British Monsoon
Also: I think the corner powerbomb spot is dumb and unsafe, and people should stop doing it.
Yeah, Naito almost broke Ishii's neck with it earlier in the year (Yujiro got him back for it though during the G1, lol).
Dragonzord said:Especially people like Honma who can only get over doing unsafe shit like that.
Fucking what? Honma's the most over jobber today and it isn't just for his reckless Kokeshi behaviour. It's lots of things; charisma, funny voice, eternal jobber who can't catch a break, great facial expressions, fighting spirituuuuu (seriously, his fighting spirit spots are so much better than, say, Shibata's, because Honma actually sells worth a damn).
If you're going to rail against unsafe shit, try that freaking Ishii vs Anderson match at the G1 finals - Ishii had no business being in the ring and certainly shouldn't have tried a deadlift superplex with a separated shoulder. Damn near killed the both of them.