Will there be a SummerSlam OT?
Will it be
Summerslam |OT| Only $9.99
I really have high hopes for this PPV
Yeah i'm making it on Saturday or something
Will there be a SummerSlam OT?
Will it be
Summerslam |OT| Only $9.99
I really have high hopes for this PPV
So is there really not a subset of wrestlegaf that like to chat about quality matches, new and old? All I ever see is Kane mentions and Diva love.
There's a few of us, but anything posted like that usually gets lost in the shuffle, which is a shame. We should have a weekly viewing club, or something, where people get to nominate a match for the week that everyone then watches and rates.
Seeing those NOAH DVDs makes me regret I ignored British wrestling for so long.
Will there be a SummerSlam OT?
Will it be
Summerslam |OT| Only $9.99
I really have high hopes for this PPV
Yeah i'm making it on Saturday or something
Yeah I'm making it on Friday or something.
Found out this morning - so thrilled (though would have been just as thrilled if a girl!)
I was rooting for the name Bastion (Bastion Booger) but Mrs.Spider isn't going for it.
Please GAF help us come up with a good name - I'd like something wrestling related of course!
I love WWE, PWG, WCW, TNA, ICW, a lot of Japanese stuff particularly (yes I know ICW isn't Japanese.)
Help me GAF, you're my only hope, without you Mini- Spider will be named something from the Famous Five or something - help!!
Didn't Angle say on Austin's podcast he's 100%?
If he can pass the physical I don't see why they wouldn't let him have a couple of matches a year. Even a Lesnar-like schedule would be cool for a guy like Angle.
The Android version has some UI problems. Disappearing buttons, the system buttons appearing and not going away, blocking your view of the cards.
If you see Koruto Kabana, know that you are up against the 2014 Avatar Rumble Winner.
Is that a shoot?Wrasslegaf: Where we work work into thinking we're working while at work.
Played the tutorial match against the AI. This seems like it could be good. I've been meaning to try Hearthstone to see what all the fuss is about.
...I think.
Will there be a SummerSlam OT?
Will it be
Summerslam |OT| Only $9.99
I really have high hopes for this PPV
So Vinny Mac tattoo...
...I think.
WWE Summerslam 2014 |OT| Blood. Urine. Vomit. For only $9.99/Month.
Oh my frick, WWE Super Card is available for android!
Thank you, MatthewGallant.
I thought we agreed this was going to be the OT title?
So Vinny Mac tattoo...
...I think.
So Vinny Mac tattoo...
...I think.
So Vinny Mac tattoo...
...I think.
I thought it was Benoit at first....
Michael Biehn? Who's the John Woo villain all the way to the right?Who the fuck would get a Chris Beno...
I thought we agreed this was going to be the OT title?
Time to get my SuperCard on. Let's see what I got!
LOL @ Rey having "NA" for his special move.
Hahaha, I got a rare Trash Can.
That's because you haven't faced my Super Rare Naomi.Uncommon Eva Marie with her diving crossbody hasn't lost a divas match yet.
EDIT: Got an uncommon Cody with a "silver spoon DDT". WTF is one of those?