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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill



I'm late to the party with the ADR news - but this gif sums up ADR's WWE career pretty well.

Honestly, assuming this all isn't a work of some sort, I think the collective loss of 3MB was a bigger loss than ADR. At least 3MB could get reactions from a crowd once and a while.

Del Rio constantly kept getting shoved into the WWE/WHC picture despite nobody giving a shit about him whether he was face or heel. The only thing that got him remotely over was Ricardo as his ring announcer. The biggest pop ADR was ever involved in that I saw was when Ziggler cashed in MITB against him (and I think that audience was just collectively happy that Zigger was cashing in and ADR was going to not have the belt). The guy may have been a good worker, but that's really about it. Everything else about him was pretty sub-par.


Virgil's stretching is what really makes that gif. Like the guy who slips and then acts like they were about to tie their shoes.
I'm late to the party with the ADR news - but this gif sums up ADR's WWE career pretty well.

Honestly, assuming this all isn't a work of some sort, I think the collective loss of 3MB was a bigger loss than ADR. At least 3MB could get reactions from a crowd once and a while.

Del Rio constantly kept getting shoved into the WWE/WHC picture despite nobody giving a shit about him whether he was face or heel. The only thing that got him remotely over was Ricardo as his ring announcer. The biggest pop ADR was ever involved in that I saw was when Ziggler cashed in MITB against him (and I think that audience was just collectively happy that Zigger was cashing in and ADR was going to not have the belt). The guy may have been a good worker, but that's really about it. Everything else about him was pretty sub-par.

Hey, any time someone who can put on good matches gets fired it's a bad thing, imho. And ADR was a very rare Mexican character that wasn't just a lame stereotype.


Del Rio accomplished a lot on a short period of time. He doesn't need our tears. Got the million dollar man treatment, wwe belt, world belt, royal rumble winner, money in the bank.
Many wish.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good new av jmdajr. Del Rio will be missed, but his booking won't.


I enjoy ADR. Especially on PPV. Always put on a high quality PPV match. He's one of the many who suffer from lack of jobber matches, so you end up getting ADR vs Kofi 23 times in a year.


So not worth it
Hey, any time someone who can put on good matches gets fired it's a bad thing, imho. And ADR was a very rare Mexican character that wasn't just a lame stereotype.

As much as I want to agree, I couldn't tell you a single Del Rio must-see match from his entire WWE career.

Maybe he had them, but the fact that I can't remember is pretty telling. I can tell you a match to watch from pretty much any WWE regular, but not Del Rio.

I remember three Del Rio moments though off the top of my head: Ricardo taking a great bump in a ladder match (maybe it was TLC against Punk and Miz or something?) and him botching that bucket spot with Big Show (Wanna say it was at a Rumble?) where Show had to stand there holding the bucket so Del Rio could re-do the kick. And of course the match against Sin Cara where the guy dislocated his fingers and Del Rio wanted to kick the shit out of him afterwards.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Del Rio definitely suffered from there being no jobber matches. He's had to job out lots of matches that ruined his perceived position.


I remember three Del Rio moments though off the top of my head: Ricardo taking a great bump in a ladder match (maybe it was TLC against Punk and Miz or something?) and him botching that bucket spot with Big Show (Wanna say it was at a Rumble?) where Show had to stand there holding the bucket so Del Rio could re-do the kick. And of course the match against Sin Cara where the guy dislocated his fingers and Del Rio wanted to kick the shit out of him afterwards.

That was great.

Most memorable for me. When Cena called him a phony, and when he ran over Santa


Good ADR matches to watch:

All the matches with Rey in 2010. All matches with Christian over the years. The LMS with Cena just because of how unique it was with the ring being destroyed. I liked his matches with Sheamus. ER match against Ziggler was really good. He was just a quality guy who could go out and have a decent match with anyone, never bad, some times really good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The original ADR gimmick was amazing where he was a wealthy man who was stupidly confident. Like he was wrestling as a casual hobby rather than it being his life.

Stupid INTENSE ADR was what sucked. Edge's injury that lead to Christian getting the title killed ADR's momentum, and Cena buried the body.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think a lot of people saying ADR was no good are afraid to admit that he did a lot in four years and had a great run for the first half of his brief career.
I never liked ADR. The two best ADR related moments were when Ricardo entered the Rumble with a beat up jalopy and ADR's music and that face he made when he tore his groin and was sitting in a wheelchair that I liked to use as a reaction gif. Good riddance.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I never liked ADR. The two best ADR related moments were when Ricardo entered the Rumble with a beat up jalopy and ADR's music and that face he made when he tore his groin and was sitting in a wheelchair that I liked to use as a reaction gif. Good riddance.

Those were two of my favorite things as well but no good riddance here.
The original ADR gimmick was amazing where he was a wealthy man who was stupidly confident. Like he was wrestling as a casual hobby rather than it being his life.

Stupid INTENSE ADR was what sucked. Edge's injury that lead to Christian getting the title killed ADR's momentum, and Cena buried the body.

Intense ADR was good in spurts. Like glimpses of a guy who could be a super badass if he wanted to, but was too busy being rich, shopping for scarves, and bossing around his servant.

