What? I'm not leaving! Just a lot less gifs now
And people think stro being drunk is cute.
Drunks are never cute, even when they're sober!
Fake Edit: Top of the page oh shit brb going Hollywood again
And people think stro being drunk is cute.
Hey you guys, a new Yakuza got announced.
You know, I think Bronson is in my GAF Fave Five. He puts up with a lot of guff, but just like Cena, he's here EVER. SINGLE. DAY.
i could take you
My mother says I'm very handsome
That's why all his pictures are from the waist up.Confirmed - FallingEdge has one foot bigger than the other!
Smackdown moving to thursdays is pretty weird, don't see why you would run 2 shows on the same day
Smackdown moving to thursdays is pretty weird, don't see why you would run 2 shows on the same day
They probably want an audience bigger than just the wrestling weirdos who stay home on a Friday night.
*big boot*
I just watched Terry/Hansen, which was also a crazy brawl, but it lacks blood and murderers.
I never really appreciated Terry Funk until I started getting into 80s AJPW stuff. I always just knew him as that old dude who did bad moonsaults, but he's incredible in the territory days. He's so loose cannon, he's so wild looking, he moves so differently from everyone else, and yeah, Ambrose is apeing his selling hardcore. Which is a good thing. His punches are sweet too. I like how he cocks back and then blasts people with them. And his promos are phenomenal.
Terry Funk also had a young female Japanese fanbase. He really IS proto Ambrose
Also, I want to give ring of honor a whirl. Can I just start with the latest or do I need to start at an earlier date?
Jumbo is one of the best wrasslers of any era in any country. The Jumbo/Misawa feud is the highest level of generational conflict in wrestling.
About 20 wrestlers and martial artists from around the world are expected to attend. Organizers say the event dubbed, rather blandly, the International Pro-Wrestling Festival in Pyongyang will be broadcast over the Internet, aired on Japanese network television and also shown on North Korean state-run TV.
Its all the brainchild of Kanji Antonio Inoki, a savvy showman and charismatically eccentric Japanese politician who is one of the only members of Japans parliament who supports and actively participates in exchanges of any kind with North Korea. Inoki, who has visited North Korea nearly 30 times, was suspended by parliament for a month after making an unauthorized trip to the North last year.
Maybe I should just download it, I ordered it from PWG, see if I can hold out. They do need to fix their MP4 situation.Once again, the latest PWG is all over the net before most people's orders have arrived in the US, a week before the UK Highspots site will start shipping them out and over a month before it'll be available as an MP4 download. I keep hearing that they don't release the MP4s when the DVD ships so as to combat piracy, but seems to me it only encourages it.
Goddamn, I really wish that Bryan vs Suzuki match had been taped.
So much this. It's such a simple story, only heightened by some awesome wrestling and pure excitement from the crowd/commentator, and Baba laid it out perfectly. Also, I love grumpy Jumbo - Tenryu is probably my favourite grumpy old wrestler, but he was always an asshole. Jumbo being a fucking cunt towards Misawa was so awesome because it was so out of character, but fit perfectly with the story of him trying to protect his standing from the young upstart.
How large are the official PWG downloadable shows?
Terryman, Funk's Kinnikuman equivilant, was also really popular(sometimes the most popular) with woman, and children as well.Terry Funk also had a young female Japanese fanbase. He really IS proto Ambrose
I think it's 2-3 gigs?
I've not watched as many Jumbo matches as I should. Only his matches with Brody. I kind of had a similar problem with Kerry Von Erich. And Hase but with Muta instead of Brody. Kerry Von Erich, Jumbo, and Hiroshi Hase are the guys I'm planning on digging more into their careers later on. I've grown more fond of Kerry the more I've seen some of his stuff recently, and I just never got around to watching as much Jumbo or Hase stuff.
Giant Baba still does nothing for me.
Ok, I'm watching Top 10 Fantastic Finishing Moves on the Network, and they get to the Sharpshooter. And they show a clip of Natalya putting on her opponent (don't know who she is, she has black hair and she's wearing light purple attire) and Natalya bends all the way back. Like, this chick taking it is bent into a literal square shape. Was she okay after that? Can she still walk?
Edit: Screenshot
This just reminds me of the time Beth Phoenix was hitting Melina in the back of the head with her own foot.
Paige keeping it playful.
Right who is the go to guy for knowing which PWG shows are worth a watch from the last year or two?