That episode was pretty damn good. Make that 2 weeks until our new OP. The next episode is memories/recap, which makes it episode 13.5.
What's up with the weird pans in Shingeki 13? Am I the only one that noticed it?
My third favorite character is dead.![]()
Ep 13
Pretty good episode as we finally had something meaningful happen.
What was up with some of the weird pans and cuts though?
Too bad about the recap episode next week, but it was to be expected.
Yea, episode 13 is certainly the best episode since episode 8 and an actually solid offering that entertained and was watchably paced. Really, if the more of the series was like this, the hype would have been justified. Of course, we all have to march through the dreadfulness of a recap episode.
It's hard to enjoy a show knowing the people who make it HATE working on it because of near slave labor conditions and being underpaid and rushed all the time
Chances are you've enjoyed a lot of stuff that was made as a result of near slave labor conditions and underpaid workers.
I think the hype was justified. I mean, a 9:2:2 ratio of good:average:bad episodes is great - not sure what anime you're watching if that's not hype-worthy!
Chances are you've enjoyed a lot of stuff that was made as a result of near slave labor conditions and underpaid workers.
Both Oath Sign and To The Beginning are fantastic songs. I don't see any reason to try and rank one over the other since they sound so different.
Both EDs for F/Z are fantastic too, but the hidden gem of the series is Manten, the song used as the ED for episodes 18/19, better known as"Kiritsugu Begins".
So, with the week off, what's a good sampler of recent (past 5 years or so) anime series to try out?
Turned HunterxHunter off 20 second into the credits, got through some sci-fi anime about weird space squids and earth last night, which I'll hunt down again tonight for Ep2.
So, with the week off, what's a good sampler of recent (past 5 years or so) anime series to try out?
Turned HunterxHunter off 20 second into the credits, got through some sci-fi anime about weird space squids and earth last night, which I'll hunt down again tonight for Ep2.
No, nothing from this show has justified the calls of OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE GREATEST ANIME EVER! hype it has been getting.
Eh. Not greatest ever, no, but certainly a contender for the best of the last 2-3 years. It's this, Hunter, or JoJo.
Turned HunterxHunter off 20 second into the credits, got through some sci-fi anime about weird space squids and earth last night, which I'll hunt down again tonight for Ep2.
Before Attack on Titan, I think the last anime I got into was FMA: Brotherhood. I just like relatively well-written, serious stuff. (Hence why HunterxHunter turned me off- it looks like some unholy spawn of Pokemon and JoJo's.)20 seconds into the credits of episode 1? Because the beginning (and ESPECIALLY the OP) is very misleading in showing just what kind of series HxH is. It gets really friggin dark. And I don't mean that in the "dark things happen when you think about them, but kids wouldn't get that" way. I mean in a straight up "this is fucked up" way, especially the most recent arc, which is comparable to Attack on Titan in many ways. Also, the action and animation are top-notch, giving us some fantastic fight scenes.
Anyway, regarding more recommendations, what kind of stuff do you like?
Heh, Hunter x Hunter and Gargantia are both very different from what their opening episode suggests.Though the former may require too big a time investment before it really shines.
Before Attack on Titan, I think the last anime I got into was FMA: Brotherhood. I just like relatively well-written, serious stuff. (Hence why HunterxHunter turned me off- it looks like some unholy spawn of Pokemon and JoJo's.)
Just visually, that was what it read as.wat. HxH is nothing like Pokemon or Jojo lol.
Before Attack on Titan, I think the last anime I got into was FMA: Brotherhood. I just like relatively well-written, serious stuff. (Hence why HunterxHunter turned me off- it looks like some unholy spawn of Pokemon and JoJo's.)
Looking through the top 10 lists.... I think I may just be in short supply, lol. (Sooooo much HS drama.)HxH is nearly 100% serious after the first few arcs. There's a reason people call it a deconstruction of standard shounen series.
I'm going to need a bit more information about what you like, like genres and stuff. Well-written and serious are pretty vague qualifiers. I'd recommend more stuff in the same genre as FMA, but many people would consider a lot of it poorly-written, so that won't mean much.
Looking through the top 10 lists.... I think I may just be in short supply, lol. (Sooooo much HS drama.)
So, with the week off, what's a good sampler of recent (past 5 years or so) anime series to try out?
Turned HunterxHunter off 20 second into the credits, got through some sci-fi anime about weird space squids and earth last night, which I'll hunt down again tonight for Ep2.
Oh dear, Attack on Titan is so terrible people will rather talk about other shows instead! Lololol.
finally moving the rock yess
That gif is true art. ;_;
I hope Wit Studio doesn't die making the new OP/ED. It would be a waste if all they could salvage from the recap break is time to make those. Lulz.
They should just not make a new one. They're never going to top the first anyway.