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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
My dog hurt his leg chasing a chipmunk the other day, and he was selling it Bret Hart limp style. I was so proud, I was hoping he'd be offering hamstring excuses for the next few weeks to all the other rodents in my backyard, but he Cena'd the injury, and now he's fine.

I just gotta keep him away from that Goldberg Retriever. Ba dum tish

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Some of us have mentioned this, and Cagesideseats.com talks about it as well:

Who can WWE realistically position as a threat to Lesnar?

We've just watch him send a mythical figure who hadn't lost at the company's biggest show in two decades to the hospital and a man the company has spent the summer pushing as the greatest champion in their history to his most humiliating defeat.

We're supposed to buy Daniel Bryan and his surgically repaired neck, or Roman Reigns and his four-ish moves of doom as anything other than an annoyance to that bad ass?

Someone is going to beat him, and that moment should be glorious. The man who puts Lesnar down will instantly have a unique feather in his cap. But they have some serious heavy-lifting to do to get to that story, and to prepare a babyface for the role of hero in that story. We better hope that they're up to the task, and that Wall Street will be okay with the customer's response to trying something different, because otherwise, we could be right back at...


Reigns will be ready next year = Reigns isn't ready yet.

I thought that was pretty implicit. I was just saying that he's still showing improvement so I think he will be ready next year sometime. He's adding new moves to his move set, and hitting them quite well (that spear wasn't great though).

He's green, but getting there. I know that's not interesting, but the crowds are genuinely behind him at live events. Will he be ready in time for when they put the belt on him? I'm not sure. It's going to be a close call I should think. How many PPV singles matches has he had? Yes Orton carried the match, but Reigns was far from a disaster and had probably his best singles match so far.

All post-Goldberg spears suffer from the lack of realism. Goldberg dished out textbook form tackles on RBs. Everyone else tends to just jump into the air and fly and hit people with their shoulders and chest.

Need to get back to basics bro. Run, get low, engage at the hips, wrap up, and slam the dude backward into the mat.

Cesaro would have been perfect for the next Lesnar opponent. He can get over as a face very easily. Natural feud there with Heyman around. He'll never be the the top guy so he takes a couple losses and it doesn't hurt the company. He can match Lesnar's strength.

But it's more important he jobs to Kofi and RVD to ruin any credibility he had.
All post-Goldberg spears suffer from the lack of realism. Goldberg dished out textbook form tackles on RBs. Everyone else tends to just jump into the air and fly and hit people with their shoulders and chest.

Need to get back to basics bro. Run, get low, engage at the hips, wrap up, and slam the dude backward into the mat.


Is that the spear Goldberg allegedly knocked himself out on?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Some of us have mentioned this, and Cagesideseats.com talks about it as well:

Who can WWE realistically position as a threat to Lesnar?

We've just watch him send a mythical figure who hadn't lost at the company's biggest show in two decades to the hospital and a man the company has spent the summer pushing as the greatest champion in their history to his most humiliating defeat.

We're supposed to buy Daniel Bryan and his surgically repaired neck, or Roman Reigns and his four-ish moves of doom as anything other than an annoyance to that bad ass?

Someone is going to beat him, and that moment should be glorious. The man who puts Lesnar down will instantly have a unique feather in his cap. But they have some serious heavy-lifting to do to get to that story, and to prepare a babyface for the role of hero in that story. We better hope that they're up to the task, and that Wall Street will be okay with the customer's response to trying something different, because otherwise, we could be right back at...


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Popular opinion time: Brie is awful, how do you get so completely outstaged by a non-wrestler that hasn't been in the ring for like a decade? Especially when you're claiming to be the veteran and lockerroom leader. Steph is amazing, but so wasted on Brie, put her in the ring with literally anyone else in that division except Rosa and Cameron... Shame.
Popular opinion time: Steph and Brie had a better match than Payjay. Also her missile dropkick was p. decent.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Popular opinion time: Steph and Brie had a better match than Payjay.

Easily. AJ/Paige was nothing but fanwank, which was unfortunate. Going for the lowest common denominator instead of putting on a reasonably well worked match was a friggin shame, because I know they could. It always bums me out when WWE runs the route of reducing female wrestlers to objects. Steph/Brie had more character and empowerment and signaled more of a change than AJ/Paige did. Really wasted opportunity to cater to shitlords.


Cesaro would have been perfect for the next Lesnar opponent. He can get over as a face very easily. Natural feud there with Heyman around. He'll never be the the top guy so he takes a couple losses and it doesn't hurt the company. He can match Lesnar's strength.

But it's more important he jobs to Kofi and RVD to ruin any credibility he had.
I'd like to see him feud with Rusev and actually bring back the whole "I love America" routine that he had when he was with Swagger and Zeb, so the crowd won't sound stupid when they inevitably start doing the "USA" chants. WWE's really dropped the ball on him, post 'Mania.


