From what I hear it's not her.
Really, so they hired a knock-off Crazy Pride Lady. Huh, guess there's a market for that, but that sucks.
From what I hear it's not her.
True bros never forget.Yoooo, what a callback.
That shit is ridiculous. I didn't know the stamina decreased so rapidly so I thought I could get away with, you know, sleeping and I got 9 losses because of it. Still managed to get in second place!
True bros never forget.
Raw Audience:
8pm: 4.281
9pm: 4.330
10pm: 3.972
Avg: 4.194
Down from last week and down 104, 000 compared to last year. When Lesnar appeared had the highest viewership. Sucks the third hour was down. It was an awesome match plus the viewership got a hit from the Johnny Manziel hype train.
It was an awesome match plus the viewership got a hit from the Johnny Manziel hype train.
They should have gotten Alpha Female for AJ's bodyguard, but I guess she's not related to enough wrestlers to score that sweet developmental contract.
Taker is two years older than GGG.
Going Brock->Rollins Cash-in->Ambrose win->Brock smash->Reigns wouldn't be the worst.Surprised at that rating. You think Lesnar completely obliterating Cena at Summerslam would've drawn a couple of thousand. That rating is no different than the ones for the last few weeks for the most part, lol. Though to be fair Lesnar beating Taker was the bigger story in his career than this.
Ambrose is going to be money if WWE keeps him strong and keeps his momentum going. Dude is willing to do any type of work for the company including starring in shitty movies for one, can cut a fantastic promo, can work with pretty much anyone. He's expressive, explosive, and the fans are behind him. If WWE plays their cards right they can create an even bigger star out of Ambrose than Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. On the other hand if they keep exposing Reigns weaknesses I don't see that panning out too well for him.
The only thing that'll hold back Ambrose in the eyes of marks ( is that I don't think Ambrose is the type of guy who cares if he has the belt or not. So Ambrose could be one of those Roddy Piper-type talents that draws a lot of money without winning the World belt despite challenging for it many times.
Lesnar vs Cena rematch for Night of Champions confirmed on Main Event
Lol niceThis picture speaks to me, friends.
Taker is two years older than GGG.
It's still going? Man I haven't listened to that in YEARS. Not since Wiggly left.Smart Wrestling Fan
Live Audio Wrestling @LAWradio
Triple H announces on Main Event that rematch between Brock Lesnar and John Cena will headline Night of Champions on 9/21 in Nashville
Live Audio Wrestling @LAWradio
Triple H announces on Main Event that rematch between Brock Lesnar and John Cena will headline Night of Champions on 9/21 in Nashville
Swagger talkin a big game to Rollins
The creampie thread was fucking bananas. Do people call it that in real life?
Love, how the crowd booed when he said not tonight but when he said on Smackdown they cheered because they know the match is happening.
Also Sheamus vs Cesaro for the US Title now looks like a feud
Incoming joshi match review in a few minutes. Might be one of the best matches I've ever seen.
Motherfucker Randy was seven years older than you. "Grew up", my ass.Sting said:The personalities I grew up with like "Macho Man" Randy Savage was a reason I wanted to get into wrestling.
Cena vs. Lesnar again?
Oh god I have a terrible feeling about this.
Motherfucker Randy was seven years older than you. "Grew up", my ass.