Then there was some report that they wanted ADR to be more aggressive, but he never turned it off, likely thinking that would get him a real push with a real payoff. Unfortunately, they WWE'd him into oblivion, ruined a potentially great relationship between him and Ricardo, then bounced him around the 50/50 Infinity Match Loop with Kofi, Ziggler, Christian, etc. There was no coming back from that with the current Creative™ team.
Del Rio had a good run. I wasn't that much a fan of his but he definitely did pay his dues. Getting rid of Ricardo was a big loss, as was the change in his theme and entrance.

I do not look forward to hearing, "Tazz, what is DOS CARAS doing in the Impact Zone?!"

Edit: Oh. I won't even hear that because I don't even watch Impact Wrestling(tm)!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remember that time he had the jobber on the ropes, winked, and pushed him off?

I can't find the gif, and I liked how ADR would always try to rip Rey's mask off during the match. That's like rudo 101 , and no one in WWE does it


The ADR-Christian thing is so hilarious.

You have a heel who's coming off a Rumble win and a WHC match with Edge at Mania, and a face who's over with the crowd. Perfect opportunity to create a credible player in the main event instead of your usual Orton and Cena garbage. But instead, ADR's dropped out of the program and goes into that direction-less world, Christian turns heel when it had no reason to ever happen, and Randy Orton is inserted into the show's main program. If Orton was this big draw, I could understand, but he isn't, and never was. So instead of helping out two guys who could use the benefits, it's just there to give Orton the title and get carried by Christian at PPV's.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As an aside,

oh my god Jacquelyn was hot in WCW. I have NO idea why she's with Kevin Sullivan though.

Weird that Jackie has wrestled both Hector and Chavo Classic. Guerreros must be down with the swirl


As we previously noted, WWE has been wanting to come up with some tie in between Kane’s “See No Evil” character Jacob Goodnight and his TV character. This has lead to speculation that Kane removed his mask on Raw this week and gave it to Stephanie because WWE intends to bring the Jacob Goodnight character to TV.



I think a lot of people saying ADR was no good are afraid to admit that he did a lot in four years and had a great run for the first half of his brief career.

within two years of his debut he won the rumble, made it to wrestlemania, and had championships.

Plus his "destiny" gimmick was amazing especially with his lineup of rental cars. Lets just be real here, he got fed to cena and haven't been the same ever since...


So not worth it
I highly doubt that Kane news.

This is a guy that never ever breaks kayfabe and literally gets mad if you even mention Isaac Yankem to him, why would he suddenly change characters on-screen after two decades?

I think a lot of people saying ADR was no good are afraid to admit that he did a lot in four years and had a great run for the first half of his brief career.

As for this, I am in no way saying Del Rio is a bad wrestler or anything. It's just that he never did anything for me, I just never found him entertaining. This is personal preference, of course.
Del rio and Sheamus are two guys who neede a little extra something to get over. Good workers but lacked the "IT" factor to connect with the crowd. Did not help eather guy that they were locked in a deul of the fates for half a year.

the best ADR moments were his opponet doing something to him. like shittin in his car. or cashing in on him

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I forgot the time he ripped off Sin Cara Uno's mask and stomped on him another time when he dislocated his thumb. Those were both awesome too.

Oh god yes, the time his mask went all the way up. Good times


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Black Trunks Del Rio was cursed. White Trunks Del Rio was great.


Remember when Booker was talking about how hideous Sin Cara was and Cole was saying he looked like a normal guy with a crew cut? Bring Booker back!

Booker could also tell who the real Sin Cara was because of a scuff on his boots or something

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As a wrestler, Alberto Del Rio is one of the best in terms of just being able to do moves. His armbreaker, his german suplex, and his enzuigiri are beautiful. I will put his enzuigiri up against anyones and say his is the best of all time. Even though he could go to Mexico and draw a huge crowd, I always found it funny how much more similar his style was to Japanese wrestling, probably due to his time in Deep and Pride.

I think he would be a big deal for NJPW if they wanted to pursue. Like a really big deal.
As a wrestler, Alberto Del Rio is one of the best in terms of just being able to do moves. His armbreaker, his german suplex, and his enzuigiri are beautiful. I will put his enzuigiri up against anyones and say his is the best of all time. Even though he could go to Mexico and draw a huge crowd, I always found it funny how much more similar his style was to Japanese wrestling, probably due to his time in Deep and Pride.

I think he would be a big deal for NJPW if they wanted to pursue. Like a really big deal.

his enzuigiri was good when he wasn't botching it

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As a wrestler, Alberto Del Rio is one of the best in terms of just being able to do moves. His armbreaker, his german suplex, and his enzuigiri are beautiful. I will put his enzuigiri up against anyones and say his is the best of all time. Even though he could go to Mexico and draw a huge crowd, I always found it funny how much more similar his style was to Japanese wrestling, probably due to his time in Deep and Pride.

I think he would be a big deal for NJPW if they wanted to pursue. Like a really big deal.

fairly quick

Del Rio would be a lot of fun in Japan, you're right - and he'd fit their style real goddamn well. Hope he's not done.


I feel like Sheamus is going to do the way of ADR soon if nothing interesting is done to his character. The guy is also great in the ring but you wouldn't remember with the lack of direction in his career and his easy-to-hate face booking.
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