I agree. he's even improved a bit in the ring
yeah, i actually enjoy Ryback now and he's much safer in the ring, he's also got way more moves and charisma than Reigns
I agree. he's even improved a bit in the ring
Ryback is Reigns minus any of Reign's 5 memorable moves.
Reigns kick from outside the ring is the worst move in wrestling history, barely beating out the 6-1-9
Jumping Punch
Kick Thingy
Mandatory Samoan Samoan Drop
I secretly liked Ryback during his jobber destruction push and I still like him now. My only problem with Ryback was when they ran out of opponents for heel Punk and just said "hey let's throw Ryback in there!" He wasn't ready for that spot, and the fans weren't ready to see him legitimately contend with Punk.
Reigns kick from outside the ring is the worst move in wrestling history, barely beating out the 6-1-9
Just based upon a quick glance, besides the graphical improvements, game seems like it's pretty much the same from the previous entries.
So much tank and clunkiness. Looks like a Resident Evil fighting game.....
It also doesn't help that the game is being demoed by a guy who sounds like he's clearly button mashing his way through.
It also doesn't help that the game is being demoed by a guy who sounds like he's clearly button mashing his way through.
WWE fans will keep watching trash no matter how much they complain about it. Why would the game be any different?Same shit with a fresh coat of paint. They've had 10 years to fix the janky animation and collision detection and they never have. They clearly have no interest in ever fixing it.
That is just lipstick on a pig.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZu6spn6KqABut at least the kick itself actually looks like it hurts, which the 619 never did.
Makes no sense for it to turn into a splash. He's a small dude and he doesn't get a lot of height on his jump.
Orton's apron DDT is equally awful, but he's shown some creative spots around the ring to do it. Reigns always does his apron dropkick on the hard camera, so it looks super convoluted while setting up.
Same shit with a fresh coat of paint. They've had 10 years to fix the janky animation and collision detection and they never have. They clearly have no interest in ever fixing it.
How do you not see crazy ass Steiner or Warrior in Ryback? He's not even trying to hide it. He's been doing it for a year. He's hilarious.I'm really curious how you got either of those comparisons when Ryback is, in reality, just a poor mans Goldberg
A few weeks ago on Raw in his match with Kane it was the worst. It looks ridiculous when an opponent is getting in to position while he is SPRINTING out of the ring. Reigns looks more like an actor trying to hit his cue than a wrestler.
I don't know who that it. Do I want to????
You hear all that clicking sound? That means the same unresponsive controllers like every fucking year.
Reggie Parks, belt maker. I believe he created the Winged Eagle belt.
There's too many spots like this in WWE.
The opponent swing-and-missing at Cena before that powerbomb-kinda thing.
The Orton DDT.
The apron kick (I'm hurt, lemme magically fall on the bottom rope for you).
The Bryan running dropkicks in the corner (where the opponent decides he absolutely has to crawl to the corner while Bryan runs to the opposite corner).
Seth Rollins's finisher annoys me because of the setup involved, where a guy has to stand hunched over in the ring like a dope.
There's plenty others I'm forgetting.
They need to make this shit feel a bit more organic.
¡HarlequinPanic!;125216120 said:Friends I hope I can count on you to sign the petition that will prevent tomb raider the second one from coming out on the playstation 4 an audacious and unacceptable three months after the xbox one. There's already 10k signatures in over a day!
Rollins finisher doesn't look too bad if they get the timing right. If he gets the person just as they are getting up and are still a little hunched over it works. I've always found the worst offended of the whole "dazed in the middle of the ring" thing to be the drop-down uppercut the Rhodes brothers do. The person taking that has to be bent over for a good 2-3 seconds longer than they should be compared to a normal back body drop.
¡HarlequinPanic!;125216120 said:Friends I hope I can count on you to sign the petition that will prevent tomb raider the second one from coming out on the playstation 4 an audacious and unacceptable three months after the xbox one. There's already 10k signatures in over a day!