Popular opinion time:
Cheese is awesome

But I hugely preferred AJ/Paige. Terrible match between Steph and Brie to follow up that awful Megan shit.


Some of us have mentioned this, and Cagesideseats.com talks about it as well:

Who can WWE realistically position as a threat to Lesnar?

We've just watch him send a mythical figure who hadn't lost at the company's biggest show in two decades to the hospital and a man the company has spent the summer pushing as the greatest champion in their history to his most humiliating defeat.

We're supposed to buy Daniel Bryan and his surgically repaired neck, or Roman Reigns and his four-ish moves of doom as anything other than an annoyance to that bad ass?

Someone is going to beat him, and that moment should be glorious. The man who puts Lesnar down will instantly have a unique feather in his cap. But they have some serious heavy-lifting to do to get to that story, and to prepare a babyface for the role of hero in that story. We better hope that they're up to the task, and that Wall Street will be okay with the customer's response to trying something different, because otherwise, we could be right back at...
I'm still for the our of left field pick of Dean, but he is not be ready to carry that crown yet.


Both matches were good, but yeah I enjoyed Steph/Brie more, HHH selling for Brie and that yes chant was awesome

Both matches had about 5 minutes of actual wrestling in them and whilst Paige/AJ was obviously better in that regard the Steph/Brie match had all the entertaining fuckery + the swerve at the end. I still can't believe HHH sold for Brie like that, it's great how he really will put absolutely anyone over now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still for the our of left field pick of Dean, but he is not be ready to carry that crown yet.

A good angle to work is someone facing Brock with a different style that leaves his "I'm pretty much a destroyer in the ring" out of it.


Some of us have mentioned this, and Cagesideseats.com talks about it as well:

Who can WWE realistically position as a threat to Lesnar?

We've just watch him send a mythical figure who hadn't lost at the company's biggest show in two decades to the hospital and a man the company has spent the summer pushing as the greatest champion in their history to his most humiliating defeat.

We're supposed to buy Daniel Bryan and his surgically repaired neck, or Roman Reigns and his four-ish moves of doom as anything other than an annoyance to that bad ass?

Someone is going to beat him, and that moment should be glorious. The man who puts Lesnar down will instantly have a unique feather in his cap. But they have some serious heavy-lifting to do to get to that story, and to prepare a babyface for the role of hero in that story. We better hope that they're up to the task, and that Wall Street will be okay with the customer's response to trying something different, because otherwise, we could be right back at...

The answer is Daniel Bryan. Both Bryan and Lesnar have roared through the upper card and Bryan's resume of victories is arguably more impressive than Brocks, Taker match being the obvious exception.

Popular opinion time:
Cheese is awesome

But I hugely preferred AJ/Paige. Terrible match between Steph and Brie to follow up that awful Megan shit.

Didn't think Brie vs Steph was awful by any means. Shocked by how good it was actually

I thought Steph/Brie was more entertaining than it had any right to be.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Has Paige/AJ saved the divas divion yet?

Not with what they did yesterday night

The answer is Daniel Bryan. Both Bryan and Lesnar have roared through the upper card and Bryan's resume of victories is arguably more impressive than Brocks, Taker match being the obvious exception.

Completely disagree, but I can tell this is going to be a point that WrassleGAF {(and other outlets) will not let die and be talked to death, ala CM Punk's employment status/will he ever come back? and others.


Bryan's resume of victories is arguably more impressive than Brocks, Taker match being the obvious exception.

Have Bryan go pin Taker on his hospital bed / whilst he's asleep (24/7 style). He can then boast that he's beaten Taker too. Of course, he'd have to go full heel for it to work, but he could do it easily.


love on your sleeve
Paige/AJ was about as good as a 5 minute match is going to be. Nothing is going to save the division until something is done about that.

Some of us have mentioned this, and Cagesideseats.com talks about it as well:

Who can WWE realistically position as a threat to Lesnar?



In hindsight it was also bad having Dave lose twice. But WWE can somehow make us forget.

Dave and Lesnar probably can't have a good match but I say they should anyway. It's high profile.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

I was thinking about it, and I don't blame Rey at all for wanting to get out. I don't even think it's a 'I'm a being mistreated' thing. It's a, 'everyone I know who I came up with is gone from WWE.' If you think about it, Chavo's gone, Eddie's gone, Psicosis's gone, Super Crazy's gone, Jericho's basically gone, Edge's gone, Christian's who the fuck knows, Kurt's gone, his whole generation is pretty much gone from WWE. No real reason to stick around and kill yourself, as I imagine Rey's good with his money since you don't hear about him and ex-wives or anything.

