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Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) |OT| MMA Ultra(spider)man (NO MANGA SPOILERS)

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I am just saddened that this awesome season has to come to a close at such an abrupt juncture. This is the mark of an excellent anime series! Can't wait to see the last episode of this season and then season 2 (if there is one). Glad I could be part of the fun!
Hanji is a pretty cool guy, he's a good husbando for sure.



Yeah I was pretty disappointed that (I don't even know if this counts as a spoiler or not anymore)
Eren shoryuken-ing Annie into a church service
was left out but scenes like this:

more than made up for it.

There's probably a 99% chance that they include that scene in the next episode since they're both transformed now.


Knew there was something that made Titan Eren stop mid-fight last time. They really should stop taunting Annie whenever they capture her, it always seems to push her to escape.
Can't wait for next week.

Yeah the added stuff sure made Eren out to be much more indecisive than he was in the manga.
Crazy Eyes Mikasa is always great.

So true. First thing that came to mind was that Mikasa was jealous of Annie.


Thinking back to the Trost Arc, it amazes me how much Armin's and Jean's balls have descended and grown whereas it feels Eren's have shrunk and receded :p
Thinking back to the Trost Arc, it amazes me how much Armin's and Jean's balls have descended and grown whereas it feels Eren's have shrunk and receded :p

To be fair his drive came from his hate and desire for revenge, he "died" and was only saved by becoming the thing he hates most. That and I imagine most kids would be emotionally fucked if they saw their parent get eaten in front of them and had already killed another human at a very young age.
Just finished watching from ep1-24. It started great then the pace when slow.
Then when they all got into recon
everything got damn exciting and interesting. The story has so much potential, I LOVE IT! Can't wait for the next episode.
Everyone talking about how Eren's indecisiveness being filler are so right. Just took at peak at the manga for the episode (nothing ahead of course) and the indecisiveness is essentially nonexistent. I'm surprised at how much liberty was taken here.

And does Eren know how to use the 3D maneuver gear? Not truly a serious question but kind of. All the trainees and everyone else you see swinging and chopping but ever since Eren transformed for the first time he's gone from Titan to in custody to Titan to in custody. It's like he never gets to do what he really trained for. It hasn't been since that first fight in which he got swallowed has he done anything with the gear.

I have no idea the direction the story will go in but I want the gear to still be a major part of it. I'm really hoping that it doesn't deteriorate into gear being an afterthought and all but the best (or really just Levi) getting smacked instantly by titans who know how to think and the real fight being between titans. Yet unless they do something about the hardening ability this is probably what will happen.

I guess the biggest issue on the table now is Annie's motives. She's clearly working for someone who has too much ambition. However the last line of the preview makes me think that maybe Annie's motives aren't even that big in the grand scheme of things. That last line scares me a little. I'd like to continue liking this series. Please don't do anything stupid.

I get the impression that it's going to be a long wait until more of the story is animated. It's going to be hard but the best way for me to avoid spoilers will be to temporarily just forget about this whole thing. Rewatching older episodes is just going to tempt me to look at the manga.
Is it just me or does Eren most of the time seem like Frodo from LOTR? Darn hopeless and someone else always bringing him to reality.

Anyways dat adrenaline rush at the end !

Next week's ep will be the finale right?


To be fair his drive came from his hate and desire for revenge, he "died" and was only saved by becoming the thing he hates most. That and I imagine most kids would be emotionally fucked if they saw their parent get eaten in front of them and had already killed another human at a very young age.

yea, i don't get the Eren hate. I like his character. I think it makes his Titan scenes much more dramatic and badass whenever he transforms. Sure, they do stuff with him just to extend some scenes or add drama but I'm not annoyed or irritated with him like other people who watch the show.
I have no idea the direction the story will go in but I want the gear to still be a major part of it. I'm really hoping that it doesn't deteriorate into gear being an afterthought and all but the best (or really just Levi) getting smacked instantly by titans who know how to think and the real fight being between titans. Yet unless they do something about the hardening ability this is probably what will happen.

I have a feeling that the story will be like Titans vs titans. Not really humans vs titans.


