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August Wrasslin' |OT 2| All popped everything ft. Injuries too


That said in term of momentum, Owens is in a title match cause he defeated Neville with Jericho's help... :( I think that's the weakest entry to a main event ever.

Also don't forget Jericho helped Owens, but Owens didn't help Jericho..

See. Jericho could've taken out Owens, then SMH could be like, "okay, Heath. You want a contract? Go beat those guys and you'll not only get a contract, you'll be the champ."

It would be like the boyhood dream 2k16. But they got him tied up in this tag business.


Rollins or Reigns winning is boring and it's what we have already seen for too long.

Change it up. Just do something different, anything.



? Longest reigning NXT Champ of all time (as it transitioned to a full brand by their own doing), proven top (Junior) guy elsewhere, has wrestled on a big stage is drafted very early on establishing kayfabe belief from the GMs in him being a top player comes in and beats man who has been on a downward spiral for the last few months and gets a title shot????


but hey its WWE right


Yeah the best choices are

Owens - obviously
Face Rollins - Rollins as as face holding the belt works, as a heel, definitely not

The other choices are horrible.
Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Owens will win because Rollins or Reigns will take Cass out and he'll pin him or quickly powerbomb him to get the win.

Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Heels win titles without much effort put behind it all the time. It's not like Owens has a babyface underdog story hiding deep within him.


Look, I know you guys have raging smark boners for Owens, but that doesn't make a title win make sense. You don't yuk it up with Jericho as tag partners one week then immediately win the main title. There should be some sort of transition.
Mick Foley? Kurt Angle? These dudes were doing comedy shit when they were at the top of the card.


Why are people acting like Jericho pinning Enzo means Owens has more momentum than Cass? Owens just lost clean the previous PPV, lower on the card than Cass' match! Whens the last time Cass lost clean?

Holy fuck, they were both in the Summerslam opener for shits sake.

Putting the belt on the best heel in the company is poor booking.

We are in bizzaro world maggle

Who said putting the belt on the Miz would be poor booking?
You are right, of course, WWE should totally have realised that Balor would get injured and planned accordingly in the months previous.

That's why you put the title on a guy who has consistently been there while you build things instead of giving it to a guy randomly.


The problem with "KO winning doesn't make sense" is that none of the other people really make sense either.

Roman is feuding for the US title right now. Rollins has lost his last three title matches and shouldn't even be in this match. Cass has never had a title in NXT or WWE.


I reject the idea that every title change needs to have an extended build and be completely telegraphed. Surprise title wins, like Foley for example, can lead to some of the best moments in wrestling. When everything has an extended build it can make the product predictable. Also, you can fix all of it in one night. Give Owens a promo, or via in ring story telling (which Owens is pretty good at). He doesn't necessarily need a multi month ascent to the title.

Also, not pretending to be impartial. I am a huge mark for Owens, so I can't imagine any situation where I'd be unhappy with him winning the title.


Good Art™
Heel's cheat. It doesn't mean they are weak, it means they are heel's.

Well still... that means he half beaten .. neville to go in a match against Reigns and Rollins lol..

That said i hope WWE thinks (and is right about it) Owens is some kind of elastic value. Meaning he can lose clean to jobbers in the week but hey he's still awesome in the ring, and if the week after that he beats clean reigns, people won't be shocked.
Remember Edge went from feuding with Ric Flair over the IC title and then won the WWE title in the same night?

Now, no one wants to see a live sex celebration with Owens, but he's already extremely over with crowds. Him winning the title tonight is perfectly reasonable as long as he's booked intelligently from then on (Ahh yes, that is a big caveat with the WWE).


I wrote the perfect storyline where Cesaro methodically took out everyone and kidnapped Rollins, to later bring him out to the ring duct taped, lay him down and pin him. But whatever WWE butthole reads this thread, didn't take my suggestion.
I was wrong about you.

Maybe I was wrong about Diesel.

Get the strap on Nash
Mick Foley? Kurt Angle? These dudes were doing comedy shit when they were at the top of the card.

Sure, if you want Owens as a comedy champion. However, it seems like some in this topic think he should go from being a comedy guy to immediately being a serious heel once he gets the title.


Here's what you do.

You have Owens get into some argument with HHH and Steph in the back prior to the match. Then he wins with a roll-up, while the other two dildos are fighting outside or something. All three guys get in the ring and pummel the living fuck out of Owens, then Steph comes out and congratulates him on his win, and declares that his first defense will be tonight in this very ring. Introducing his opponent


problem solved

I was wrong about you.

Maybe I was wrong about Diesel.

Get the strap on Nash

I love Nash and all, but giving him the belt tonight would make about as much sense as it did in 94. Bret's out and HBK vacated the tag belts? Go stomp the shit out of backlund, big D!

They should do it.


Sure, if you want Owens as a comedy champion. However, it seems like some in this topic think he should go from being a comedy guy to immediately being a serious heel once he gets the title.
He'd be a better comedy champ than Dean Ambrose....

If you think Owens is just a comedy guy I think you've either never watched Owens since he came to NXT or you're letting your smark hate cloud your opinion big time. The Owens/Cena feud already proved that Owens can be a top of the card heel.


Here's what you do.

You have Owens get into some argument with HHH and Steph in the back prior to the match. Then he wins will a roll-up, while the other two dildos are fighting outside or something. All three guys get in the ring and pummel the living fuck out of Owens, then Steph comes out and congratulates him on his win, and declares that his first defense will be tonight in this very ring. Introducing his opponent


problem solved

The face that runs the place

We can get that sweet Jericho vs Owens title feud in a Canadian vs Canadian Survivor Series match while Rollins and Reigns can cry together over their former friendship.


I have freed myself of Miitomo, after finding out it was somehow 700MB AFTER clearing the cache. That's just a hog of a thing. Maybe I'll come back if they change it greatly.

Now I think the time has come for me to free myself of consciousness. Been up since like 11 pm and I'm tired. Play nice, chums


Good Art™
He'd be a better comedy champ than Dean Ambrose....

If you think Owens is just a comedy guy I think you've either never watched Owens since he came to NXT or you're letting your smark hate cloud your opinion big time. The Owens/Cena feud already proved that Owens can be a top of the card heel.

Problem with Owens is that he's too much for WWE, he's complex. I've seen back his promos and when he slammed that rocker guy when he debuted. Did you guys oticed his character changed ? He was the fierce lunatic dangerous guy when he debuted. Now he's cleaaarly more light hearted and comical. He's actually not that far from being a face, but not the right type of face...

That's always been my big question mark and a surprise sudden title would illustrate the problem. What Owens do you present as a champ ?
Problem with Owens is that he's too much for WWE, he's complex. I've seen back his promos and when he slammed that rocker guy when he debuted. Did you guys oticed his character changed ? He was the fierce lunatic dangerous guy when he debuted. Now he's cleaaarly more light hearted and comical. He's actually not that far from being a face, but not the right type of face...

That's always been my big question mark and a surprise sudden title would illustrate the problem. What Owens do you present as a champ ?
The signs of a great wrestler and character is the one who is multifaced like the GOAT Demon himself.

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