What about the Blee Dat argument
Have we? Where?
And yeah I bank on it happening tonight. Man, the new WWE title really didn't last long
I'm honestly wondering when this burial of Cesaro started. The flaw of not watching WWE 99% of the time is I'm confused as to how Cesaro went from being over at Wrestlemania 30, then teaming with Heyman, to all of a sudden jobbing to RVD on the pre-show. They messed up with him. I don't think he could ever be a top star like Ambrose or Rollins, but he'd be a solid gatekepper main eventer.
All this thread tells me is that it's all Heyman's fault. Dude who can't talk is put with someone who can, but somehow ends up ruined because of it. Maths is failing me.
BELEE DATWhat about the Blee Dat argument
It's not a huge change, they're just replacing the main plate with the new logo.
a well built Bobby Lashley maybe? I don't know really.
he tapped against angle if i'm not mistaken
When I saw him earlier in the year, I thought he'd be a strong contender by now at least. They basically took a good step backwards with him, which is just crazy to me. Raw is 3 hours. I can't even watch it because it's too long, but that's a lot of time where you should be able to build a couple of guys.
They've done a good job with The Shield. So they can do it.
Tbh, no one is believable at this point. The #1 guy, the main character of the show, who almost never loses clean, not only lost clean, but got utterly squashed as if he were some local jobber.
He lost to Cena in his first match back...
Lashley fucking sucks.
what a moronWho let Full Sail into the building?
Those super powers fell out the window at WM30. Reality era never die.I just think the "believe-ability" argument goes out the window in a universe where Undertaker is supposed to have real super powers.
Is there anyone in other wrestling promotions that could look like a legit threat to Lesnar?
oh I know, but he's huge and could be built as a "monster"
but seriously, Lesnar could probably kill anyone in the wrestling business IRL
How many loses does Brock have in his entire WWE career?
Has he ever lost in a 1-on-1 regular match?
I'm thinking no.
I'm kind of glad Undertaker lost now. His streak was becoming a joke. I saw that Wrestlemania Hell in a Cell recently. Old man taking a dozen finishing moves but wins. It's too much. I'm glad Brock killed his ass so we're past this streak that no one really cared about anyway. Brock broke the streak and still can't generate heat and I'm supposed to have believed that it was career suicide for whoever broke it.
FrankenBork's a draw, think tonight's rating is going to be the biggest of the year or close to it.Who cares about the MMA brats, we had a Pitch Perfect reunion!
Are these women fighters in that dead sport known as MMA?
The point re: believability is that Brock Lesnar's monster mystique comes from the fact he's a real motherfucker. You're supposed to buy that he's more dangerous than the rest because he won real fights and was a champion in a sport with real fights and he fights f'reals. It's on some fourth wall breaking shit because his presence ruins the suspension of disbelief that Big Show can lose to Rey Mysterio because wrestling. That's what they're selling in the video packages. That's what they're giving you with him committing war crimes against John Cena last night.
That plus he's enormous.
Is it too much to ask to not be subjected to the story ending not with some cartoon wrasslin shit but with another real motherfucker going toe-to-toe?
Is it true that Vince has soured on Bo's gimmick?
The crowd was really responding to it.
The point re: believability is that Brock Lesnar's monster mystique comes from the fact he's a real motherfucker. You're supposed to buy that he's more dangerous than the rest because he won real fights and was a champion in a sport with real fights and he fights f'reals. It's on some fourth wall breaking shit because his presence ruins the suspension of disbelief that Big Show can lose to Rey Mysterio because wrestling. That's what they're selling in the video packages. That's what they're giving you with him committing war crimes against John Cena last night.
That plus he's enormous.
Is it too much to ask to not be subjected to the story ending not with some cartoon wrasslin shit but with another real motherfucker going toe-to-toe?
The point re: believability is that Brock Lesnar's monster mystique comes from the fact he's a real motherfucker. You're supposed to buy that he's more dangerous than the rest because he won real fights and was a champion in a sport with real fights and he fights f'reals. It's on some fourth wall breaking shit because his presence ruins the suspension of disbelief that Big Show can lose to Rey Mysterio because wrestling. That's what they're selling in the video packages. That's what they're giving you with him committing war crimes against John Cena last night.
That plus he's enormous.
Is it too much to ask to not be subjected to the story ending not with some cartoon wrasslin shit but with another real motherfucker going toe-to-toe?
Is it true that Vince has soured on Bo's gimmick?
The crowd was really responding to it.
Hahaha. My friends were commenting last night about Brock just being a beast and my immediate response to that conversation was "Yeah and this is what Brock looks like when he's only pretend fighting. You should see him when he's actually hurting people"
The point re: believability is that Brock Lesnar's monster mystique comes from the fact he's a real motherfucker. You're supposed to buy that he's more dangerous than the rest because he won real fights and was a champion in a sport with real fights and he fights f'reals. It's on some fourth wall breaking shit because his presence ruins the suspension of disbelief that Big Show can lose to Rey Mysterio because wrestling. That's what they're selling in the video packages. That's what they're giving you with him committing war crimes against John Cena last night.
That plus he's enormous.
Is it too much to ask to not be subjected to the story ending not with some cartoon wrasslin shit but with another real motherfucker going toe-to-toe?