That's not freedom. See Aiii's post above, he's obviously a slave to those stupid-ass pieces of plastic.
I am, it doesn't help they're cheap as dirt and it's so easy to just pick up a few.
That's not freedom. See Aiii's post above, he's obviously a slave to those stupid-ass pieces of plastic.
That's not freedom. See Aiii's post above, he's obviously a slave to those stupid-ass pieces of plastic.
Let's compare to last year!
I think the Yukes curse is broken for the most part lol
Well shit, that don't look too bad.
I guess the animation could still be a mess but that looks much better.
What PS3/360 graphics could have been, find out ten years later in 2014!!
Yuke's decade of destruction, exclusive documentary available sdjhfoshdocfiha for just $39.99!
*Warning: No documentary actually provided.
the yukes curse is broken because yukes was taken off the visual side of things.
yukes still has their fingers all over gameplay.
I think that's fine, as long as 2K is managing what Yukes is doing. I always thought it wasn't so much Yukes being a bad programmer, but rather just a lack of proper bugtesting and fixing that was the issue there. THQ obviously didn't give a shit, but maybe 2K did.
That's where my hope with this game lies anyways.
What Phil Collins song is going to play for the WWE trailer?
as someone who's a programmer, bug testing is like 75% of the job though.
Can't wait to see how Bryan and Wyatt look. Those beards!
Let's get this thread back on track, and start it right goddammit:
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ASSHOLES *shoots machine gun into the air several times*
Trips letting a very good wrestler in Shaun Ricker go. There's my hate for the week.It's MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What should we hate today? Gotta start of the week right!
man, so many people are falling prey to that 2k15 screen shot
Let's compare to last year!
I think the Yukes curse is broken for the most part lol
Yeah the character model looks alright. You can tell it's probably the same tech they used for NBA 2k. Let's not get hyped yet though. I need to see animations and gameplay as well.
man, so many people are falling prey to that 2k15 screen shot
PWInsider said:TNA sent out the following:
#BossToss: TNA Wrestling Declares August 7th National Put Your Boss Through A Table Day
Few are fortunate to work for a great leader. For the millions of others suffering from I have the worst boss syndrome, gritting the teeth and biting the tongue provide only a temporary fix to the daily agony of taking orders from a superior far less smart. To offer a solution to this global pandemic of frustration, TNA IMPACT WRESTLING (Spike TV, Thursdays 9/8c) is declaring this Thursday, Aug. 7, Put Your Boss Through A Table Day. Why keep slamming your head against the table when you can put your boss through it instead?
Between now and this Thursday nights broadcast of IMPACT WRESTLING (Spike TV, 9/8c) the aggravated and oppressed are encouraged to check the social media policy section in their employee handbook then go online to share why their boss (past or present) deserves be tossed through a table using #BossToss. Be creative using video or photos, and be sure to tag @impactwrestling on twitter, and IMPACT WRESTLING on Facebook and Instagram when publishing a post.BossTossLogo
IMPACT will select the best #BossToss entries for a prominent feature, and one #BossToss Grand Prize Winner will be awarded a $250 ShopTNA gift card and tickets to a future IMPACT WRESTLING event.
Put Your Boss Through A Table Day shares August 7 with other well-known celebrations like Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day, Sea Serpent Day and India Pale Ale Day, and is inspired by TNA Superstar and Hall of Fame inductee Bully Ray, who for months has endured constant harassment and provocation from his boss, TNA President Dixie Carter. Bully has guaranteed on IMPACT WRESTLING this Thursday, Aug. 7, (watch a preview) he will slam Dixie through a table, with #ItHappens already trending on twitter.
"I know what its like to have a boss you dont respect; to have a boss you want to toss because you know you can do a better job, said Bully. This Thursday on IMPACT I will keep my promise of putting Dixie through a table and you will not want to miss the moment #ItHappens.
i still wish EA got the WWE license honestly
It be new at least once...
Who are those guys?
Well the Fight Night games both look amazing and play amazing. Plus the face-scan stuff EA uses for created characters would have been a godsend to CAWs