Seriously Ambrose is in 97 Stone Cold mode right now .
Fully expect they'll do a ladder match for the briefcase next. Which is perfectly fine to me.I expect you'll get two more Ambrose/Rollins matches for the next two PPVs.
Fully expect they'll do a ladder match for the briefcase next. Which is perfectly fine to me.
Problem with that comparison is Cena in 2003 was a midcard heel, fully two years away from being a main event guy. Reigns is apparently six months from that role and already getting the show starting to be built around at all the smarky marks shitting on Reigns. That match was fine. Definitely his best singles match so far. And significantly better than Cena's 2003 PPV outings (at the same number of years wrestling) against Brock and Taker, who were better than Orton is now. Brock was one of the best in the world in 2003 and couldn't get anything out of Cena. Taker was still in his prime and had another 6-7 years of excellent matches and couldn't get anything out of Cena. At 4 years in, Roman is way better than Cena was at 4 years in. Cena improved a lot. I don't see why no one thinks Roman is going to get any better than what he is right now.
Also wtf at the lambert jacket match being called a match of the year. It was a wacky ECW match without the weapons or blood. I just want them to have a real match with out running all over the building and a bunch of shenanigans. A fight where they knock the shit out of each other and not run away from each other.
They're saving that for next month or the month after.
That Lumber Jack match was pure joy and the crowd loved it. I was hooting and hollering at my monitor.
Think about this though. Daemon Kane runs into a great match and people shit on it.
Korporate Kane runs into a great match? Makes it even better.
lol at all the smarky marks shitting on Reigns. That match was fine. Definitely his best singles match so far. And significantly better than Cena's 2003 PPV outings (at the same number of years wrestling) against Brock and Taker, who were better than Orton is now. Brock was one of the best in the world in 2003 and couldn't get anything out of Cena. Taker was still in his prime and had another 6-7 years of excellent matches and couldn't get anything out of Cena. At 4 years in, Roman is way better than Cena was at 4 years in. Cena improved a lot. I don't see why no one thinks Roman is going to get any better than what he is right now.
I don't even know why Damon Kane was out there. I missed how he became Korporate Damon again. It was like he was losing too much and The Authority said, "Nah, you ain't no Damon anymore, Damon Kane" and that was that.
Problem with that comparison is Cena in 2003 was a midcard heel, fully two years away from being a main event guy. Reigns is apparently six months from that role and already getting the show starting to be built around him.
And Cena was already really good at talking by then, anyway, which can make up for meh in ring performances.
The match was better than many expected because Orton saved it in the final 3rd with a few good spots, thinking Reigns came out of that looking good when he did close to nothing is insane. Seriously the crowd wanted Orton to win by the end.
How much better do you think Reigns is going to get in half a year when he's supposed to be the companies top guy?
I remember me saying you shouldn't shit on the Rollins/Ambrose match because of the stip before it happened. Turns out I was right.
The things people hear when they decide what they want to hear...
A crowd of smarky smarks applauding Big E for his boss powerlifting exhibition of three consecutive backbreaker lunges to Luke Harper doesn't mean the crowd wants Big E and Friends to beat the Wyatts. It's appreciation of good stuff.
I think it is crazy to think WWE didn't have huge plans for Cena in 2003 to get big time PPV matches against Brock and Taker, the two biggest stars and Smackdown. And his bad performances delayed his full push to the top. Had Cena not put on two bad matches in his big opportunities, he would have been champion a year sooner. And if you think he was good at talking, go back and watch his rippity rap promos that were 50% dick jokes and 50% homophobic insults.
Seems like you're just choosing to hear what you want as well. If you like Reigns that's fine but the crowd was super hot for the RKO pin and a lot quieter for Reigns winning. Maybe they just appreciated Orton carrying Reigns for the whole match and felt he deserve the win though?
You know what surprised me most about Summerslam besides Lesnar squashing Cena? Stephanie McMahon showing up with 10 years of rust and being a more entertaining wrestler than Brie Bella.
You know what surprised me most about Summerslam besides Lesnar squashing Cena? Stephanie McMahon showing up with 10 years of rust and being a more entertaining wrestler than Brie Bella.
You know what surprised me most about Summerslam besides Lesnar squashing Cena? Stephanie McMahon showing up with 10 years of rust and being a more entertaining wrestler than Brie Bella.
It's extremely hard to NOT be a more entertaining wrestler than Brie Bella.
It's not like he main evented PPVs in 2003. He was just a "challenger of the month" to Lesnar, until Lesnar's proper feuds with Big Show and Angle started.
Cena's problem in promos has nearly always been content, not delivery, in regards to his un-PC raps. They didn't "plan" for Cena to be the top guy back then, in any case, they expected it to be Orton. Orton didn't work out that way in the end and they went with Cena by late 2004. Cena and Batista, anyway. Remember before his rap gimmick (which was a lucky break) Cena was a low card job guy, next to Orton who was being groomed for Evolution.
My point was the Cena/Reigns comparisons are flawed. They've basically manufactured everything for Reigns from the start, giving him records, all the hot tags and finishes, talking him up nonstop on commentary, and by late in the Shield's life calling him the "MVP" of the Shield and focusing all attention on him. Cena didn't get that early on, he found a gimmick that worked for him, and got over with it in the midcard, leading to a push and eventually working out to top guy for a number of reasons. Reigns seems far more like early days Orton to me.
The idea that WWE are "planning" their top guy is ridiculous. They can plan for guys to be stars because superman booking usually gets guys over with general crowds, but the top guy position can't just be "planned".
You're also disregarding that it's a different time now. Cena's match quality from 2003 would have killed him in 2014, because they do have a higher average standard of match now.
The revisionist history on Cena not supposed to be a top guy is ridiculous. Also, if Roman is so bad, why haven't fans at live shows turned on him yet?
I think you phrased this wrong, because I find it hard to believe you're amazed that Steph is more entertaining than Brie Bella.
Which begs the question.
Why do the Bellas have jobs?
Which begs the question.
Why do the Bellas have jobs?
Which begs the question.
Why do the Bellas have jobs?
Because it's who's inside them that counts.
So, time for some real talk predictions:
How soon until they hit the reset button? I'm saying we're back to status quo by the end of September.