Dr Duncan Steel
Rollins is now Shawn to Kane's Diesel.
Which is hilarious.
Which is hilarious.
Hope Roman ignoring Ambeose leads to a feud after Rollins. It's strange that he's never helped Dean after the break up of the shield.
Indeed. A movie role that could lead into a career of being a movie star vs a career involving bumps, bruises and a possibility of being a midcarder for the remainder of your career.
I'll go with the straight to redbox film.
I expect Reigns to confront Rollins next week.
I don't remember Dean ever helping Reigns.
Anyway, I'm glad that Rollins did what I've always suggested doing during a match. Murder your opponent. You win! More wrestlers should look into this.
And that 6 man match had no business being as entertaining as it was
Date has been set. September 21st, Joan is going to tame Baroque.
Ambrose is apparently gone reading these posts.
And the worst thing, no Batista tonight even after I did a five week countdown. Five damn weeks.
Just fuck this company, time for a few weeks off...until Night of Champions.
Maybe orton and rybaxel should be a faction.
They had amazing chemistry but the question is what would be their name? *strokes chin*
Axel is fucking great at selling and his moves always come out crisply.
He's got accounting to do.
Would you say that the way he does his job is simply... Perfect?
you're thinking of the oft-forgotten modern classic, "The Marine 2." Miz is the star in 3.Is that the one with Dibiase Jr?
Would you say that the way he does his job is simply... Perfect?
I don't remember Reigns ever not standing tall or needing help.
Pretty amazing they have to take the most over guy in the company off TV to film some fucking movie that two people are going to watch
you're thinking of the oft-forgotten modern classic, "The Marine 2." Miz is the star in 3.
I'd say he's even Better than Perfect
Besides his look and to a lesser extent, his promos, sure.
people need to remember though that while they love Mr. Perfect he was never further than the mid card in any major promotion. Hell his best run is arguably as Ric Flairs MANAGER in WWF.
This WWE Super Card game is the most fun I've had playing a WWE game since Day of Reckoning 2, so of course it figures that they wouldn't give the app even the slightest bit of advertising.
you know who dean ambrose looks like
Besides his look and to a lesser extent, his promos, sure.
people need to remember though that while they love Mr. Perfect he was never further than the mid card in any major promotion. Hell his best run is arguably as Ric Flairs MANAGER in WWF.
Hey Guys! I've been deemed IWC cause I said it was crazy WWE put a PPV quality match on Raw with the network starving for stuff like that on it! Should I feel good or keep laughing at these people?
Perfect's best run was his run with Hogan, where he got a visual pin with the Perfect Plex and Hulk didn't Hulk Up right after it.
They put on PPV quality matches to end Raw most of last year with D-Bry though so its not like it's big news or anything.
This post is the best post.
Welp, time to reset the counter.
WWE Has Proudly Worked
0 Days
Without a Murder
The Big OMaybe orton and rybaxel should be a faction.
They had amazing chemistry but the question is what would be their name? *strokes chin*
It's weird how they keep pulling out bigger and bigger guys to match with Rusev.
First he beats up the various black jobbers and gets to Big E, who is very comparable in size. Then Swagger, who dwarfs him but isn't quite as stout. Now Mark Henry, who is just making him look small.
It's weird how they keep pulling out bigger and bigger guys to match with Rusev.
First he beats up the various black jobbers and gets to Big E, who is very comparable in size. Then Swagger, who dwarfs him but isn't quite as stout. Now Mark Henry, who is just making him look small.
I can't stop saying BAAARRRRRRRAAAACK LESSSNARRRRR in my head. Been saying it all night. I'm so happy.
I really hope Rusev won't lose against Mark Henry. Mark Henry has to put the young monster over