Episode 24

The cops suck too. What the hell's the logic behind
pointing a gun at the dude who's risking his life to save all of theirs?
Episode really showed the juxtaposition between the Recon Corps. and the Military Police and how the latter are useless.

That was just dumb writing. There was no provocation or obvious selfish motivation for that action. They guy didn't even look or act crazy in previous episodes.

The way they should've handled it is by
having reports trickle in that a Titan appeared within the wall. That alone is enough of a reason to make anyone trying to run away from them go crazy. Since Erwin seemed to obviously know a Titan would be present you can make one of 2 conclusions. 1 the titan was always there and he is trying to fix the problem b b b but that's impossible. 2 Erwin is somehow a traitor and allowed a Titan to get in to make the recon corps look good. The dialogue could've had him put for ward those 2 theories and reject the first because it implies he and his fellow Military Police failed badly.


Attack On 24

Awesome episode. The battle scenes were fucking amazing since the focus was on 3DMG-Spiderman-meets-Cirque-du-Soleil-on-cocaine-action and Female Titan wraith and desperation. The Female Titan's kill counter rises and rises and it took some time until Eren finally realizes that even friends can turn into enemies in matter of seconds.

Many people criticize him for being "whiny" and "weak", but those seem to be mostly people to whom character development means nothing. Dude has seen some shit, has always all the pressure on him and everybody tells him what to do. Cut him some slack! He is so often confronted with his own death, be it by Titans or humans who are scared of him; he's always under observation and has to deal with so much shit like watching his new comrades dying. And now it turns out it was a person of his own group who did all this - Eren is still a young boy, he isn't up to every trick since he doesn't watch dozens of anime shows a day and posts on message boards afterwards; and that's a good thing. ;)

I was slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see Commander Erwin in action, but Mikasa's rampage made up for it. Jean has turned from asshole to one of the most likeable characters to me, and man: Armin has become such a great man; he has a bright future if he stays the way he is. He always was the most intelligent character on the show and we can only hope that nothing bad will happen to him!

Also, dem Hanji eyes - we still didn't see her really in action, but holy shit she and Levi know how to scare the shit out of the Female Titan. It seems like everytime somebody tells her that she's getting her ass kicked until she gives out all the information, the Female Titans panics. There seems to be a much bigger picture than we tought before and we can only hope to see more of that in the next season.


Okay, now that the guy who made the original manga spoiler thing edited it, could we please have the one other user who quoted him/her edit it as well? It doesn't help at all if a quote of the original post still contains the spoiler!

Every week, I come to this thread expecting fun and healthy speculation, and get spoiled to hell and back instead, when the topic specifies NO MANGA SPOILERS. I mean, give me a fucking break! I don't get exactly what the spoiler meant, but my brain is already hard at work thinking about it even if I don't conciously want to.

...Eh, back to less spiteful things, I loved this episode. Eren indeed looks like a superficial Shinji surrogate, having transformation impotence simply for the plot's convenience, though.
First he's all sympathetic about the female titan, then he bounces back to thinking about how everybody else is fighting her until he appears to lose all reason and goes full KOROSU mode. The supporting cast, however, really got to shine, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Hanji was especially nice, because her borderline pathological fixation on titans really sets her apart from everybody else, who fears them. Also, that NEP was quite ominous

At times, I think about how different the show could've been if Eren had gotten killed for real back in episode five. I don't find a reason why I'd care about Eren, as everybody around him seems a lot more interesting and appears to get more character development; he's just a naïve, childish and brash kid who happens to be instrumental in the fight against the titans, and has gone as far as to become somewhat of an icon of hope, being the only human/titan we know of that is on humanity's side. I guess it does make sense if you see him as some sort of incorruptible pure being that's surrounded by people who have chosen to slowly let go off of their humanity for ulterior motives, though.

Eren was a very interesting character. He held a rage without boundaries against the enemy that forced him to live a life of livestock and eventually killed his mother and destroyed the lives of people he loves.

In spite of his ambition he wasn't really a capable person and had to make himself half way decent through sheer willpower and never say die attitude.
Even though on some level he was acting like a lunatic his charisma was apparent and it was uplifting to see him bolster the courage of everyone around him.

