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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill

The main event was no Extreme Rules, but it did what it needed to do for me. It's like how the streak ended. That wasn't a great match either, but we're still talking about it.

Brock dominated and won clean. Heyman didn't get involved. That's what made it awesome.

Cena didn't get blind sided like DB. He got two brief flurries of offense that Brock shrugged off relatively quickly.

That doesn't make for a great match, no, but it was still great.

Reigns continues to improve at a steady rate. I think by next year he'll be ready. I was genuinely surprised he kicked out of that RKO. The RKO is one of the best protected finishers in the WWE. People very rarely kick out if it.
It wasn't a great match, but it was more concerned with trying to tell a story than excite the audience and, in that regard, it did its job well. A bit of variety on Brock's part could have helped - 16 German suplexes. If Michael Elgin did that you'd all be like "lolindywrestling.gif". Also, Cena's selling. We all know it isn't great, but it just irritates me to see him repeatedly ignore opportunities to sell while on offence.

I was surprised by Reigns vs Orton, but I'm not a fan of the spear as a finisher. Reigns is a tall dude, let him use a splash mountain-style bomb or slam. Paige vs AJ was fine and I really liked Rusev vs Swagger. I remember nothing of Jericho vs Bray.
Rusev/Swagger was pretty damn great and it pains me to see that Cena is SO bad at selling and Rusev is fantastic at it. That's been my favorite part of watching him wrestle. The dude sells shit the next day!

And I really didn't mind all the German suplexes. I actually enjoyed it. One of my favorite matches is Austin/Benoit, so I guess that says something.
And that spear was botched too high heaven. One of Ortons best performances though.

Only utterly terrible match was Steph/Brie, although I seem to be the only one who enjoyed Wyatt/Jericho.
My issue with Wyatt/Jericho is that it ended exactly the same way that Wyatt/Bryan ended. Thought that was lame as fuck
Rusev/Swagger was pretty damn great and it pains me to see that Cena is SO bad at selling and Rusev is fantastic at it. That's been my favorite part of watching him wrestle. The dude sells shit the next day!

He's really good at selling, and it doesn't make him look weak at all. In fact the opposite. Cena isn't the only person who should take notice.


Gonna post this here:-

I'd say they should have Bork face Borton at Survivor Series and DraxTista at Royal Rumble followed by Bryan and Reigns at WM where he loses the title to Rollins or they could just combine all these matches into one HiAC match at WrassleMania 31.


Adjust your focus and you shall find the answer.
Del Rio?


So, the LA crowd chanted "Na na na na, hey hey hey goodbye" at Cena. They booed him. And they chanted "Thank you Les-nar."

But it's alright. Everyone still loves John. Just look at those merch sales.


I'd love to see the following matches at Mania:

Reigns vs. Rock and
Brock vs. Ambrose

Seeing Ambrose win in Dirty Dean© fashion would be awesome


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Also to clarify my previous post:

Cena took those suplexes like a champ. But what infuriats smarks about Cena has always been the little things. Getting ddt'd on concrete and then rebounding for the win 20 seconds later in a handicap match. Taking 16 German suplexes but not once grabbing the back of his head or his neck to sell the pain. Preemptively burying his opponent ("if you lose you'll be the biggest phony in sports entertainment." before beating his opponent). Saying a match is the worst loss of his career and in the same promo smirking at dueling crowd chants and saying that"this is why I love my job."

He has terrible intangibles. Bret Hart would have another stroke working a match with John Cena


Also to clarify my previous post:

Cena took those suplexes like a champ. But what infuriats smarks about Cena has always been the little things. Getting ddt'd on concrete and then rebounding for the win 20 seconds later in a handicap match. Taking 16 German suplexes but not once grabbing the back of his head or his neck to sell the pain. Preemptively burying his opponent ("if you lose you'll be the biggest phony in sports entertainment." before beating his opponent). Saying a match is the worst loss of his career and in the same promo smirking at dueling crowd chants and saying that"this is why I love my job."

He has terrible intangibles. Bret Hart would have another stroke working a match with John Cena

Damn. Ice dagger!

Bret was the master of the leg sell.


Dat limp.


Folks that complain about the fact that the bork match wasn't much of a match must have never seen a vader match in their life :/


There is a difference in doing something as a one off in a match compared to doing it in every match.

