Professor Beef
My DVR didnt record RAW last night!!!!!!
Does anyone else run into a problem where the DVR shows its recording, but when you go to play it it doesn't show up?
It was doing you a favor.
My DVR didnt record RAW last night!!!!!!
Does anyone else run into a problem where the DVR shows its recording, but when you go to play it it doesn't show up?
My DVR didnt record RAW last night!!!!!!
Does anyone else run into a problem where the DVR shows its recording, but when you go to play it it doesn't show up?
Aren't you the OP of the Sonic the Hedgehog community thread?Aren't you the one who was beggin' for someone to buy you the network like a DatingAge poster beggin' for some pussy?
Ohmygod, someone's upped a pack of all CZW's shows from '99. I've only seen one show from that era, it was extra shitty. Can't wait.
Aren't you the OP of the Sonic the Hedgehog community thread?
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Hell yeah, got my YTR VTR DVDs along with some Kinpuro cards!
Was that your handiwork panning around to show the dead guy in the corner? Well done.
Stephanie just outright refuses to compliment Paul Heyman during this entire doc.
The best she could manage is "I won't call him a genius, but there is genius in his thinking." Hehe
Do they talk about his exit from WWECW during that thing? Also any mentions of Punk?
Aside from Ric Flair acting like a goof, the NWA is so god damn boring. I can watch WCCW, I can watch WWWF, I can watch AWA.
But not this shit.
I don't think anyone here outside of Aiii knows these ladies well enough to judge their character.
Aren't you the OP of the Sonic the Hedgehog community thread?
P or X?
Paul Heyman isn't a genius. As much as I hate to admit it, 90% of ECW was crap.Stephanie just outright refuses to compliment Paul Heyman during this entire doc.
The best she could manage is "I won't call him a genius, but there is genius in his thinking." Hehe
Objection!Still better than being a Konnan fan.
Stephanie just outright refuses to compliment Paul Heyman during this entire doc.
The best she could manage is "I won't call him a genius, but there is genius in his thinking." Hehe
Paul Heyman isn't a genius. As much as I hate to admit it, 90% of ECW was crap.
I honestly find it more mortifying to say "I'm a fan of Sonic in 2014" than it is to say "Konnan has had some enjoyable matches over the years."I honestly find it more mortifying to say "I'm a fan of Konnan in 2014" than it is to say "Sonic the Hedgehog has had some enjoyable games over the years."
But that's just me.
I honestly find it more mortifying to say "I'm a fan of Sonic in 2014" than it is to say "Konnan has had some enjoyable matches over the years."
But that's just me.
Are you implying that your IRL peers associate you with Sonic?I just find this funny because this entire thread is scared of being associated with wrestling by their IRL peers. Just look at Sandman, who didn't want his hat being associated with TNA.
Yeah, this nonsense about Paul being his booking genius is nonsense. ECW never had any good storylines. Just a bunch of idiots willing to put their bodies through hell for the sake of a paycheck that had a good chance of never coming through.I wonder how much money he owes people...
Like everyone in his life. Probably was ripping kids off in Kindergarten.
I just find this funny because this entire thread is scared of being associated with wrestling by their IRL peers. Just look at Sandman, who didn't want his hat being associated with TNA.
I just find this funny because this entire thread is scared of being associated with wrestling by their IRL peers. Just look at Sandman, who didn't want his hat being associated with TNA.
Are you implying that your IRL peers associate you with Sonic?
Bravo man. Life's too short to care what people think about your hobbies. I promote my wrestling vids and my buddy's promotion on my Facebook all the time. Believe me when I tell you it goes over a lot better than when I promote my atheism!They know that I know a lot about Sonic's history, which is true thanks to the community thread. I don't know anything about weird fanart or that other gross shit because I'm not someone who actually sits by a rule 34 website just to see how long it takes for a character to show up there (yes, someone admitted to doing that in a recent GAF thread).
Bravo man. Life's too short to care what people think about your hobbies. I promote my wrestling vids and my buddy's promotion on my Facebook all the time. Believe me when I tell you it goes over a lot better than when I promote my atheism!
Yes. I usually recite chants against him at my satanic altar every night.What you hate Jesus????
Paul Heyman isn't a genius. As much as I hate to admit it, 90% of ECW was crap.
Yes. I usually recite chants against him at my satanic altar every night.
He had a tremendous roster for a good deal of time in ECW, and they produced great matches, but that didn't require Heyyman. You don't need Heyman to get Benoit and Eddie to have a great match.His best booking period was the first year or so of the brand split. There were a lot of interesting ideas in ECW, certainly an interesting editing style, but he was so hampered by the talent he had to work with. I bet ECW wouldn't have been anything like it was if Paul was working with a roster as good as Smackdown 2002 and not guys like Sandman/Dreamer/Gangstas/Axel Rotten and so on.
To be fair, I only own satirical wrestling shirts. Can't be taking this too srsly if you know what I mean ;-)you nerds wont even wear wrestling shirts in public
Yeah, this nonsense about Paul being his booking genius is nonsense. ECW never had any good storylines. Just a bunch of idiots willing to put their bodies through hell for the sake of a paycheck that had a good chance of never coming through.
you nerds wont even wear wrestling shirts in public
Do they talk about his exit from WWECW during that thing? Also any mentions of Punk?
SoulPlaya pls. Wrestling has had like 2 "good storylines" in history. Like ever. All that matters is that the vibe of the show is exciting, and that the characters are engaging. ECW had both in spades. It's easy to look back now and nitpick everything as if we've come out of the 90s wormhole looking back on the other side with disgust, but at the time it was fresh, and grungy, and felt spontaneous. Not just because they were killing each other, but because of the vibe of the product, the music, and the "MTV generation" feel to the whole thing. And that was with a roster full of mediocre or flat out bad wrestlers at the top.
So please, fall back with the Heyman hating. He was terrible with money, but he's always had a good mind for structuring compelling shows.
He had a tremendous roster for a good deal of time in ECW, and they produced great matches, but that didn't require Heyyman. You don't need Heyman to get Benoit and Eddie to have a great match.
He is a good writer, sure, but genius? No.
found a copy of the getaway and decided to load a last save. that was one of the most painful experiences of my life. i have to answer this phone MILES AWAY with both cops and gangsters on my ass. WITH 2002 NON-GTA CAR PHYSICS. i feel sick now.