Passive Assassin
Very apt.
It annoys me that they screw up the English grammar for the title. It's not Attack on Titan. It's "The Attacking/Raging/Rushing/Incoming Titans". Something like that. Attack on Titan doesn't make sense.
After watching episode 11... and this is why I stopped watching anime. this make 4 episodes in a row filled with high pitched whinning followed by fast snap pan to shocked faces over some line in said whining...
That's some sick burn. Lol.
Very apt.
And this is why you dont go doing anime of a manga series that isnt finished yet.
That's not the problem here, they already have more material than they can fit in 25 episodes.
They couldn't possibly go fast enough to catch up to the manga in two cours. Like Basileus777 said, that's not the problem, here.At this rate with how they are stretching it out yeah of course they have more material than they can fit in 25 episodes.
The obvious production issues on display in this show have made me realize I really don't know anything about the typical anime production cycle. Is it always produced under such a tight schedule (apparently finishing the episode the week it airs) or is this some weird special case?
The obvious production issues on display in this show have made me realize I really don't know anything about the typical anime production cycle. Is it always produced under such a tight schedule (apparently finishing the episode the week it airs) or is this some weird special case?
The obvious production issues on display in this show have made me realize I really don't know anything about the typical anime production cycle. Is it always produced under such a tight schedule (apparently finishing the episode the week it airs) or is this some weird special case?
Fuck. The last three episodes have been so bad.
How can you go from having a beautiful first half-cour to this slow movingslideshow? I just want to be done with this and start reading the manga.QUALITY
The entire budget for episodes 8-12. (12mb gif)
Wow. I can totally revisit the me of like a decade ago. Blade of the Immortal and Gantz are both done. Berserk will never be done, though.
Attack on EviLore Ever Watching This Series Again
Not gonna give it one more ep after that ending?
The anime pacing is bad man... so bad.
Again, the fact the manga is still ongoing isn't an issue as they couldn't possibly catch up to it anyway, at their current pace.I guess the problem is where they are going to finnish the current season, considering the manga is still ongoing.
Fuck man watching them rappel around like that always gets me HYPED!Attack on..........damn it. Yeah, Attack On File Size of the GIF I posted. I tried to cut out the part where he transformed, I assumed it was spoiler.
Repost of it:
I used Photoshop to make sure no frames were dropped. ( Like GIFCam and stuff )
Started watching the first episode, will finish it tomorrow.. but they must have a really low animation budget.. a lot of still-frames! Quite sad to see.
Even if the gears are all the same, it depends on how efficient the users are using them. Mikasa is hailed as an unprecedented genius who can master anything she attempts to learn, she's fast, strong, precise and intelligent to boost.You know, what I really don't get ishow Mikasa is able to kill titans without getting instantly grabbed like nearly everyone else. Is the explanation just that she is fast? How could that even be a factor if what is actually propelling them around has nothing to do with the users speed?
Even if the gears are all the same, it depends on how efficient the users are using them. Mikasa is hailed as an unprecedented genius who can master anything she attempts to learn, she's fast, strong, precise and intelligent to boost.
I was trying to be as objective as I can, I swear.
There will be no break.Will it go on a break after episode 12 or will it continue into the summer season?
OST preview
gawddayum there are really nice songs in here