A good vicious beating was the right call.
So Cena will have to turn heel now, right? His girlfriend already turned towards the authority...make it as crazy as it can be...due to the 16 german suplexes Cena lost all his memories and now he works as Triple H little henchman and they call him Brock Cenar so he can have matches on RAW and act as Brock Lesnar mini-me...and Brock comes once a month gives him a beating and joins the PPV for a squash match for the title...come WM31 Brock loses to Rock and John Cena gets his memory back cause of this...he lost to the Rock too and it was the worst year of his life...

So after that it will be Rock vs. Brock vs. Cena and Bryan just for the thrill of it and Bryan gets the title by pinning Brock with Rocks help who wants to help his little buddy...

sounds better then what we will actually get...


"But Vader" isn't exactly a good excuse for anything.

Or relevant.

It is especially counting back to his push in 92 where his matches were more display of dominance instead of a 5 star match.

The way they had the main event for brock/cena was a good way of telling a story. It demonstrated the fact that brock is a force to be reckon with and cena for once having a weakness and can't stop the monster.


So Cena will have to turn heel now, right? His girlfriend already turned towards the authority...make it as crazy as it can be...due to the 16 german suplexes Cena lost all his memories and now he works as Triple H little henchman and they call him Brock Cenar so he can have matches on RAW and act as Brock Lesnar mini-me...and Brock comes once a month gives him a beating and joins the PPV for a squash match for the title...come WM31 Brock loses to Rock and John Cena gets his memory back cause of this...he lost to the Rock too and it was the worst year of his life...

So after that it will be Rock vs. Brock vs. Cena and Bryan just for the thrill of it and Bryan gets the title by pinning Brock with Rocks help who wants to help his little buddy...

sounds better then what we will actually get...

No, it doesn't. That all sounds like really terrible wrestlecrap. But yeah.It'll be interesting to see where they go from here.


So not worth it
It is especially counting back to his push in 92 where his matches were more display of dominance instead of a 5 star match.

The way they had the main event for brock/cena was a good way of telling a story. It demonstrated the fact that brock is a force to be reckon with and cena for once having a weakness and can't stop the monster.

Yeah, while that is fine and well, go back to Extreme Rules 2012, watch that match and compare the two.

Brock looked way tougher in that match, even with Cena winning.
So Cena will have to turn heel now, right? His girlfriend already turned towards the authority...make it as crazy as it can be...due to the 16 german suplexes Cena lost all his memories and now he works as Triple H little henchman and they call him Brock Cenar so he can have matches on RAW and act as Brock Lesnar mini-me...and Brock comes once a month gives him a beating and joins the PPV for a squash match for the title...come WM31 Brock loses to Rock and John Cena gets his memory back cause of this...he lost to the Rock too and it was the worst year of his life...

So after that it will be Rock vs. Brock vs. Cena and Bryan just for the thrill of it and Bryan gets the title by pinning Brock with Rocks help who wants to help his little buddy...

sounds better then what we will actually get...
I have no idea what the fuck you just wrote. If that was the intention, then excellent job.
No, it doesn't. That all sounds like really terrible wrestlecrap. But yeah.It'll be interesting to see where they go from here.

Come on, we all know the only way to turn Cena heel without him losing all his Be a star and kids guy reputation is him loosing his memory, so he doesnt know that he should be a "good" guy...

Whatever we will get, I hope Triple H thought it through...

I have no idea what the fuck you just wrote. If that was the intention, then excellent job.

IF you hit your hand with a hammer 16 times it will make sense...
dont do it, im kidding


So Cena will have to turn heel now, right? His girlfriend already turned towards the authority...make it as crazy as it can be...due to the 16 german suplexes Cena lost all his memories and now he works as Triple H little henchman and they call him Brock Cenar so he can have matches on RAW and act as Brock Lesnar mini-me...and Brock comes once a month gives him a beating and joins the PPV for a squash match for the title...come WM31 Brock loses to Rock and John Cena gets his memory back cause of this...he lost to the Rock too and it was the worst year of his life...

So after that it will be Rock vs. Brock vs. Cena and Bryan just for the thrill of it and Bryan gets the title by pinning Brock with Rocks help who wants to help his little buddy...

sounds better then what we will actually get...

