Ok, I'm confused. I'm trying to do a chronological watch of Saturday Night's Main Event, but I think there's an episode missing. Episode 14 has Hogan fighting Bundy and Andre interferes. Episode 15 has Hogan fighting Harley Raceand Vince being like "Let's go back to our last episode" and it shows a recap of Hogan fighting Andre with all kinds of shenanigans going on. What the hell? Was there a PPV in between or something.(whose gimmick was awful, by the way)
Are you sure you watched it in the right order? There are a few right around that time that go from like 12 to 35 and the numbering is all off. But I think they actually are in the right order, just mislabeled. I don't know. Andre did beat Hogan up on 14. The clips they show are from The Main Event, which was a Friday version of SNME that aired a few times. What is labeled as episode 37 has the date for The Main Event, but I can't get anything on the Network to load right now since the Dutch can now steal all the bandwidth legally.
I'm assuming the clips are of the two Hebners and all that.