Bret did it because that was his/Hart Foundation's gimmick, Anti-American. The Zeb-Swagger collaboration is basically United We Stand, which is okay. But it looks silly when it's used as a babyface angle against foreign heels and flip flops as a way to belittle the foreign face. Its morals are completely different.I wouldn't mind that. I like when Bret sorta did it.
Kurt Angle cuts a promo from the balcony but is interrupted by MVP, Kenny King and Bobby Lashley in the ring. They get heat and MVP threatens to have the NYPD start handing out chokeholds, referencing the recent death of a man. Tommy Dreamer comes out to confront them and gets a big pop. Lashley vs. Dreamer in a NYC Street Fight is next.
Early into Ken's run, that's for sure how it was. Same thing with Taz and the Tazmission. And that was Dean's entire gimmick at the time. He'd apply a hold and it was an instant injury kind of deal. So to have him and Joe both have cross arm breakers on for 5 minutes and Taz stand up completely fine was so weird/hilarious/frustrating.
How many hours til it's onYou guys are defiantly going to watch the G1 tonight. MOTY happening
Well TNA had its WWE moment of referencing an incident that lead to someone death:
I don't know what to think about it.
Mike Tenay has a new album, yall should listen:
When will Hardcore Justice air?
This is the first night of tapings, no, so it should be either next week or the week after. Putting those "PPVs" kinda close together eh Dixie? Got to give the people what they want!
What if WWE was a sitcom in the 80s?
You guys are defiantly going to watch the G1 tonight. MOTY happening
What if WWE was a sitcom in the 80s?
But what IF WWE was a sitcom in the 80s?
Oh man, I had no idea this was the fuckin show with THE Zandig promo (what, are you blind?) and also the unbreakable glass incident that I'm sure's on Botchamania somewhere. The match itself is just fucking ridiculous, constant lighttube shots leaving a cloud of dust hanging over the whole thing, numerous sofuckindumb bumps, a goddamn SWERVE right in the middle, Zandig, Mondo & Wifebeater bleeding a TON. I actually felt a bit queasy seeing a thumbtack-covered lighttube being hit over Wifebeater's already cut-to-ribbons back, fucking disgusting. Mondo sliced deep into his forearm and had to be tied together with tape, while Zandig (who got worked over the most) somehow took it relatively well.
Not a great day for Trent;
Trent Acid vs Unbreakable Glass;
Wifebeater takes his hundredth lighttube shot of the day;
Not a great day for Zandig (Nobody does this to the Zandig!);
Do you know what happens to a star when it dies?
It becomes Stardust
Thank fucking god Smackdown Is getting off fridays
Impact 8/28 spoiler:
They get heat and MVP threatens to have the NYPD start handing out chokeholds, referencing the recent death of a man.
Are we sure Russo is gone from TNA?
Are they moving Smackdown back to thursdays? Or is that just old?
Heels should be tasteless and say things those in polite society wouldn't. They are heels.
I'd laughYou're right. Next week on Raw we should have Lesnar make fun of all the dead Make-A-Wish kids Cena has spent time with. I mean, he's a heel, so it'll be fine, right?
You're right. Next week on Raw we should have Lesnar make fun of all the dead Make-A-Wish kids Cena has spent time with. I mean, he's a heel, so it'll be fine, right?
Not just fine but AWESOME.
I'd laugh
You're right. Next week on Raw we should have Lesnar make fun of all the dead Make-A-Wish kids Cena has spent time with. I mean, he's a heel, so it'll be fine, right?
Do you hold actors to the same standards? Do you think Leonardo DiCaprio is a real scumbag for being a slave owner?
If it helps make the crowd want to see him get his ass kicked and increases the intensity of the match, then I think it makes sense to do.
You're right. Next week on Raw we should have Lesnar make fun of all the dead Make-A-Wish kids Cena has spent time with. I mean, he's a heel, so it'll be fine, right?
Do you hold actors to the same standards? Do you think Leonardo DiCaprio is a real scumbag for being a slave owner?
If it helps make the crowd want to see him get his ass kicked and increases the intensity of the match, then I think it makes sense to do.
hahahhahaha oh god some SD spoilers are apparently being revealed and if they're real,Ambrose/Rollins is a fucking lumberjack match
hahahhahaha oh god some SD spoilers are apparently being revealed and if they're real,Ambrose/Rollins is a fucking lumberjack match
Sure, but there's a far better alternative than that one.Kinda makes sense, Ambrose doesn't want him running away.
Sure, but there's a far better alternative than that one.
Kinda makes sense, Ambrose doesn't want him running away.
If they want to make it interesting, they'll make the lumberjacks a bunch of tumblr fangirls pissed at Seth for breaking up The Shield.