Don't really like the new opening song.
The ending of the first episode felt too nihilistic to me, even for this show, and I thought the sense of dread and hopelessness prior to Titan Eren introducing supernatural powers, were the best stuff of season 1.
The animation was also disappointing, seemed noticably worse than season 1 at parts, though I never thought this show was much of a looker.
Kind of cool to see them pick right up with the wall titan cliffhanger and introduce the beast titan, but I feel it didn't move things along enough nor did we get to spend enough time with everyone's favorite characters, after such a long hiatus. Felt underwhelming, especially if they are going for a 12 episode season, it should have been a bit tighter and punchier imo.
Idk, I was generally pretty hyped having finally seen the whole first season a few months ago, though, I felt the season started much stronger than it ended. This return makes me think it's a better show to just binge a season at a time and hope it gets back to the highs rather than drag out it's mysteries.