Fave five wrestler interviews out of character. So like guys in shoot interviews and the little 'talking head' style things that KC puts out.
5. Undertaker. Anyone who shits on Big Show being lazy is good by me. And I like watching him no selling Vader acting like a moron
4. X-Pac when he's sober. There's no other wrestler that I've heard in a shoot that comes off loving wrestling as much as X-Pac. He's a guy that, when you listen to him talk, you have a really hard time believing you ever hated him. Just seems like an awesome guy who took a bad turn somewhere.
3. Simon Dean. A recent one. I have no interest in Nova in ECW, and I never found him that compelling of a wrestler. He kind of had the Kanyon and Al Snow and all those other things for me. Like, yeah, you're competent, but you just don't do much for me. Simon Dean was a great gimmick, but it was hard to get behind for long because you knew it had a low ceiling. Still, the guy who plays Simon Dean is one interesting dude. He almost never seems bitter, he seems so happy to move on with his life, yet he can acknolwedge all the great things wrestling has done for him. He talks about a lot of wrestlers who you don't normally get to hear about, and he's able to provide information about the WWE offices as a talent, which is incredibly fascinating.
2. Bret Hart. Probably full of shit a lot of the time. Arrogant, very 'Captain Hindsight', but I dig it about Bret. He's just so honest about his opinion. I think people have issue with that because they think his opinion is fact when it's just opinion. He got WWE to do a DVD of him, and he got them to let him say whatever the hell he wanted. He also has an interesting perspective on that era of wrestling due to him kind of having a more 'old school' mentality.
1. Kevin Nash. This one's obvious. He's charming, he's funny, he's smart, my favorite incarnation of Kevin Nash has little to do with wrestling. He has a fresh view on wrestling and outside of a few interviews, he always comes off as nowhere near as bitter as most wrestlers. Even when he fucking says fucking every other fucking word even though i fucking know he can turn it off whenever he fucking wants, I get excited whenever they get him in a shoot. I also like to hear him talk because you can tell that he understands wrestling is about money, but he still loves it in some ways. He just doesn't let it rule his life.