I do hope the US sales can carry the Xbox One, because I'm telling you guys, that thing is gonna bomb so hard in Europe... it won't be pretty.
I thought it was out in Europe already?
It is going to bomb massively there I think.
I do hope the US sales can carry the Xbox One, because I'm telling you guys, that thing is gonna bomb so hard in Europe... it won't be pretty.
I thought it was out in Europe already?
It is going to bomb massively there I think.
This affair angle is so stupid.
Select regions only (Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK I believe), Netherlands (previous tier 1 country) and others are not getting it until September 5th.
What's the point of a ladies grudge match in a PG-13 show?!! Haven't watched in long time, can Brie wrestle now? Who's gonna carry this match?
Yeah. The Steph/Brie feud was kind of cringe worthy already, now it just descended into the "I don't even fucking care" realm.
Honestly I'm kind of surprised WWE didn't try to add a more personal twist to Brock/Cena. Usually modern WWE tries to avoid feuds that revolve around two people simply not liking each other having a match.
Ah okay, thanks.
Europe was mostly in favor of the PS3 last gen right? I dont see that changing this gen.
All the money they're paying Brock you think he'd sign up for some bullshit personal feud?Yeah. The Steph/Brie feud was kind of cringe worthy already, now it just descended into the "I don't even fucking care" realm.
Honestly I'm kind of surprised WWE didn't try to add a more personal twist to Brock/Cena. Usually modern WWE tries to avoid feuds that revolve around two people simply not liking each other having a match.
Ah okay, thanks.
Europe was mostly in favor of the PS3 last gen right? I dont see that changing this gen.
I fear they're already making him more of a "goofball" as their Top Face Template goes. I thought they'd at least wait til after he wins the title for that.
William Regal came to a wrestling show I was taking part in in California almost a year ago exactly, I believe it was Aug. 31 of last year, and it was for PWG, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. The match I had that night, I think did a lot. I had never met William Regal before; I didnt know him at all. I had great respect for him already; hes actually been one of my favorite wrestlers for quite some time. To have him watch my match and take the time to tell me what he thought and give me advice was already great, but then a couple days later, I was contacted to see if I wanted to be part of a tryout camp. Just to have somebody like William Regal have enough esteem for me to go as far as to actually recommend me for a tryout meant a lot. Then I went to the tryout camp and I got through it, and what made me stand out were the promos, where we basically had to sell ourselves verbally. Thats always been one of my strong suits the way I talk and what I say. I make it count, and I think that went pretty far in getting me to where I am now.
Kevin Steen is trending on Twitter.
I'm sure some dude in WWE is going ape shit right now.
That's new.
That's new.
I marked out hard when Orndorff came out. He looks so insane now.
That's new.
uh... wasn't it supposed to be $19.99?
they're fucking crazy. way to devalue your product. besides, as long as the paypal exploit exists (and we know 100k+ people were aware of said exploit), who's going to pay $12.99 when they can just pay $9.99 for Summer Slam and cancel?
Yeah, Kevin Steen.
Just can't stand Sheamus. Every time I see he's about to do the 10 chest punches I mute it because I can't stand it. Hard to believe Ithil is such a huge mark for this guy.
That's new.
Still not going to help the Network. It's not a price thing, and I don't even think it's a commitment thing. It's a 'you are overestimating the hell out of your fanbase's interest in watching wrestling other than raw/PPVs' thing.
Everyone I showed the Network to asked if you could watch RAW & Smackdown on it and were surprised to find you couldn't - it's a good deal when you consider the regular price of PPVs, but I agree that they're probably over-estimating how many fans want to watch old stuff, as well as drip-feeding the content too slowly to satisfy those who do want to watch the old stuff. They need a lot more in the way of original content.
Everyone I showed the Network to asked if you could watch RAW & Smackdown on it and were surprised to find you couldn't - it's a good deal when you consider the regular price of PPVs, but I agree that they're probably over-estimating how many fans want to watch old stuff, as well as drip-feeding the content too slowly to satisfy those who do want to watch the old stuff. They need a lot more in the way of original content.
How long have you been such a huge Sheamus mark?
1. Raw is more than enough for most people
2. Youtube has fed nostalgia hunger for many years
3. PPVs have lost any mystique they once had due to poor booking and constant rematches + huge feud turning points on free TV
Anyone with half a brain could see that the Network wouldn't be as popular as they hoped it would be. Whether it ever can is up for debate, but screaming $9.99 at people isn't how they're going to change that.
In the end...you can't beat free my friend. This is the way the internet has deemed it.The bolded is the only thing that should matter to most, but because pirated streams have been such a common practice for so long on the internet, the actual value received has been diminished greatly.
1. Raw is more than enough for most people
2. Youtube has fed nostalgia hunger for many years
3. PPVs have lost any mystique they once had due to poor booking and constant rematches + huge feud turning points on free TV
Anyone with half a brain could see that the Network wouldn't be as popular as they hoped it would be. Whether it ever can is up for debate, but screaming $9.99 at people isn't how they're going to change that.
I think it's more of the first 2 then anything. You get 5 hours on TV already and if you wanted to look up a "classic moment" you can do it for free in like 2 mins on youtube.
Surprised they didn't go after youtube stuff yet but part of me feels like they don't know how to. Like HBK with a laptop, status
I'd also be more inclined to subscribe if the content was more interesting. Like, 'here's the shit you saw as a kid. Remember it?' Yeah I do. Because I already saw it. Show me niche stuff I missed. Show me full episodes of old Worldwide, show me House Show footage from New Generation, show me weird shit like Hogan shilling old WWF merch, bring back Confidential since you're doing 'reality era' shit anyhow, show me OVW episode masters. I don't need to see Austin stunning Vince because I've already seen it a dozen times before.
Yeah, only the UK really switched to the XBox.
I just don't see Kevin Steen fitting in the WWE with his current look. Kevin Dunn will have him buried so fast once he talks to Vince. I think they signed the dude to be on Tough Enough honestly. He needs to grow his beard out and join the Wyatts. That is the only spot I could see him fitting in.
That they don't have a daily ESPN type panel show is absurd. This is the kind of stuff that makes the Network feel "alive", having something brand new every day for your subscribers to watch.
Right now its all barebones and their "new content" is barely anywhere. Basically the only new stuff every week is NXT and Main Event.
budget cuts.
making their new network less appealing while pushing for subs is beyond me.
Given how much weight he dropped before signing, I expect he'll get into a more ripped shape while in NXT. They've got a fancy gym down there and he seems motivated.
A lot of guys have bulked up in WWE, including Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins, and Sami Zayn looks bigger now than when he started.
Eh, I don't buy it. A panel type show is some of their employees at a desk. It's not like Tough Enough where you have to film a whole reality show. I don't know what they think they are going to do with this. They need original programming to keep the Network having appeal after everyone has gotten over the "you can watch old stuff" initial hype, yet they're cutting the budget to actually producing said programming.
They're touting year old episodes of Total Divas and Legends House which was filmed in 2012 and has already finished airing, for their original programming. That's not going to bring in subscriber now, let alone in 2015.
I don't get why they would throw Bryan under the bus like that. I mean even if it is a work, it's still pretty stupid to throw a star under the bus like that.
A fat guy can only get so ripped and it would take years for him to get that way. He still looks like just an average dude off the street. The best thing he could do is grow out the beard and hope to be put with the Wyatts.
Shit, they could be showing the cooking show with Big Show and his wife. Stuff like that is cheap to produce in a studio. They could also do something like a WWE cribs. They already show shit like this on their youtube channel. Just expand it out to 30 minutes.