His comeuppance at Trost could've been the end of Eren's chapter as the main character and would've elevated this show to further greatness as people try to find that courage now that he isn't there to embolden them. The writer decided to not take this route and could've made Eren an interesting character but grossly mishandled it.

Eren should be having second thoughts about the fact he needed to be the enemy he hates. Eren still should've held onto that rage he had before and be struggling with his uncertainty of his place in the world now that he is a Titan. He shouldn't have regained it during this episode.

-They left out the scene of
Annie offering to train Eren
back in their bootcamp days. I'd been hoping they would include it since it was cut from episode four. Without that scene for context,
Eren's hesitation looks pretty silly, since it seems like the only time he actually interacted with Annie was when she beat him up that one time.

Thanks for confirming this. I suspected Eren was hesitating because he had bonded more than was shown on screen. They dropped the ball here.

Poor Mikasa. She's got competition.
- Mark all spoilers for the latest episode and avoid using gifs/images/etc which have any plot elements in them for impression posts
- Episodes older than the most recent episode can be discussed without spoiler tags to avoid clutter and to allow people to know what they should avoid more easily

It's right there in the fucking OP, people. Thanks.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
So every new scene is invalid and can be called filler when it isn't in the original? Or do I misunderstand something here

Haven't most people in the last few pages praised the stuff they added for filler? The above poster just questioned whether or not those scenes should be called filler. I feel in the way it's used in this adaptation it's filler because it doesn't really change or add that much, but mainly pads out an episode. It's not like Berserk where they completely take out characters/events and adapt it in a different way, or Claymore where they stick to the manga and then warp an ending. These are just tiny scenes used to flesh stuff out, but they're not from the manga author.


I am starting to think this anime would be better if eren just died already.
Mikasa or Levi would be so much more interesting than sad wimpy anime man child number 129379821 that needs a pep talk every freaking time to move his ass and help out.
The animation is awesome, seriously why do some of the bigger anime fail to get decent animation like this? One Piece, Bleach and Naruto all had doses of great animation but a lot of the times it's pretty poor too. Shame.

Also Eren is such a little bitch, dude needs to man up.


Eren interacted with Annie literally once during the entire course of this show. My confusion is nearing dangerously critical levels.

Well they did skip over like, most of 2-3 years of training. They probably got to know each other during those times. Annie was probably distant and unsociable but they probably still did their training together and the others felt they could trust her just like anyone else in the 104th. Like how Armin and Marco have like, no time together but suddenly Armin knows his gear well enough to tell it apart from all the others by its scratches. We just have to assume during their time training that wasn't shown they did stuff soldiers training together would do.

Also what's with all the Eren hate? Is it because he's not someone like Goku or one of the badass super cool slicey slicey characters? He's still a kid. He's seen fucked up things and had fucked up things happen to him. Of coruse he's gonna be scared and indecisive and make mistakes. He's still learning. Also, it's not like his ability is well recorded and standard plus he's fighting against a former trainee and is confused on why she is betraying humanity.

If you want to hate on a character hate on Armin. They guy is smart and a good tactician but he's not even swung a sword at something yet. He's more scared than Eren most of the time and spent like 3 episodes crying. Though I guess it's fine for Erin to have those natural reactions to things because he's the sidekick character that was picked on?

I personally find Mikasa and Levi quite boring. Both don't really show much emotion (Mikasa's emotions seem to solely focus on Eren) and both are badass characters with super combat abilities. Levi is kind of a dick and Mikasa just wants to follow Eren around and protect him (which kinda makes sense as he did save her life). And is badass character number 1226572 really more interesting than a character that has some depth?
Man....this series sure does know how to turn on the awesome switch when it wants to. That was probably my second favourite episode so far just falling shy of episode 21. Some of the animation here is top shelf stuff.

Even though the OST seems limited and they keep on reusing the same tracks over and over, it still gets you so damn pumped! I was smiling like a madman when I realised
Eren VS Annie round 2
was gonna happen!


Another fantastic episode. I'm most certainly going to be getting the Blu-Ray set when it comes out in America (and if it isn't treated horribly like Madoka was in the U.S.).

This show had some ups and downs, but it's getting into my top ten list for best animes this year.
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