bean breath
Cena's top rope leg drop to Bryan is fucking BRUTAL. Bryan's not even bending over.
It's not real, pal. Notice the camera cutting to a different angle at the point of impact.
Cena's top rope leg drop to Bryan is fucking BRUTAL. Bryan's not even bending over.
It's not real, pal. Notice the camera cutting to a different angle at the point of impact.
Cena's top rope leg drop to Bryan is fucking BRUTAL. Bryan's not even bending over.
It's not real, pal. Notice the camera cutting to a different angle at the point of impact.
Fucking Hulk Hogan over here
I'd expect this type of shit from Hogan, but you?
I'd expect these kinds of reactions from StylesClash (and promptly ignore them), but not from you guys.
I'd expect these kinds of reactions from StylesClash (and promptly ignore them), but not from you guys.
This is news to nobody, though
You're darn right I'm scared, this is my life! I'm not an opportunist posting for money or a potential lucrative Legitshook dot com writing gig, John Cena is all I got. That is why I'm here.Bryan repeatedly running dropkicking his opponent in a corner only to be clotheslined to hell will never get old.
I'm just going to let this go. Tensions are running high in the Cenation because of tomorrow's battle and I understand that you're scared.
We lost that man to that damn card game for what felt like years now
You're darn right I'm scared, this is my life! I'm not an opportunist posting for money or a potential lucrative Legitshook dot com writing gig, John Cena is all I got. That is why I'm here.
I'm intimately aware of the sweet allure of the cards myself.
Thankfully I don't share his weak constitution for spoilers, I actually managed to pry myself off my smartphone for a few minutes (and onto my laptop). A man like StylesClash never stood a chance with Super Card. He's lost.
SummerSlam Retro Report with Mean Gene Okerlund:
This is absolutely fantastic.
says the man who threatened to get me banned for saying BIG BOSSGETS A ROBOT ARM.
what did you win on KOTR anyway?
you get a legendary card right?
Not gonna lie, friend. I laughed for awhile at this.
Not gonna lie, friend. I laughed for awhile at this.
Is his gear back on WWE shop
Wow the reviews from the ROH show in Brooklyn sounds like it was a horrible show due to one of the worst crowds in there promotion history.
Wow the reviews from the ROH show in Brooklyn sounds like it was a horrible show due to one of the worst crowds in there promotion history.
I was legit shook when you won the first game because I thought there was going to be another 45 minute rest period before the match. I'm embarrassed at the amount of panicked grinding I've done today.
What were your prizes by the way?
says the man who threatened to get me banned for saying BIG BOSSGETS A ROBOT ARM.
I currently playing MSG3 (done the intro mission) after beating 1 and 2; playing the series for the 1st time.
That sounds interseting, is it different from Liquid Snake's arm in MGS1?
the Age Of Brock is 24 hours away, friends
Junkyard Dog, Dusty Rhodes, and Andre the Giant vs Ernie Ladd and the Wild Samoans
So-so match, but I think my favorite thing is you see Ernie Ladd come out, and he looks huge. But then Andre comes out, and it's just a whole other ball park. Everybody in this ring is fucking huge in their own way, honestly. And Andre does a second rope splash.
Can you guys stop disrespecting Brock by calling him Bork. The guy is carrying this company on his back.
Can you guys stop disrespecting Brock by calling him Bork. The guy is carrying this company on his back.