Sibersk Esto
So uh...what are the custom side plates for Lesnar's WWE title going to look like?
One of them will undoubtedly be his Back tattoo
So uh...what are the custom side plates for Lesnar's WWE title going to look like?
Jimmy JohnsSo uh...what are the custom side plates for Lesnar's WWE title going to look like?
So uh...what are the custom side plates for Lesnar's WWE title going to look like?
People keep saying Lesnar has bad matches, they forget he constantly says he's not here to entertain or have a wrestling match, he just wants to beat the shit out of the other guy. That's exactly what he demonstrated in that match with Cena.
It really shows that Damien Sandow is in the dog house big time, when they don't him give a sculpted physique.
If they'd bring back an old guy to wrestle Brock I'd rather have Austin to be perfectly honest. Austin just seems like more of the brawler type who wouldn't be afraid to walk up to Brock and punch him in the face.
Too bad Austin's neck is probably more fragile than Bryan's.
Lost to Big Slow, lost to Angle twice (once by tapout), tapped out to Benoit, lost to Eddie, was made Goldberg's bitch, lost to Cena, and lost to King Haitch at Wrestlemania. That's eight off the top of my head.But since Brock's debut. Hes only lost 5 times. Including tag matches. 
Now that's dominance
Stephanie gets wet
They may not end up doing anything with it, but WWE seems to have created a lot of buzz for themselves. I haven't refreshed either this thread or the SummerSlam OT today without there being a wall of new posts. Damn near every post is about Brock.
Jimmy Johns
Yeah that's what I'm talking bout.
And to the clown to told me Brock wouldn't win, ya can kiss my right butt cheek
PWInsider said:Alberto Del Rio appeared on Televisa's Primero Noticias in Mexico. Here is a recap:
On being fired, Del Rio said there was an incident, an altercation with a WWE employee, that one day hell give all of the details on. Right now hes assessing the best way to do so via legal means, so that everything he says isnt used against him, since legal matters in the U.S. are handled differently than they are in Mexico.
He said there was an incident where he was offended, where he was completely the victim. He said WWE made a statement that he displayed unprofessional conduct, and that yes its true, that he smacked the WWE employee because as he always says, you can take away his job but you cant take away his dignity and his pride, nor try to offend or humiliate where he comes from, which is of course Mexico, and he doesnt forget his roots. This problem led to the termination of his contract with WWE.
The interviewer asked if ADR was the victim of racism. Alberto says yes, that there were comments this employee made, and that he admitted he reacted in an inappropriate manner. He said that he wouldn't advise anyone to conduct themselves in the manner that he did. He admitted that he "smacked" the WWE employee and that he is completely embarrassed by his own attitude and by his own reaction, but in that moment, he demanded an apology.
The interviewer interrupted ADR and asked what the employee said to him, Alberto says that part hes gonna keep to himself for now. He said he's a few days away from being able to tell the world exactly what happened. He said that a lot of people know what happened because there were many people present there in the WWE catering area. The interviewer asks who else was there, Alberto says right next to him was Jack Swagger, one of the referees was behind him, people from the crew, etc. They were all eating in Laredo, Texas at a TV taping.
ADR said he spoke to Vince McMahon after the incident occurred and everything appeared to be fine. Interviewer backs up to the incident, Alberto says someone said something to the WWE employee, and when he responded to the comment, the response was directed at Alberto.
The interviewer asks if hes had any incidents with this employee before and Alberto says yes. He said that "a while back" there was a time the WWE employee was pretending to read something on his laptop and said, It says on here Alberto is a tal por cual (Mexican slang for a slut) and that he tried to play it off like it was a joke and shake Albertos hand. Alberto refused and told the employee to get away from him. He said this incident occurred 7 or 8 months prior to the slap. So when this incident occurred recently, Alberto demanded an apology, but that the WWE employee walked right up to Albertos face, smirked at him and said nothing. That's when Alberto smacked him. Again, he said he is embarrassed by his reaction, but he doesnt regret it. He said that yes, it cost him his job, but he thinks WWE is the one who loses the most in this situation.
The interviewer asks if it was another wrestler who he had this incident with, Alberto says no, that its their Social Media Manager. He says he never even knew this person's name until after all of this happened. WWE released a statement saying Alberto was fired due to unprofessional conduct, but he wonders why they didnt mention there was an isolated incident that led to his unprofessional conduct.
Alberto said after the incident happened, Vince McMahon asked to speak to him. Alberto said that Vince himself told him that he understood where Alberto was coming from and why he was upset by the comment, because first hes insulted and then after the insult the guy smirks in his face. Vince said that he understood ADR's reaction. Everything appeared to be fine after his talk with Vince.