Man, I can't believe we have Russo in our presence, fresh off the NLI stream.
24th match, Chris Hero & Mark Wolf vs Swiss Money Holding of Ares & Claudio Castagnoli. Swap Wolf out for someone worth a damn and hold this match in 2005 and it would've been pretty good. Claudio, however, isn't all that yet and it shows. Ares works the majority, with Claudio tagging in to hit a few Europeans and a shitty slam thing, before Ares misses a dive off the top. Wolf holds Ares and Chris throws a forearm, but Ares ducks out of the way. Claudio superkicks Hero and Ares rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for the win. Fucking dud.


Here we go, it's the main event. FINALLY. Ian Rotten vs Corporal Robinson in a Fans Bring the Weapons match. They get into collar & elbow tie-up and do a headbutt version of the Frye/Takayama spot. Ian's already bleeding. And so is Corp. Stiff shot with a road sign floors Corp. Ian throws him outside, but Corp grabs a lighttube, pops it in his fist and just starts gouging at Ian's forehead. A fan hands him a cheesegrater and Ian's face is a bloody mess. Ian grabs a 2x4 with lightbulbs stuck in it and breaks them over Corp's back, following up with a big lighttube shot. Corp gets some nunchukus from somewhere and chokes Ian with them, but Ian gets a barbedwire bat and rakes it across Corp's back. Ugh. He scrambles back in the ring and Ian follows, but eats a vertical suplex into some lighttubes. "OW, MY ASS!!" he screams. Corp puts Ian in the crippler crossface, but Ian escapes and kicks Corp low. Big DDT onto the lighttubes. They brawl to the floor and a fan hands Ian a metal hardhat that he headbutts Corp with, lol. Now he's got a tazer and eletrocutes Corp's balls! Ian gets a door from somewhere and supexes Ian through it. He drags Corp back in the ring and goes for his double-arm DDT, but Corp reverses and hits his side-Russian leg sweep into the lighttubes, smartly twisting at the last second to avoid hitting the tubes himself. Ian kicks out and hits his DDT. Corp kicks out. Ian hits a shitty backdrop into the tubes for the win. Ian screams "GET ME A FUCKIN' TOWEL!" and is pissing blood from his arm. "I'm hurt baby, I'm hurt real bad". Looks like Ian's off to the hospital. Believe it or not, I've seen far worse Fans Bring the Weapons matches, but this one was pretty enjoyable. Crowd were, understandably, exhausted though and Ian was just ridiculously reckless with his own body. Idiot.


That's the last IWA-MS I'll be watching for a good long while.

Folks that complain about the fact that the bork match wasn't much of a match must have never seen a vader match in their life :/

Man, I've seen Vader matches. This was nowhere near the level of any of the Vader vs Takada bouts, or Vader vs Kobashi, or Vader vs Inoki, or Vader vs Hashimoto. But like I said, that's fine - it was trying to tell a story and did so. Nothing wrong with that. But it still wasn't as enjoyable as the Extreme Rules match.


Reigns continues to improve at a steady rate. I think by next year he'll be ready. I was genuinely surprised he kicked out of that RKO. The RKO is one of the best protected finishers in the WWE. People very rarely kick out if it.

Really? This match kinda confirmed for me that Reigns isn't anyway near ready, he contributed so little to the match and Orton was actually more over than him by the end because he'd been carrying him throughout and done all the big spots.


Yeah, while that is fine and well, go back to Extreme Rules 2012, watch that match and compare the two.

Brock looked way tougher in that match, even with Cena winning.

Of course Brock looked tougher in Extreme Rules because he just got out of the UFC. He didn't truly shake off that background until summerslam with triple h. Also the main reason why last night's match was better in comparison to Extreme Rules is the fact that Brock really look like he was a "Beast". Extreme Rules suffered from that bullshit ending which killed any credibility that brock had during that match. Cena really looked bad out there last night compared to Extreme Rules where dude got beat to a pulp but still cut a promo after winning 0_o.

Imagine on Punch Out for the NES, if Mr. Sandman beats the holy hell out of little mac and magically Little Mac hits sandman in the jaw beating the game despite being pink and breathing hard.
IWA looks and sounds...awful.

Is it, Bootaaay?

