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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Y'all want fan fiction?




It cost a lot to run a live show. Penny pincher McMahon isn't going to pay for that, even before the company's recent financial troubles.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Brother Spiders, Taiyo is retired. Yasukawa is out and potentially could never come back. How do I weather Stadom shows now?


Another funny part of the first episode of Monday Night Wars is how much they put over Lex's Made in the USA run. So much history is going to be rewritten during this show.

History is written by the victors.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Natsuki☆Taiyo 'Forever High Speed' retired at the end of June, and it's coming up soon that I'll get to see it, so I'm preparing for that much. It really sucks because she's one of my favorites, and I've been so behind on Stardom that I haven't had a chance to catch up and it just kind of came out of left field for me. She always had a really unique look, unique style in Stardom, and a natural babyface-ness. In terms of Joshis, I always thought her and Act were the two that an American wrestling fan could begin with. Act because of her character and storytelling and Natsuki because of her athleticism, speed, and her overall smooth execution of a lot of acrobatic lucha-esque moves. She's so little though. Only 5'0"

So here's five of her best matches to watch.
Io Shirai vs Natsuki Taiyo - This is actually one of the best womens matches in the last 10 years, so even if you're not following this for Taiyo, watch this. It was also one of the big matches that helped put Io Shirai as one of the best in the world.

Natsuki Taiyo vs Yuhi - Yuhi and Taiyo were real close, and Yuhi is also retired now. Because Joshi careers don't last unless you're a mega star.

Natsuki Taiyo vs Nanae Takahashi - This match is long. And gets pretty brutal. Takahashi? also retired. Noticing a trend?

Natsuki Taiyo vs Koguma - - Natsuki squashes some green student. It's actually not a squash, but it's the ol' youngin trying to beat the established wrestler a la Shibata vs Fujita. It's a different environment for Natsuki, but that's what makes it fun.

Natsuki Taiyo vs Act Yasukawa - Two of my favorites. Not much to say. Act is great at antagonizing people and bringing some actual gimmicks to joshi, and Natsuki's such a natural energetic goof that she brings her own storytelling. Act is out after her surgery, and Natsuki is retired. Both of them are a good example of what I mean when I say there's a lot of female wrestlers in WWE that need a unique look that stands out more. It's probably my personal favorite of all of these, as much as I like her match vs Io.

Some good modern Joshi in here for those of you looking for modern stuff.
Great post, real shame Natsuki retired as she quickly became one of my favourites in the current scene. Too many relatively young joshis retiring.

Anywho, rumour making the rounds that Yoshi Tatsu's returning to New Japan this autumn for "a lengthy run" with the promotion. Would be nice to see him back, wonder what role he'd fit in to though.


Anywho, rumour making the rounds that Yoshi Tatsu's returning to New Japan this autumn for "a lengthy run" with the promotion. Would be nice to see him back, wonder what role he'd fit in to though.

Suzuki-Gun does need another member, or maybe The Bullet Club.
Suzuki-Gun does need another member, or maybe The Bullet Club.

He'd probably be a good fit for Bullet Club, if only because he's a New Japan trained wrestler that 'defected' to the US, but I see him more as a face than a heel. New Japan could use another face in or around the main event level, especially with Naito still struggling to win over the hardcore audiences.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He'd probably be a good fit for Bullet Club, if only because he's a New Japan trained wrestler that 'defected' to the US, but I see him more as a face than a heel. New Japan could use another face in or around the main event level, especially with Naito still struggling to win over the hardcore audiences.

If Yoshi Tatsu's mediocre ass wins over the 'hardcore audience' over Naito, then the Japanese smart fanbase needs to have a good long look in the mirror. Yoshi was average when he left and made no improvements in the WWE except getting in better shape( and then getting out of better shape) Yoshi was boring in the time of NJPW's exceptionally boring 'technical wrestler' phase where everyone did cross armbreakers and Shinsuke Nakamura was Davey Richards levels of bland.
Something of a rarity here, complete episode of Ron Fuller's Southeastern Championship Wrestling (formerly Gulf Coast, later Continental) - it was known as a 'lost promotion' because the Fullers didn't allow photographers at ringside or interviews backstage, so it got very little covering in the magazines until the change to Continental Wrestling in '85. Not a terribly great episode here, but there is a title defence from Dutch;

Southeastern Championship Wrestling - 1980/03/22
Knoxville, TN

1. Terry Taylor vs Ron Slinker
2. The Manchurians (Tapu & Tio) vs The Matador (Jerry Stubbs) & Jerry Roberts (Jacques Rougeau)
3. Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen vs The Seraph
4. Southeastern TV Title: 'Dirty' Dutch Mantell (c) vs Troy T. Tyler

If Yoshi Tatsu's mediocre ass wins over the 'hardcore audience' over Naito, then the Japanese smart fanbase needs to have a good long look in the mirror.

I get the impression that the 'smart' fanbase over there isn't quite as dismissive of WWE and Tatsu was always presented as a big star when WWE went to Japan (even though he was nothing but a jobber outside of those house shows), so New Japan might feel he could bolster their star power. I'm not suggesting he gets a run with a belt or anything, but I could see him at least getting a shot.

If this does pan out, it'll be interesting to see how he's treated by Tanahashi, Nakamura, etc, considering their thoughts on Shibata for abandoning the company.


