Well, first off, it doesnt matter to me personally because unless Owens is wrestling The Revival sometime soon, Im not going to see his matches as I dont watch Raw, but I am thrilled for him and his fans and anyone who enjoys his work in the ring. The one thing I will admit that I was wrong on with both Owens and El Generico/Sami Zayn is that I never thought they would change, but they did and for the better they just werent going to change for what they were being paid by Ring of Honor! [Laughs] Ive had a lot of people go after me on Twitter today but the reality is that we put the belt on Kevin Steen for a year in Ring of Honor and there was a reason for that. But, hes won a title I dont care about on a show I dont watch, so it doesnt effect me personally, but I am happy for him, his fans, his family and anyone that wants to see him succeed.