Yeah I'll believe it when I see it.'Big moves' will keep an opponent down on the ground longer than regular moves, regardless of what their damage is at. (No no selling finishers, ladder moves, etc.)
They did a WWE 13 Q&A on youtube, but I figure people would just want to know the quick version
You can't do lifting moves to opponents that drastically outsize you, but you won't do the 'oh my back' thing either. Your character will just go for a different move, and you can sub in whatever you want that different move to be on your Create A Moveset
That is just google results. I'm pretty sure she is the most looked at diva on the wrestling news site and she has a shit load of twitter followers. Not to mention all the Maxim stuff.
I guess the days of my 5'11" CAW chokeslamming Big Show are over.
No Kelly Kelly? Why is this girl pushed like she is?
I wonder what the standings would be if you didn't count queries with "bikini" in them.
The other stuff I mentioned is more than enough.When you see something or someone on TV or elsewhere that gets your interest... What is the first thing you do?
you go on the internet and Google them
That's pretty tame compared to the long list of other words you could combine....
wish we had a better angel but..
I'm 5'8" and there is no way I am as big as Punk. No way.
Why is Jeff Hardy hanging out with those losers?
Who is the old guy in the white wrestling trunks? cant make it out.
Who is the old guy in the white wrestling trunks? cant make it out.
Ricky Steamboat.
Any idea how he is doing now adays?
He had that stroke / heat attack (?) during his little return a few years ago. Did he ever return to being a agent after that?
Why is Jeff Hardy hanging out with those losers?
after that photo, Rey went home to go play with his mask, Steamboat went to go lift logs, Hardy went to the library, Cena went to spnd time with wife, Punk goes to the fatty food store.
"I walked in [Cruise's] trailer one night. We were shooting at the Hard Rock, the big arena scene. There were thousands of extras. Tom was in trailer A. They moved trailer B early back to base camp. I was leaving and had four days off and was going to drive from the Hard Rock back to my house. I had full makeup on. I knocked on the door and asked for some makeup wipes. Someone said, 'This is Mr. Cruise's ' I said, 'I don't care. It's two in the morning. I want to get home at seven. Can I just get three fucking makeup wipes so I can wipe my fucking makeup off, so if I stop at a Sunoco, I don't look like Rocky Horror Picture Show? Is it that big of a fucking deal? I'm asking you politely this time. I am just going to take them after this. You've already pissed me off. I will go Detroit-mode and just wash my face in your sink and leave it.' I felt like Oliver. 'May I have some more, please?' You're not Tom Cruise. You are Tom Cruise's makeup people. I don't know your name. You are nobody. Just give me two wipes so I can be on my way."
Black Ops 2 officially destroyed Halo 4.Hey what happened to Plywood?
Claire Lynch real name Julia Reilly and here is her website:
She supposedly been "acting" for 15 years.
Black Ops 2 officially destroyed Halo 4.
Not totally sure yet. Sunflower's being ridiculously slow with this week's observer.
I always thought GAF Observer was just mad libs with GAF members in it.
Kevin Nash is great
you need kickstarter?GAF Observer may sound cookie cutter at times, but that's because the behavior reflected in the newsletter is cookie cutter. People gettin' banned for gifs. People refusing to wash their balls in a sink. Happens once, it happens again.
GAF Observer has been going through some upgrades as well.
you need kickstarter?
Good, these were stupid. And all the stupid WCW titles. Ugh.No WCW Arenas
That is awesome.The meter for pinning is changed to being based on damage and the move before the pin. So if you hit an arm drag and pin, your opponent will have a bigger bar to kick out of. If you hit a stunner or a big move, it'll be smaller.
Awesome.You can set infinite finishers in match settings if you want
That is great.New contextual animations? He was saying if you normally did a clothesline to someone's back in previous WWE games, you'd just sort of have weird stuff happen and the characters would kind of stumble. Now, if the opponent's back is to you, you'll do a dropkick or something similar instead, and they'll animate with that
Even better. I thought this up years ago when I was playing as Rey. I was with my friend and he was Big Show, and I said "I don't know all of Rey's moves so half of them don't fucking work, instead when I'm playing against someone and the moves don't work, why not just change them to something that does so I'm not at a huge disadvantage?". Always seemed like a no brainer. Sounds great.You can't do lifting moves to opponents that drastically outsize you, but you won't do the 'oh my back' thing either. Your character will just go for a different move, and you can sub in whatever you want that different move to be on your Create A Moveset
Nah Observer is good, we get a cut of GAF Gold to operate with exclusives.
Also on Friday's, you'll get the lowdown behind exactly what is going on with KOG/G-Fex and why it appears they are "dueling" for control.
It's 2012 and you guys are talking about a Yukes WWE game like it's going to be different from last year.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Good thing Madden 13 is going to be fucking awesome.
It is! Don't make me send you to Plywood Land.
I was being sincere.
They did a WWE 13 Q&A on youtube, but I figure people would just want to know the quick version
Features Attitude Era, but it's still a modern WWE game. That's still the main focus.
Single player campaign is 'all about the Attitude era', so that's probably why RWM has been replaced in favor of this Attitude Era campaign. So the modern equivalent will probably be less 'story focused'.
Atitude Era campaign is not 'going to be rated r but not going to be rated pg either'
Austin's middle fingers are in, but they're blurred (WHICH IS AWESOME TO ME. That makes it extra hardcore and authentic from the old WWF replays)
Blood is turned off, but in the atittude era campaign, you'll get a 'different experience' if you turn it on and he claims 'different scenes'. (Which I'm just going to assume means that Austin is bloody in a cutscene instead or something)
No WCW Arenas
The meter for pinning is changed to being based on damage and the move before the pin. So if you hit an arm drag and pin, your opponent will have a bigger bar to kick out of. If you hit a stunner or a big move, it'll be smaller.
AI is more aggressive with pinning
'Big moves' will keep an opponent down on the ground longer than regular moves, regardless of what their damage is at. (No no selling finishers, ladder moves, etc.)
You can hit midair finishers off springboard(like Jericho's codebreaker from a diving opponent)
You can set infinite finishers in match settings if you want
Improving hit detection has been a 'big focus' this year. Mostly springboard and diving attacks
New contextual animations? He was saying if you normally did a clothesline to someone's back in previous WWE games, you'd just sort of have weird stuff happen and the characters would kind of stumble. Now, if the opponent's back is to you, you'll do a dropkick or something similar instead, and they'll animate with that
You can't do lifting moves to opponents that drastically outsize you, but you won't do the 'oh my back' thing either. Your character will just go for a different move, and you can sub in whatever you want that different move to be on your Create A Moveset
Don't fuck with me, G-Fex. I know your games.
It is! Don't make me send you to Plywood Land.
enough with the gifs -jesus
Can we stop with the image replies? It serves no real purpose. IIRC, replying consistently with solely images is ban-worthy.
HaloGaf sounds laaaaaaaaaaame
and jesus never said that
HaloGaf sounds laaaaaaaaaaame
and jesus never said that
HaloGaf sounds laaaaaaaaaaame
and jesus never said that
Tom Cruise's makeup ladies are more famous than you, Nash. They've probably got a longer filmography too.