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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill


I don't see Brock losing to flash pin, not after the way he laid Cena the fuck out. I think either Bryan taps him or he loses to the ring steps again at Mania

What fucking tipped you off?! The lack of pasta? No seats? The Japanese people?! :p

Eh, I dunno. I think Cena's moveset is fucking weird anyways. The fact that he's been doing a guillotine legdrop to a seated person for like 10 years now is really weird, considering he's the main guy, that move totally hurts your ass, and it's not good for health at all

No shit. I was sure he'd drop that years ago. Around the time of his neck surgery. I don't think it is a coincidence that he's been doing that move every match for a decade and now can't take a flat back bump to save his life. I would think the way he bumps is harder on his already beat up body. Probably contributed to his football elbow.
So Japanese people can't eat in an Italian restaurant now?


Japanese people don't WANT to eat there! Fuck you Italy!

This was pretty much the exact sentiment people were throwing at me earlier. It was astounding. I even had some dude try to 'blow my mind' by talking about hamburgers in Japan or some random ass nonsense. I must've explained it like 5 times.

I bet this KENTA fellow loves Italian food.

He'd be fatter if he did!

No shit. I was sure he'd drop that years ago. Around the time of his neck surgery. I don't think it is a coincidence that he's been doing that move every match for a decade and now can't take a flat back bump to save his life. I would think the way he bumps is harder on his already beat up body. Probably contributed to his football elbow.

I honestly don't know how he's still going. He takes bumps super weird, his moveset is crazy risky for a guy of his size, etc. He should be done.


Speaking of Kenta:



With Bully Ray leaving and very little Bound for Glory advertising, things don't look too good for TNA. Even with that in mind, I'm on board since TNA has put on a product that has appealed to me much more than the WWE this summer.




I don't know. I see Rollins losing his cash in.

I don't think that would be smart. He's getting better and more confident as a performer in the ring and on the mic, but I still think he's not truly over with fans. It was a similar idea in ROH. I feel like he will be a product of the push he receives, and that he won't necessarily be able to get over on his own performance. (specifically, on the mic)



They are being real nice compared to there relationship with the WWE when their contract was about to expire. The big question is will bully ray be there.

edit: Raw Quarter Ratings are out:

Here are the big winners:
- Q4: Raw increased again to a strong 2.10 rating for Paige vs. Natalya with A.J.'s interruption, one commercial, and the first portion of Lesnar's coronation.

The Divas match drew just as well as the start of Lesnar's segment.

- Q5: At the top of the second hour, Raw jumped to a 2.46 rating for Lesnar's segment and Paul Heyman's speech. There was no commercial break, which helped.

Nothing got close to rating of the Lesnar segment. Here is the big lose in the third hour:

- Q10: Raw fell hard to a 1.73 rating for two commercials and a non-descript Usos vs. Rhdoes Bros. tag match. This 45-minute block is where Raw really lost the audience to football, dragging down the third hour.

Here how the Rollins vs Ambrose match did:

- Q12: Raw inched up to a 1.82 rating for the first-half of Ambrose vs. Rollins, plus one mid-match commercial.

- Over-run: Raw got a boost to a 2.04 rating for the end of Ambrose vs. Rollins.


edit: Raw Quarter Ratings are out:

Here are the big winners:

- Q4: Raw increased again to a strong 2.10 rating for Paige vs. Natalya with A.J.'s interruption, one commercial, and the first portion of Lesnar's coronation.

That's crazy bearing in mind how they've barely been given the time of day by booking.

That's gotta be mostly people waiting for Brock right?


Hey dudes, what's that Aja Kong match where she destroys her opponent's hand and finger in a variety of ways throughout? Remember it making me kinda queasy.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hey dudes, what's that Aja Kong match where she destroys her opponent's hand and finger in a variety of ways throughout? Remember it making me kinda queasy.

The one where her hands are all red and fucked up?

I don't recommend watching it if you're weak of heart. It's probably the most brutal match I've ever seen, even over gimmicky stuff like deathmatches. It's like 20 minutes of Scott Steiner trying to kill a jobber

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Maybe a good idea. That first Aja match is the snuff film of joshi based on what else I've seen.

Truly, I recommend this match above all because I think it shows what Joshi of that era exactly was. Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto(hair vs hair) This was THE feud of that year, Chigusa is so over as a babyface, and Dump is so hated. Dump's not the best wrestler in the world, but she can work a crowd like no other woman in wrestling. I'd put her just below a Hogan on working a crowd, in fact. There's so much drama in this match that you'll be worn out by the end of it, and you'll immediately want to look up more Chigusa matches because she's so endearing with her efforts. She is what John Cena is supposed to be. She's strongly booked, a good wrestler, but she actually does take beatings and knows how to pour on the pity from the crowd to watch her make a comeback.

Spoiler tagging the ending in case you want to see it fresh.
The fans are fucking pissed when Chigusa loses. It breaks their hearts, and they throw trash in the ring. Japanese fans. Throw trash in the ring. How often does that happen? It's the first time I've ever seen it personally.


You don't get gout? Or you eat alot of chicken tacos?

I learned the hard way on the gout. Meat and beans did me in

I don't eat a lot of red meat.

No I don't eat Mexican food every day.

Dietary causes account for about 12% of gout,[4] and include a strong association with the consumption of alcohol, fructose-sweetened drinks, meat, and seafood.[6][10] Other triggers include physical trauma and surgery.[8] Studies in the early 2000s have found that other dietary factors once believed associated are, in fact, not, including the intake of purine-rich vegetables (e.g., beans, peas, lentils, and spinach) and total protein.[11][12] With respect to risks related to alcohol, beer and spirits appear to have a greater risk than wine.[13]

The consumption of coffee, vitamin C, and dairy products, as well as physical fitness, appear to decrease the risk.[14][15][16] This is believed partly due to their effect in reducing insulin resistance.[16]


Good man!! I vary it up too. I had the gout 10 yrs ago. After that chicken almost everyday.

Mexican here too.

I might have a burger or a steak like once a week. Mostly all chicken and turkey. Sometimes not even. I'll just have like an avocado sandwich or something. I probbaly don't even eat a pound of meat a day. Most of my dishes have tons of veggies to be filling. And not like... just potatoes,
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