And on the womens matches, I think every non-Arrival Charlotte match pretty much proved Charlotte was carried entirely by Natalya, and that you guys give Charlotte way too much credit and Natalya not near enough.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
why did you guys hate the match? it was a decent wrestling match with a good finish... we'll never get a Lita/Trish ever again because everything rotates around Total Divas now, but for a divas match, it was pretty darn good
Too short.

BHZ Mayor

I'm sorry but after last night, there's no way in hell I'm buying Bryan as a legitimate threat to Lesnar unless they show that Bryan's rehab was actually one of these.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
why did you guys hate the match? it was a decent wrestling match with a good finish... we'll never get a Lita/Trish ever again because everything rotates around Total Divas now, but for a divas match, it was pretty darn good

Told no real story at all, unless you count the "MAYBE THEYLL KISS" or "ITS OBVIOUS SHE'S BI" mouthbreathers who want to see some HLA. I found the actual wrestling incredibly underwhelming and positioning AJ or Paige as a feud that will bring the Divas division forward as a joke, because it felt more like Divas division circa 2010.

Then again, I've been spending a lot of time with some REALLY kickass alternatives - I highly recommend watching this, for instance, for my idea of a dope-ass women's wrestling match:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ep5K9e0cA - Alpha Female vs Io Shirai

or this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qg_eP_BY0M - Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong

God DAMN those two matches are great. Love it. Also showcases women in legit ass-kicking roles as well, and doesn't debase them.


Brie and Steph was a good match because it told a story in and out of the ring. The fans gave a shit. I know we have detractors still, but it's the truth. The match itself was simple sure but mostly all free of botches and was solid enough.
Sadly, I think if Lesnar loses the title at Mania it may not be against someone who pins him.

I don't think there is anyone in the company worthy of that rub at the moment.

I'm honestly not sure if they have anyone who they can build up to that level right now. That's kind of crazy to think about but this guy put down two of the biggest names in wrestling like they were flapjacks.

They are selling him as unstoppable.

I was thinking about it, and I don't blame Rey at all for wanting to get out. I don't even think it's a 'I'm a being mistreated' thing. It's a, 'everyone I know who I came up with is gone from WWE.' If you think about it, Chavo's gone, Eddie's gone, Psicosis's gone, Super Crazy's gone, Jericho's basically gone, Edge's gone, Christian's who the fuck knows, Kurt's gone, his whole generation is pretty much gone from WWE. No real reason to stick around and kill yourself, as I imagine Rey's good with his money since you don't hear about him and ex-wives or anything.

And on the womens matches, I think every non-Arrival Charlotte match pretty much proved Charlotte was carried entirely by Natalya, and that you guys give Charlotte way too much credit and Natalya not near enough.

That's how I see it. I just want to see the guy work somewhere that will make him happy.


The idea of Bryan being able to defeat Brock right now is absolutely ludicrous. Kayfabe, real life, whatever. Brock is 100 pounds bigger, a legitimate fighter, and just inherited the powers of the Undertaker and the full scope of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. In addition to already having the power of Hulkamania and Rock's Electricity. Bryan would need at least 6 ultra legendary cards to even put a dent in Bork.


Told no real story at all, unless you count the "MAYBE THEYLL KISS" or "ITS OBVIOUS SHE'S BI" mouthbreathers who want to see some HLA. I found the actual wrestling incredibly underwhelming and positioning AJ or Paige as a feud that will bring the Divas division forward as a joke, because it felt more like Divas division circa 2010.

Then again, I've been spending a lot of time with some REALLY kickass alternatives - I highly recommend watching this, for instance, for my idea of a dope-ass women's wrestling match:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ep5K9e0cA - Alpha Female vs Io Shirai

or this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qg_eP_BY0M - Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong

God DAMN those two matches are great. Love it. Also showcases women in legit ass-kicking roles as well, and doesn't debase them.

ah, okay but if you want real women wrestling you should never turn to WWE, in that context it was a decent match

anyway to be honest I never cared about the women's division even when Lita and Trish were around so...


The idea of Bryan being able to defeat Brock right now is absolutely ludicrous. Kayfabe, real life, whatever. Brock is 100 pounds bigger, a legitimate fighter, and just inherited the powers of the Undertaker and the full scope of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. In addition to already having the power of Hulkamania and Rock's Electricity. Bryan would need at least 6 ultra legendary cards to even put a dent in Bork.

Bryan already beat Cena and did what Undertaker could never do, beat down all 3 members of the shield at the same time.


It's too bad Kurt is all broken. We could have Angel/Brock2 or maybe even a Brock/Goldnerg2 or Rock/Bork2.

The possibilities are out there. D. Bry, Reigns, Batista, etc.

I think you even give Big Show another shot at least on RAW or a B PPV.
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