Something of a rarity here, complete episode of Ron Fuller's Southeastern Championship Wrestling (formerly Gulf Coast, later Continental) - it was known as a 'lost promotion' because the Fullers didn't allow photographers at ringside or interviews backstage, so it got very little covering in the magazines until the change to Continental Wrestling in '85. Not a terribly great episode here, but there is a title defence from Dutch;

Southeastern Championship Wrestling - 1980/03/22
Knoxville, TN

1. Terry Taylor vs Ron Slinker
2. The Manchurians (Tapu & Tio) vs The Matador (Jerry Stubbs) & Jerry Roberts (Jacques Rougeau)
3. Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen vs The Seraph
4. Southeastern TV Title: 'Dirty' Dutch Mantell (c) vs Troy T. Tyler

I get the impression that the 'smart' fanbase over there isn't quite as dismissive of WWE and Tatsu was always presented as a big star when WWE went to Japan (even though he was nothing but a jobber outside of those house shows), so New Japan might feel he could bolster their star power. I'm not suggesting he gets a run with a belt or anything, but I could see him at least getting a shot.

If this does pan out, it'll be interesting to see how he's treated by Tanahashi, Nakamura, etc, considering their thoughts on Shibata for abandoning the company.

I swear I thought I watched a SCW show, but it could have been Continental. God damn is it a shame that there was never an Inoki vs Jumbo match. Most of the big inter-promotional dream matches happened at some point in Japan, but not that one. Such a shame.
Hell, have some Mid-South. Gonna put up the whole '84 TV season eventually;

Mid-South Wrestling - 1984/01/12
Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

1. Terry Taylor vs Doug Vines
2. Junkyard Dog & Jim Duggan vs Jeff Sword & Larry Higgins
3. Magnum T.A. & Mr. Wrestling II vs Don Ralston & Paul Garner
4. George Weingeroff & Lanny Poffo vs The Midnight Express
5. Jim Neidhart vs Tom Lintz
6. Steve Williams vs Crusher Darsow
7. Butch Reed vs Rick Rude

I swear I thought I watched a SCW show, but it could have been Continental.

There are a few episodes availabe - I've got two complete episodes and a couple of compilations in my collection, but I know there's a larger set out there somewhere.

God damn is it a shame that there was never an Inoki vs Jumbo match. Most of the big inter-promotional dream matches happened at some point in Japan, but not that one. Such a shame.

I would've loved to see it, but I think Baba would have wanted Jumbo to go over and there's zero chance Inoki would've agreed to that.

Check out any Jumbo vs Choshu matches, though - when Choshu left New Japan in the mid-80's he created JPW and partnered with AJPW and the main feud was Jumbo vs Choshu (with added Choshu being a dick towards young Tenryu), which definitely had a big inter-promotional feel to it.


Choshu was such a mean asshole for being 4 feet tall wrestling heavyweights. I mean, he's billed at 6 feet tall, but I don't believe that for a second.
It's crazy to me that Gabe thought the very best way to open up the first ever ROH show was to have two fat, shitty wrestlers recklessly beat the shit out of a couple of gay guys to warm up the crowd.

Yeah, it's so damn strange. Then you've got the Homicide running around with a chainsaw and Michael Myers mask too. It's all very odd.

[/quote]The Fallen Angel character was great, I've always been surprised he's never reprised it or something similar for a heel role.[/QUOTE]

I know the praise goes to American Dragon/Low-Ki/Daniels as a trio, but Christopher Daniels is the most interesting well rounded of the three by far at this point in time. I guess this is to be expected since he's the veteran.
KillerIsJed is the greatest self-promotion guy on GAF, he sure knows how to put his work over. We need to get him in WrassleGAF, to teach us how to cut promos.
Bronson's a swell guy, always standing up for the integrity of IWA-MS.

Incidentally, I bet you're bummed out about TPI being cancelled? For those not in the know like me and 'IWA-MS superfan BronsonLee™', Ian Rotten lost one of his big toes to diabeetus and had to postpone the events until he's up on his feet again. Get well soon, Ian!!

I know the praise goes to American Dragon/Low-Ki/Daniels as a trio, but Christopher Daniels is the most interesting well rounded of the three by far at this point in time. I guess this is to be expected since he's the veteran.

Daniels definitely added some much-needed experience and legitimacy to the roster at the time. I also think Doug Williams deserves a lot of credit for his stuff in early ROH - the storyline with Daniels & Williams was a bit shit (Williams lost the right to obey the code of honour, iirc), but he put on some amazing matches with Daniels & Bryan. Also, the 4-way Iron Man match to crown the first champion was real good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also: I think the corner powerbomb spot is dumb and unsafe, and people should stop doing it.

Especially people like Honma who can only get over doing unsafe shit like that. 'Into the turnbuckle' is NJPW's new 'onto the apron' spot
Let's talk about how lame Bronson's hair is all the time.

You son of a bitch *hair flip*

About how you want to make sure the camera crew working for CZW that already gets paid less than minimum wage gets even less money? You're a monster. Scorched earth.

They get paid great! That show was cursed, dammit. Nobody should have to suffer that, including the crew!

Remember that time BronsonLee quit WrassleGAF?

I HAD SHIT TO DO. And see what came out of it? I'm on the Network! I'VE GONE HOLLYWOOD
Daniels definitely added some much-needed experience and legitimacy to the roster at the time. I also think Doug Williams deserves a lot of credit for his stuff in early ROH - the storyline with Daniels & Williams was a bit shit (Williams lost the right to obey the code of honour, iirc), but he put on some amazing matches with Daniels & Bryan. Also, the 4-way Iron Man match to crown the first champion was real good.

I remember giving up on ROH as I got too far behind on the shows. I could only watch an hour or so at a time as they were pretty hardhitting and intense. Now I'm flying through them and can't get enough. Up to 'A Night of Appreciation', and the entire faux-old school thing with the old State Sports Commissionaire guy is hilarious in itself... and then you've got Spanky acting like Mitch Hedberg.

There's an even shorter version?!!

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