason things out, but I like how Mikasa is consistently the one who will go "who cares?" and just want to kill them and get it done with. She was the same in the Annie confrontation. Besides her obsession with Eren, she also got her life destroyed a second time by the titans. She pretty much has as much wrath as Eren does.

I thought Armin was about to kill Berthodlt for a sec. I guess the psychological angle is still his thing, though, but I thought that's where it was going to go with "abandoning something."

Obviously wasn't expecting Erwin to get caught like that. And then, instead of everyone losing their motivation with that, they are pushed forward and to their deaths by the commander who stays headstrong even in that situation. Cool scene. Can't help but wonder if he's gonna have his arm grow back, though.


This ep was lit!

After listening the soundtrack I was happy for earing all my fav themes in just one ep. Badass af.

I jumped of my chair with Erwin. Guy is nuts!
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