Read my prior posts.
That said in term of momentum, Owens is in a title match cause he defeated Neville with Jericho's help...I think that's the weakest entry to a main event ever.
Also don't forget Jericho helped Owens, but Owens didn't help Jericho..
Then why didn't you complain about Balor? He came in with no booking indicating he was looking for a main roster world title and was fresh off huge losses to Joe and Nakamura. Owens is at least a former Intercontinental Champ.Read my prior posts.
They might as well be the same person. They both take me back to another time, brother.Gary Michael Cappeta or Dave Penzer?
Heels win titles without much effort put behind it all the time. It's not like Owens has a babyface underdog story hiding deep within him.Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Mick Foley? Kurt Angle? These dudes were doing comedy shit when they were at the top of the card.Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Putting the belt on the best heel in the company is poor booking.
We are in bizzaro world maggle
You are right, of course, WWE should totally have realised that Balor would get injured and planned accordingly in the months previous.
That's why you put the title on a guy who has consistently been there while you build things instead of giving it to a guy randomly.
Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens.
That's why you put the title on a guy who has consistently been there while you build things instead of giving it to a guy randomly.
Heel's cheat. It doesn't mean they are weak, it means they are heel's.
I was wrong about you.I wrote the perfect storyline where Cesaro methodically took out everyone and kidnapped Rollins, to later bring him out to the ring duct taped, lay him down and pin him. But whatever WWE butthole reads this thread, didn't take my suggestion.
Mick Foley? Kurt Angle? These dudes were doing comedy shit when they were at the top of the card.
You'll get this theme and like it.Will we the the clash of the champions theme or a shitty Flo rida song?
Yep, you actually wrote this to make yourself feel validated in your opinion. We are done here.
I was wrong about you.
Maybe I was wrong about Diesel.
Get the strap on Nash
He'd be a better comedy champ than Dean Ambrose....Sure, if you want Owens as a comedy champion. However, it seems like some in this topic think he should go from being a comedy guy to immediately being a serious heel once he gets the title.
Here's what you do.
You have Owens get into some argument with HHH and Steph in the back prior to the match. Then he wins will a roll-up, while the other two dildos are fighting outside or something. All three guys get in the ring and pummel the living fuck out of Owens, then Steph comes out and congratulates him on his win, and declares that his first defense will be tonight in this very ring. Introducing his opponent
problem solved
#15! #15! #15!The face that runs the place
Alright, pick an unrelated line so you don't have to debate anymore. Cool.
#15! #15! #15!
Maybe Triple H can be the one to break Flair's record afterall.
That's why you put the title on a guy who has consistently been there while you build things instead of giving it to a guy randomly.
He'd be a better comedy champ than Dean Ambrose....
If you think Owens is just a comedy guy I think you've either never watched Owens since he came to NXT or you're letting your smark hate cloud your opinion big time. The Owens/Cena feud already proved that Owens can be a top of the card heel.
Don't quit your day job, mark.Owens should wear Vader's attire with the armour for his entrance, they way he'd definitely be title holding material.
The signs of a great wrestler and character is the one who is multifaced like the GOAT Demon himself.Problem with Owens is that he's too much for WWE, he's complex. I've seen back his promos and when he slammed that rocker guy when he debuted. Did you guys oticed his character changed ? He was the fierce lunatic dangerous guy when he debuted. Now he's cleaaarly more light hearted and comical. He's actually not that far from being a face, but not the right type of face...
That's always been my big question mark and a surprise sudden title would illustrate the problem. What Owens do you present as a champ ?