Yes and no. I mean, yeah, it's mostly terrible and has a lot of deathmatch shit, but Ian Rotten (in spite of being a piece of shit) has a good eye for talent and has given early opportunities to all sorts of guys who later went on to be big names on the indies.


He'll probably lose it at Survivor Series, as it's one of WWE's big events. To whom, though?

Survivor Series hasn't been one of WWE's big events since like the early 90s. It was only called part of the "Big Four" because it was one of the first four WWE PPVs. I believe Elimination Chamber and MITB are the two biggest non Mania/Rumble/Summerslam PPVs now.


IWA looks and sounds...awful.

Is it, Bootaaay?

Wait there are Internet wrestling fans who haven't watched IWA-MS?

IWA was nothing more then Ian Rotten putting himself over with 20 minute promos and the worst wrestling in existence. Apart from the Ted Petty Invitationals tournaments they did with the worth while indy guys at the time, AJ, Samoa Joe being the exceptions.

I hate, hate the obsessions indies have with waaaay too many matches. Less is truly more.


When I think of IWA, I think of that incident where Ian Rotten and a few other wrestlers beat the fuck out of some dude because of something. It was sickening and un-professional.

IWA is a poor man's CZW which is a scary thought.


Well, SummerSlam was a good PPV.

I think I enjoyed everything apart from the bore fest that was Reigns vs Orton.

MOTN for me was Ambrose vs Rollins. They really took the lumberjack concept and made the best they could with it. Great action and great storytelling. I was glued to the screen the entire time.

The rest of the PPV didn't have tons of standouts but it wasn't terrible.

The Main Event was just Brock beating Cena and while it wasn't anything too exciting it served is purpose. Lesnar showed he is a beast and whoever takes the title from him (Reigns probably) will get a great rub.


Really? This match kinda confirmed for me that Reigns isn't anyway near ready, he contributed so little to the match and Orton was actually more over than him by the end because he'd been carrying him throughout and done all the big spots.

Yep, I noticed that as well. Reigns isn't ready yet. I was cheering for Randy by the end also.


People usually shit on orton including myself but goddamn dude can work. Reigns was pretty much a walking log last night and orton had to put in overtime so the crowd wouldn't shit it up.

Reigns just needs more time or a tag partner because this solo push is silly. Dude is not interesting, his promos are cringe worthy, and his moveset is left to be desired. Within a month we'll hear Roman Sucks chants if not sooner.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Really? This match kinda confirmed for me that Reigns isn't anyway near ready, he contributed so little to the match and Orton was actually more over than him by the end because he'd been carrying him throughout and done all the big spots.

Sounds like every Reigns match.
Also lol @ Stephanie, who was never a wrestler and had been out of the ring for 10 years, having to carry Brie's ass. So Brie can't wrestle, she's not anything special looks-wise, she can't cut a promo, she's only there because of who she's with now.

It's sad.


The thing that Orton vs reigns showed me is that people still like randy. Now if only wwe creative could actually write him a decent story line.
Sounds like every Reigns match.
Also lol @ Stephanie, who was never a wrestler and had been out of the ring for 10 years, having to carry Brie's ass. So Brie can't wrestle, she's not anything special looks-wise, she can't cut a promo, she's only there because of who she's with now.

It's sad.

At one point I swore she was getting better, maybe before she left the company? She was abysmal last night though and now we've got PPV matches without Steph being there to carry her. I guess it won't matter that much though, as long as she's booked well the crowd will be into it regardless of how boring she is to watch. She's the female Reign's without the 3 signature moves and a good look.


What I took from Reigns/Orton is that Orton needs to go back face soon, and Ambrose needs a rocket strapped to him instead of Reigns.


Usually I hate one sided feuds but I approved of Stephanie getting the upper hand to Brie. Brie was never good along with her sister and for steph to go full namco boss last night was incredible. She pretty much squashed that shitty storyline with the wrath of McMahonism.


Seriously Ambrose is in 97 Stone Cold mode right now .

The best part about the wacky matches he has like this Lumberjack match is he is still a good wrestler and if he had to have a regular match, he'd do it great. It's not a case where the gimmick matches and crazy spots are covering up a weakness.


Will there be an Ambrose vs Rollins rematch at the next PPV? If they ever do any other stipulation match I bet that will be just as good. Who knows we might finally see a good cage match actually happen in the WWE again.
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