Has any celebrity ever inspired you do do anything?
Self motivation is the only way I've ever done anything. It's never been, "If it wasn't for so and so, I wouldn't be where I am now"
Have I bought the workout Encyclopedia by Arnold, or a DDP yoga etc? Sure. We all need knowledge and some kind of instruction to get started.
But or me it's never been more than, "Fuck, I need to get and shape and have some decent health and looks."
When personas are so carefully cultivated and there are large staffs and sponsors giving a lot of them a hand with everything, I have a really hard time being inspired by celebrities. But seeing people I know in real life or on GAF do things has been inspiring to me. Like, I lost 60 pounds last year just after reading various weight loss threads on here. I fucked up and put it all back on this year after frickin' Wisconsin winter and a bout of depression hit, but, uh, still >_>