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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill


Chikara show was a lot of fun. Got pics with tons of the guys, sat front row, got to smack the mat before the main event, and just had an all-around good time. Would recommend seeing Chikara live to any wrestling fan.

And only one DQ finish out of 7 matches.


Chikara show was a lot of fun. Got pics with tons of the guys, sat front row, got to smack the mat before the main event, and just had an all-around good time. Would recommend seeing Chikara live to any wrestling fan.

And only one DQ finish out of 7 matches.

Was Marchy Archie there?
Home stretch on this IWA-MS mess. First up, a young Hayley Hatred takes on some scrawny Kid Rock looking mother fucker named Ponchmagnus. "She's a man" and "Hayley has a penis" chants from the always classy IWA-MS crowd. Ponchmagnus has control early on with some shitty submission offence. This isn't what I wanted. If this match took place ten years later it'd just be Hayley beating the fucking shit out of this goof. On cue, Magnus goes for a powerbomb but Hayley counters into a sweet bridging fisherman suplex, followed by some stiff kicks to the back and chest. Vertical suplex gets her 2. Ponch tries for some forearms, but she catches the arm, hooks the leg and hits a nice suplex for another 2. Pathetic neckbreaker from Magnus. Followed by the worst version of Punk's hammerlock DDT I've ever seen. Spinebuster that Magnus barely got her up for. He goes up top, but Hayley swats the dropkick away and hits a fisherman suplex, followed by a fisherman buster for the 3-count. Hayley was fine considering how green she was, Ponchmagnus was fucking abysmal.



Hy-Zaya brings out some dude named Poison Apollo Starr to face Corporal Robinson, but Apollo's worried about wrestling a garbage wrestler. Ian comes out and convinces Corp to engage in some good old fashioned style wrasslin' and show this crowd what he's got. Nice arm-drag from Corp, followed by a Japanese-style armdrag, monkey flip and shoulder tackle. Corp CAN wrestle! Better than 80% of the goofs on this show, at least. Corp works a side-headlock, but Apollo frees himself and thinks it's a good idea to trade forearms. It isn't. He surprises Corp by tripping out his leg and hits a big shining-style spin kick! Stiff kick to the back of Corp's head. Apollo works over the leg for a while, but when he shots him into the ropes Corp hits a tornado DDT...sort of. He goes to charge, but his leg gives out and Apollo goes back to work. Less than a minute later Corp catches him with his hangman-style Russian legsweep for the win.



IWA-MS Light Heavyweight Title match next, as JC Bailey defends against Jimmy Jacobs. HUSS!! Bailey starts off working the arm and Jacobs just can't seem to escape. He eventually escapes a hammerlock with some big elbows and goes for a couple of elbow drops, but JC avoids both of them and hits an arm-drag. Low kick from Jacobs, followed by a lariato. He hits his double-stomp, senton combo but totally misses the senton. He tries for a sliced bread, but Bailey just fucking dumps him over the top-rope before hitting a suicide dive. Missile dropkick from JC for 2. Nice pin-attempt from Jacobs turned into a camel clutch. Bailey gets to the ropes and catches Jacobs coming off the ropes into a sit-out powerbomb for 2. He goes up top, but Jacobs crotches him and puts him in a chickenwing on the top-rope for some reason. Bailey counters it into a powerslam and rolls Jacobs up with a la magistral to retain. Meh.



Only two matches left on this 6 1/2 hour mess, I'll be glad when its over. Got some shitty MLW to watch next, but it should be something of an improvement.
PWInsider said:
We've heard from multiple TNA talents that Bully Ray held a meeting with the roster working tonight's live event in Hagerstown, MD and informed them he wanted to personally tell them goodbye as he didn't expect to be back for the company.



We've heard from multiple TNA talents that Bully Ray held a meeting with the roster working tonight's live event in Hagerstown, MD and informed them he wanted to personally tell them goodbye as he didn't expect to be back for the company.

