Cena is going to pin Lesnar clean.
Rollins is going to try and cash in on Cena.
Cena is going to pin Rollins clean.
If they do that, I'm gonna renew my subscription. Just for the sheer size of their balls
Cena is going to pin Lesnar clean.
Rollins is going to try and cash in on Cena.
Cena is going to pin Rollins clean.
¡HarlequinPanic!;125216120 said:Friends I hope I can count on you to sign the petition that will prevent tomb raider the second one from coming out on the playstation 4 an audacious and unacceptable three months after the xbox one. There's already 10k signatures in over a day!
I don't like Tomb Raider, it was pretty terrible. But I'll be DAMNED if MS OR Sony take another goddamn game away from coming out day and date on the Dreamcast along with the other versions. This has gone on long enough.
I signed it!
I hope they bury the affair story at Summerslam.
Bryan sure likes them bean poles.
Sorry. Epic Wrestlemania 31 story line is on it's way.
There's an affair storyline? I just fast forwarded through the segment, apparently I was right to do so.
I need to see 2K15 Ziggler to know how far they are willing to go with it's new animation engine. Or lack thereof.
Yo wtf, obviously the affair angle was just Steph baiting Brie out to slap this yak so she can get arrested.
Hooly fuck at that PR man getting caught on gaming side
Hooly fuck at that PR man getting caught on gaming side
Cliff notes?
Poster opens a thread to whine about how neogaf still gives the xbone shit for being shit after gamescom. Says neogaf is no longer a discussion forum but a place for whiny babies
emphasizes his point with pictures of black preacher man from alien 3
bishop/Sam Jackson calls him out because he used his PR email to make a gaf account
ban hammer
Here's the thread
Sup brah.smh @ poorly done PR. That shit reads like a PR release.
Effective PR is PR you don't notice. Maybe even a part of WrassleGAF. Or other communities.
Sup brah.
Didn't that thing get Daniel Bryan'd?
smh @ poorly done PR. That shit reads like a PR release.
Effective PR is PR you don't notice. Maybe even a part of WrassleGAF. Or other communities.
Poster opens a thread to whine about how neogaf still gives the xbone shit for being shit after gamescom. Says neogaf is no longer a discussion forum but a place for whiny babies
emphasizes his point with pictures of black preacher man from alien 3
bishop/Sam Jackson calls him out because he used his PR email to make a gaf account
ban hammer
Here's the thread
If I find out that someone here is a PR, it would hurt me more than when Takis removed my favorite flavor from the shelves. By the way have you seen some of the prizes Takis is giving away when you sign up for there Super Summer Slam giveaway?smh @ poorly done PR. That shit reads like a PR release.
Effective PR is PR you don't notice. Maybe even a part of WrassleGAF. Or other communities.
Take the grappling system as an example. Just go ahead and eliminate any thought you had about walking up to your opponent at the start of a match and just delivering a DDT or a backbreaker because they failed to counter it. Thats just not how a match in the WWE starts, so when you press the grapple button in the early stages of a match in WWE 2K15, it initiates the new chain wrestling system.
I cannot wait to play WWE SuperCard by 2K Games, coming out tonight for my compatible iOS device.
Averno is hilarious.
¡HarlequinPanic!;125226953 said:Why bother sending pr goons? Plenty of people like the xbox one on neogaf. Pretty silly~
Not enough, evidentially. That's the whole point of astroturfing - a company lacks the grass roots support it feels it needs to legitimize it's "messaging", so it pays a PR firm to create that grass roots support and potentially trick consumers into thinking the product has a buzz about it, even in the face of a stronger competitor gaining more market share. Often it works, but when noticed it just comes across as pathetically desperate. Especially in a medium like gaming where a large number of consumers already view 'independent' reviews and opinions with outright cynicism and distrust. There's no quick fix when something has marred your products image.
God, could you imagine if WWE did this shit? Come on, which of you fucks in the TNA WrassleGAF crew are on Dixie's payroll?
iOS only? Pffffft.
Yo wtf, obviously the affair angle was just Steph baiting Brie out to slap this yak so she can get arrested.