ADR was suspended the next day, which he understood, but that for reasons WWE later decided, they changed their mind and was let go.
Alberto said Triple H called him Thursday morning and told him that it hurts WWE more because theyve invested a lot of time and money into him, but that they need to let him go. Alberto told him that it was fine, and that once his release was made public AAA contacted him, Japan contacted him, some North American promotions as well.
Alberto said that he has not had any other conversations with WWE since his release, but that word got out of what happened from other people who witnessed the incident occur.
He said going forward, hes using El Patron now since WWE owns Alberto Del Rio (his real name is Jose Alberto Rodriguez). They asked him if hes going to sue WWE, he said hes not sure. He said that the reason he went to a lawyer is because when he received his release in the mail, they mentioned he couldnt wrestle in the United States for a year. ADR admitted hes not fully familiar with the laws in the U.S. but he thinks its unconstitutional to prevent him from wrestling, since thats how he makes a living and feeds his family.
Del Rio was asked if he wants to wrestle again in the U.S. He says no and that he was already considering not signing a new contract when his contract was up next February. He said he wasnt sure if he was going to stay or go, so hes not sure what would have happened, but unfortunately this incident happened which forced him out of the company. He spoke with his wife after he was let go and decided he wasnt going to pursue legal action against WWE, but then he received his termination letter with the 1 year no compete clause and that changed everything.
Del Rio did an interview. Long read, but a good read
How come sunny wants wrassle-gaf to be a progressive place, but he wears the namesake of a man who houses and pays many racists?
How sunny, how come?
a one year no compete clause is pretty bullshit regardless of what went down
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-
Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
SummerSlam '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XX - B+
Halloween Havoc '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXI - C+
Survivor Series '92 - C-
Starrcade '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXII - B
Royal Rumble '93 - C
SuperBrawl III - B-
WrestleMania IX - C-
Slamboree '93 - D+
King of the Ring '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXIII - C+
Beach Blast '93 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXIV - C+
SummerSlam '93 - D
Fall Brawl '93 - C-
Halloween Havoc '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXV - C-
BattleBowl - D
Survivor Series '93 - F
Starrcade '93 - C
Royal Rumble '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVI - B-
SuperBrawl IV - B-
WrestleMania X - B-
Spring Stampede '94 - B
Slamboree '94 - C
King of the Ring '94 - D
Clash of the Champions XXVII - C
Bash at the Beach '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVIII - C+
SummerSlam '94 - C-
Fall Brawl '94 - C-
How come sunny wants wrassle-gaf to be a progressive place, but he wears the namesake of a man who houses and pays many racists?
How sunny, how come?
So Bertie gets fired for slapping a racist, yet nothing happens to the other guy?
HahahahahahaBrock Lesnar vs Ryback.
Two of the most dominant wrestlers of all time face to face. 3 million buys minimum.
Entirely possible.
It's also possible that the guy got reprimanded/fired but we just haven't heard anything because it's some social media guy and not anybody you've ever heard of.
I hope this whole Del Rio thing keeps the racism in WWE thing at high visibility. It's pretty ridiculous how blatent it is an dhow long it's been going on.
He agreed to it, so he must have thought it was a sufficient price of admission.
I think Cesaro would be most believable. I mean, obviously he's been on a losing streak and you'd need to fix that, but just have him do a bunch of feats of strength. Follow what they did to make Mark Henry a legit threat after years of being a joke.
When a guy is legitimately incredibly strong, you can turn them around pretty fast I think. If you need a face... simple. Have Rusev go ape shit and beat the piss out of Jack Swagger and then have Cesaro beat Rusev. Instant legitimacy.
So Bertie gets fired for slapping a racist, yet nothing happens to the other guy?
Look at this totally original image that wasn't already posted in this thread today
My KideoStation 4 arrived. Send me your PSN IDs, friends.
SheengrtrMy KideoStation 4 arrived. Send me your PSN IDs, friends.
Look at this totally original image that wasn't already posted in this thread today
Well, it seems the guy threatened to sue for unsafe work environment and that threat got Alberto fired.
The problem is how do you fire a guy that got attacked and threatens to sue you? He needs to be let go but how do you do that will out him suing you?
I'd like to see Rusev move onto feuding with Sheamus if they intend on keeping Sheamus face. Ziggler and Wyatt would be fun, should Jericho be moving on for another break. For Paige, I'm guessing Charlotte is on her way up from NXT; if not, Naomi or Natalya could be up to bat if Paige is playing heel.
After attending Summerslam last night, gf said she wants to go to Mania. She'll want Batista and Sheamus on the Mania card since those are two of her favorites right now with Punk gone.
Look at this totally original image that wasn't already posted in this thread today
Jesus fucking Christ Hero. He must be doing this on purpose.