Do you guys think Vince (the real one, not ours) has ever been worked?
What about being worked into a Shoot
Over dinner, McMahon made his offer clear to Race. $250,000 was his if he jumped to the WWF. Race knew what a coup this would be for McMahon if he acquired the services of the NWA World Champion. He also knew that McMahon would need his answer that same night. Despite the financial temptation, Race could not turn his back on the organization that had given him so much nor could he ignore his personal code of honor that demanded that he drop the title to Ric Flair as promised. Race told McMahon no, unaware that by now, McMahon was used to getting what he wanted. After the dinner, an irate McMahon launched himself at Race only to find himself caught in a crossface. Race was ready to snap McMahons neck but his wife provided the voice of reason that saved McMahons life.