In asking around, Ray's contract is expiring and tonight's live event is the last show he is contracted to appear on. Based on what Ray told the locker room, obviously the two sides have not come to terms on a new deal.

What is amazing about this is that Ray (along with his partner Devon) is scheduled to be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame at Bound for Glory this October. TNA also has one match left in a series of bouts Ray was heavily involved in at the last set of Impact Wrestling tapings, which means that if he departs, they will be left scrambling to end that series without him.

Ray had been the central point of the company over the last year, first with a heel run as the central figure behind Aces & Eights, which brought him his first TNA championship and as a babyface pursuing Dixie Carter to put her through a table. That angle was something that Ray pitched to TNA management.

Ray has been with TNA since 2005 following runs in the original ECW and WWE. During the TNA run he morphed from one half of Team 3D to a legitimate top singles star.


How do you let that happen when they still need him to do more matches. They are truly going down. Also where would Bully go?

Also, those crazy last minute odd shifts.

edit: Isn't he getting inducted as well. If WWE wanted to twist the knife they would hire him and have him on the show this Monday.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bully's been talking to WWE forever. He's got lots of friends still in there, and when he talks about his school, he references WWE more than TNA. It's no surprise he'd go back there for something. Maybe even to help out NXT.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ugly mohawks and spiderweb tattoos that should get the tattooartist jailee for body mutilation aren't a good thing though.

That girl would be so gorgeous without those spiderwebs on her chests and her hair down.

I wasn't even talking about Christina. I was talking about looks in general, referring more to Bull Nakano and Aja Kong and Dump Matsumoto about looking diverse and different.

Had nothing to do attraction. And CVE would be boring with her hair down. Just like Serena stood out much more with a shaved head. Confidence, individuality, a unique look goes a long way in remembering someone.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What was Scott Steiners ACT score? I like to think Scott filled it out while doing one-handed push ups over his naked supermodel teacher.
How do you let that happen when they still need him to do more matches. They are truly going down. Also where would Bully go?

Also, those crazy last minute odd shifts.

edit: Isn't he getting inducted as well. If WWE wanted to twist the knife they would hire him and have him on the show this Monday.

Wasn't one of the matches they had planned for BFG (which by the way they still have informed nobody how anything there will work considering it's in Japan and happening at least a week after their TV deal ends) Team 3D vs Wolves vs Hardys in TLC?

Even if they stay a company, get a new TV deal, and even if after all that they have enough time to figure out wtf's up with BFG, their biggest match is now definitely not happening (Richards broken leg, Bully out of the company). What a complete clusterfuck from every angle.


So WWE will nullify all the build up that Lesnar had after conquering the streak...only to job to Cena?

Whom exactly has been the WWE Network's largest audience, so far?
Yeah, but cena will use stairs and rage to do it! He'll be really sorry on Raw and rise above heel urges.


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Brock's going to break Cena's back and send him to a prison somewhere remote where Cena will have to relearn the values of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect in order to escape and save the WWE.
Jim Ross has noted on Twitter that Sting and Vince McMahon had a face-to-face meeting this weekend for the first time. Sting was in Los Angeles for the WWE 2K15 roster reveal event, and of course Vince is at the Staples Center for tonight’s SummerSlam PPV. Little is known about their conversation at this point, and it’s not likely that information will be revealed unless either decides to talk about it.

it begins


Brock's going to break Cena's back and send him to a prison somewhere remote where Cena will have to relearn the values of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect in order to escape and save the WWE.

If Cena is written off tv to do movies by having Brock drag his lifeless body out of the ring and into the back...


SO Del Rio opened up Triplemania as El Patron. Cut a promo about how he faced a monster in the us that he couldn't beat called Racism. Talked about how they couldn;t hold me down. Afterwards, Los Perros del Mal and Konnan came out to interrupt. There was a confrontation and they basically teased a hair vs hair match between Hijo and El Patron which would be a huge money match. E Patron also teased some more surprises
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