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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill


I haven't watched Raw in a few weeks. Since Battleground, I think. Is there anything I should check out, or shall I not worry about it? Are they building to Summerslam?
The Kobashi vs Chono match is ridiculous - seriously great match for just under 25 minutes, then Kobashi makes his inevitable comeback and, because it's Chono and he's got to look strong in defeat, this leads to a protracted finishing stretch that sees Chono buckle bombed, dunked on his head six times and finally put away with two burning lariats. Kobashi should have made his comeback, tried a lariat for a near-fall and then busted out a Burning Hammer. Would've been a far quicker finish that still made Chono look strong. As it is, the only thing that made the finish bearable was Tenzan getting on the apron and trying to throw in the towel, only for Chono to fucking scream at him to fuck off and let him get dunked on his head some more.

Currently watching the 2014 HOF ceremony from the WM 30 pack. Up to the Mr T induction and boy its cringe worthy and dragging on......... waiting for the Kane interruption to happen any moment now.
Here Comes The Pain has held up incredibly well. Loaded it up with PCSX2, did a triple threat tornado tag ladder match, good times were had. Fast paced and fun, before they decided to go for "realism".
AJ got counted out attacking Paige, so yep, your new #1 contender right there.

Well, at least they're giving the meaningless wins to someone as talentless as Eva Marie.

Why is she even on the main roster, instead of in NXT, or better yet, not in the company at all? Does she suck Kevin Dunn off on a daily basis? Or Vince? Or both at the same time?


Smackdown Spoilers said:

Miz TV segment

- Miz wants to mentor Roman, won't let him talk, rambles on
- Roman finally punches in face; that was great...place went nuts.
- Vows to beat Orton; good limited usage of Roman
- Punch replay...he clobbered him

Ambrose vs. Cesaro

- Dude still watching boating videos
- Very good PPV quality match, lots of 'This is awesome' chants
- Cesaro took most of the match; Dean hits his finish outta nowhere for pin
- Seth Rollins on ramp after, says we will find out Sunday who is the better man
- Says Seth was never his friend or his brother and he never gave a damn about him

- Miz wants Roman banned from Miz TV, Kane has another solution: Roman vs Miz tonight

Dolph Ziggler vs. Titus O'Neil

- Titus is huge, but moves like his back hurts
- Dolph wins w zig zag
- Heath Slater is mad at Titus, nothing happens. Some Slater chants.

Luke Harper vs. Mark Henry

- Cell phone lights in dark look cool
- Quick match; Henry goes for slam but Rowan boots him for DQ
- Looks like tag program w Henry and Show
- Spoke too soon, Kane out and makes tag match
- "That's what's best for business"

Henry and Show v Wyatts

- Heat on Show, biggest guy in the ring
- Production guy now on Facebook, while nother is playing Tetris
- Henry hot tag. Babyfaces win clean. Wow.
- Their finish is Henry lifts the guy up and Show gives them the KO punch before World's Strongest Slam.

- Steph sit-down with Cole, she's the best.

AJ v Eva Marie: The Rematch!

- CM Punk chants
- AJ tears extension out, oops
- Paige out skipping, AJ tackles her, AJ counted out
- Eva wins again!
- Come on, you gotta add her to the title match now
- Paige with Paige Turner to AJ; the streak of that move looking terrible continues

Bo Dallas vs. Jack Swagger

- Swagger with ankle lock win in one minute
- Bo taps
- Rusev and Lana out, they let her talk this time
- He will dedicate his flag match win to Putin

- Off TV, Bo explains why he lost, but he forgives this terrible ref. No shame in losing to Swagger, but he BOLIEVES Rusev will crush Swagger.

Roman Reigns vs. The Miz

- Roman LOLing about punching Miz in face
- Match was ok.
- Reigns goes for superman punch, Miz bails, Ziggler stops him in aisle
- Roman with punch, then spear in ring for pin
- Bad night for Miz's moneymaker

I didn't even realize that I haven't watched Smackdown for more than a few minutes in months. The Shield are the only guys even remotely resembling main eventers that appear on the show.

And how do you fuck up selling the Paige Turner? You just fall backwards. I could sell that shit.
So is the international version of the WWE network actually the full thing? I know the Canada one is some gimped TV on demand thing but what about in other countries?


So not worth it
So is the international version of the WWE network actually the full thing? I know the Canada one is some gimped TV on demand thing but what about in other countries?

All they did was unlock the region lock for the new countries, so yeah, it's the US version.


Guys the news told me Summerslam tickets are selling at a 4 year low on the secondary market.

Oh noes!

And how about you get the fuck out of L.A. next year. Come to Texas!
The fuck kind of porn DVD is this?!


It's the YTR VTR vol.3 CHAOS Field Trip DVD from Yottsume's indiegogo campaign and I'll be transferring it to digital as soon as it arrives, fucking customs caaaaaahnts.

Speaking of all digital future - Beyond have started selling 16gb USB sticks with their 4 latest shows in 720p quality for $40. More promotions should be doing stuff like this, great idea, imo.

Big One

That's some impressive stuff. Though I'm not banking on the gameplay being any different but then again it isn't so much the gameplay is bad it just has a ton of glitches and other stupid shit.

I also hope they fix the "6 guys in the ring at a time only" thing.
It's the YTR VTR vol.3 CHAOS Field Trip DVD from Yottsume's indiegogo campaign and I'll be transferring it to digital as soon as it arrives, fucking customs caaaaaahnts.

Speaking of all digital future - Beyond have started selling 16gb USB sticks with their 4 latest shows in 720p quality for $40. More promotions should be doing stuff like this, great idea, imo.
NO 1080p NO BUYS

But seriously that's pretty cool.
Considering the games still don't let you manually target your opponents I can barely handle 6 people in the ring let alone any more.
I have to assume that fixing this glaring oversight is beyond them for some unfathomable reason.
It's the YTR VTR vol.3 CHAOS Field Trip DVD from Yottsume's indiegogo campaign and I'll be transferring it to digital as soon as it arrives, fucking customs caaaaaahnts.

Speaking of all digital future - Beyond have started selling 16gb USB sticks with their 4 latest shows in 720p quality for $40. More promotions should be doing stuff like this, great idea, imo.

Ohh, right. What assholes.

I saw that earlier. Neat idea. Other promotions are more concerned with killing piracy via DMCA takedowns and Jay and Silent Bobbing someone at their house
It's the YTR VTR vol.3 CHAOS Field Trip DVD from Yottsume's indiegogo campaign and I'll be transferring it to digital as soon as it arrives, fucking customs caaaaaahnts.

Speaking of all digital future - Beyond have started selling 16gb USB sticks with their 4 latest shows in 720p quality for $40. More promotions should be doing stuff like this, great idea, imo.

Let me know when you do all that. I want to do the same.


Hang on, I'm trying to remember if there was a reason it still didn't work properly, like you could only glance at the few people in your immediate vicinity or something.
Don't make me turn on WWE13 to find out.

I think there's 2 targeting types too, one cycles through people near and the other goes through the full list, annoyingly including managers and the ref.
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