|OT2| Say that again, please.
Her personal life shouldn't be on display in this way and the sexual encounters could mean that she was given favored coverage but at the same time, that may not be the case. The only people that know for sure are those involved directly and her former partner is dumb as shit for airing it all out publicly and then attaching stupid slut shaming nicknames like calling her "five guys to it as well." I understand he was hurt but holy fuck was it just insensitive and petty. At the same time, nobody is perfect. Nobody is going to do the right thing every single time. Doesn't invalidate when that person does the right thing or says things that need to be said and heard by the masses. This goes for both Zoe and her former partner. Good people make poor choices all the time.
Depression Quest is a bad video game but as someone that deals with depression pretty heavily, I'm glad it exists as something people who don't can experience and get a better idea of what depression is like. It's really unfortunate that it and the rest of her work has to suffer due to internet hate and a narrative we are only really hearing one side of.
Personal relationships are complex and difficult things, and much like now, should be dealt with privately.
Uh, if this is shitting up the thread. Let me know and I'll remove it. Sorry. I probably sound like a fuckin' idiot anyway.
Ehhh. Just put Heyman on the mic for 3 hours. With only going into the "conquered the streak" mode when the commercials start.Well with Ambrose gone I don't know if wrestling is going to be entertaining for awhile :/
¡HarlequinPanic!;126118673 said:Sleeping around to get on top of the indie gaming world seems like a pretty low target to shoot for, though
what thread are we talking about?
and if you sleep around to get to the top, be prepared to deal with the consequences when people find out.
he's right, 5 x 3 + 1. except he should put his thumb downBesides being an old perv, King also can't count:
Right as Cole was saying that Lesnar suplexed Cena 16 times.
Worse than I'm gonna illegally download ninja turtles loll threads?I've seen lower targets. *looks at people making Kissing GAF Mod Ass threads*
You know now that I think about it Roman has no excuse not to help his friend Dean Ambrose. For Christs sake, he hangs out at the top of section 109 every other night.
Ambrose is gone? NFL is starting soon so I won't watching wrestling, buy with Ambrose gone I really don't have reason to watch
Worse than I'm gonna illegally download ninja turtles loll threads?
DMczaf, Ryback is your hometown hero. Why didn't you tell us?
DMczaf, Ryback is your hometown hero. Why didn't you tell us?
Where can I find this Zoe Quinn business?
Apparently the Canadian cable TV version of the Network is a big success so far. Results so far way ahead of WWE's expectations and that's with minimal fanfare for the launch.
Apparently the Canadian cable TV version of the Network is a big success so far. Results so far way ahead of WWE's expectations and that's with minimal fanfare and availability for the launch.
Catching up on NXT again. Jeeeeeesus, the Charlotte/Summer Rae title match was BAD. Probably the worst match Women's Title match in NXT. Main roster tier.
Catching up on NXT again. Jeeeeeesus, the Charlotte/Summer Rae title match was BAD. Probably the worst match Women's Title match in NXT. Main roster tier.
Apparently the Canadian cable TV version of the Network is a big success so far. Results so far way ahead of WWE's expectations and that's with minimal fanfare and availability for the launch.
Summer is below average at the best of times, and while Charlotte is good for her level of experience, she is still green and needs someone better to get through long matches.
I expect Charlotte will have a good match with Bayley at the next special
Maaan, wouldn't it be FUCKED if WWE would've been way better off doing an actual channel?
John Cena will be returning to WWE Raw next week in Anaheim, California. As of now, Brock Lesnar is not being scheduled to appear. The next Raw that Brock is scheduled to appear is September 15th, which is the go-home show before Night of Champions.
WWE could possibly update their schedule since Lesnar is now champion, but that has not been confirmed yet.
Anyone getting Diablo?
I feel bad for her; no one deserves to deal with this kind of petty immature shit.