24th match, Chris Hero & Mark Wolf vs Swiss Money Holding of Ares & Claudio Castagnoli. Swap Wolf out for someone worth a damn and hold this match in 2005 and it would've been pretty good. Claudio, however, isn't all that yet and it shows. Ares works the majority, with Claudio tagging in to hit a few Europeans and a shitty slam thing, before Ares misses a dive off the top. Wolf holds Ares and Chris throws a forearm, but Ares ducks out of the way. Claudio superkicks Hero and Ares rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for the win. Fucking dud.
Here we go, it's the main event. FINALLY. Ian Rotten vs Corporal Robinson in a Fans Bring the Weapons match. They get into collar & elbow tie-up and do a headbutt version of the Frye/Takayama spot. Ian's already bleeding. And so is Corp. Stiff shot with a road sign floors Corp. Ian throws him outside, but Corp grabs a lighttube, pops it in his fist and just starts gouging at Ian's forehead. A fan hands him a cheesegrater and Ian's face is a bloody mess. Ian grabs a 2x4 with lightbulbs stuck in it and breaks them over Corp's back, following up with a big lighttube shot. Corp gets some nunchukus from somewhere and chokes Ian with them, but Ian gets a barbedwire bat and rakes it across Corp's back. Ugh. He scrambles back in the ring and Ian follows, but eats a vertical suplex into some lighttubes. "OW, MY ASS!!" he screams. Corp puts Ian in the crippler crossface, but Ian escapes and kicks Corp low. Big DDT onto the lighttubes. They brawl to the floor and a fan hands Ian a metal hardhat that he headbutts Corp with, lol. Now he's got a tazer and eletrocutes Corp's balls! Ian gets a door from somewhere and supexes Ian through it. He drags Corp back in the ring and goes for his double-arm DDT, but Corp reverses and hits his side-Russian leg sweep into the lighttubes, smartly twisting at the last second to avoid hitting the tubes himself. Ian kicks out and hits his DDT. Corp kicks out. Ian hits a shitty backdrop into the tubes for the win. Ian screams "GET ME A FUCKIN' TOWEL!" and is pissing blood from his arm. "I'm hurt baby, I'm hurt real bad". Looks like Ian's off to the hospital. Believe it or not, I've seen far worse Fans Bring the Weapons matches, but this one was pretty enjoyable. Crowd were, understandably, exhausted though and Ian was just ridiculously reckless with his own body. Idiot.
That's the last IWA-MS I'll be watching for a good long while.
Folks that complain about the fact that the bork match wasn't much of a match must have never seen a vader match in their life :/
Man, I've seen Vader matches. This was nowhere near the level of any of the Vader vs Takada bouts, or Vader vs Kobashi, or Vader vs Inoki, or Vader vs Hashimoto. But like I said, that's fine - it was trying to tell a story and did so. Nothing wrong with that. But it still wasn't as enjoyable as the Extreme Rules match.