I like her hair.
Mesmerizing, isn't it?
I'm here to Batista Bomb this Thursday workday.
If it makes the day end faster, I'm all for it.
I like her hair.
I'm here to Batista Bomb this Thursday workday.
If it makes the day end faster, I'm all for it.
what happened to soulplaya? did he change his name & lose the tag?
Well, then I guess we will agree to disagree on this one. I've never heard anyone else say anything like Kerry was the best of his generation. Even in docs and LOW stuff, all the old vets always talk about his look, but never say he was a good hand or good worker. Which is the standard line when they want to say a guy wasn't that good without using a mean spirited burial. I'm sure the foot injury had a lot to do with it and I'm sure he was better before it. But, for me, he wasn't very good before the injury anyway.
He was capable of being dragged along by much better guys. And he was afforded the opportunities to work with some of the best of all time. And yet, none of it rubbed off onto him. I'd say he was about at the same level or slightly lower than post Power and Glory Paul Roma. Because The Power AND The Glory was awesome. And doesn't even touch pre-WWF Lex Lugar in terms of the meat head Adonis type. Lex was really, really good before he went to the WWF. He never got near that level of quality work again after that. But his first NWA/WCW run was pretty god damn good for a guy who is known for being a big stiff his whole career.
Also, Kenny Omega looks grotesque. Where does he find so much time for the gym between all the video games, anime, and cosplay conventions?
Also, Kenny Omega looks grotesque. Where does he find so much time for the gym between all the video games, anime, and cosplay conventions?
Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Raw In Five Minutes, that plays during the Ryback section?
Botchamania 210 was uploaded.
And blocked by WWE... I'm assuming everywhere, but who knows if you US folk can see it or not.
-edit: Post faster darnit, wrassleGAF-
I just watched a horse dancing to Macho Man's music - and I am not on drugs
Damn...didn't know he had beef with Bret...
Well, then I guess we will agree to disagree on this one. I've never heard anyone else say anything like Kerry was the best of his generation. Even in docs and LOW stuff, all the old vets always talk about his look, but never say he was a good hand or good worker. Which is the standard line when they want to say a guy wasn't that good without using a mean spirited burial. I'm sure the foot injury had a lot to do with it and I'm sure he was better before it. But, for me, he wasn't very good before the injury anyway.
That's cool, if I'm overstating Kerry's importance then it's only as someone not all that knowledgeable with that era of wrestling, puroresu and indy wrestling are more my forte and the only territories I've really seen much of are Mid-South & Memphis. I've just always seen Kerry as a guy who had all the tools, but was held back by unfortunate circumstance and his personal demons.
Best all-around wrestler of his generation? Kerry wasn't even the best in his family.
A list of guys who debuted around the same time as KVE who were way better than KVE:
Curt Hennig, The Barbarian, Matt Borne, Barry Windham, Mike Rotunda, Brad Armstrong, Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, William Regal, Buddy Landell, Terry Taylor, Eddie Gilbert, Dean Malekno, The British Bulldog, Butch Reed, Dave Taylor, Terry Gordy, Meng, Dr. Death. If you really want to push it since they all kind of hit it "big" around the same time, Taker, HBK, and Scott Hall all debuted with in a few years of KVE. Taker and HBK were stars at the same time KVE had his run in the WWF.
Remember when Brock broke Triple H's arm for like a week?
Guess what's finally happening in a few days, guys?
Remember when Brock broke Triple H's arm for like a week?
Oh man, Bootaaay. I love me some Memphis and Mid-South. We should go on a journey into the depths of it all. The crowds were SO incredibly HOT. Holy christ. I'll start getting some stuff together if you have any interest.
On a related note I want to take Wrassle-GAF to the next level community-wise. Weekly things...things like that. Participation. Fun. Everything. Just thinkin' about stuff...
I support this endeavour.On a related note I want to take Wrassle-GAF to the next level community-wise. Weekly things...things like that. Participation. Fun. Everything. Just thinkin' about stuff...
Probably the most depressing WWE documentary I ever seen..:\
Oh man, Bootaaay. I love me some Memphis and Mid-South. We should go on a journey into the depths of it all. The crowds were SO incredibly HOT. Holy christ. I'll start getting some stuff together if you have any interest.
On a related note I want to take Wrassle-GAF to the next level community-wise. Weekly things...things like that. Participation. Fun. Everything. Just thinkin' about stuff...
On a related note I want to take Wrassle-GAF to the next level community-wise. Weekly things...things like that. Participation. Fun. Everything. Just thinkin' about stuff...
Go on...
Regarding the Wrasslegaf Expanded Universe, or whatever we'll call it...
WWE 13 is coming so we'll have STREAMING for our fun.
GAF Observer is at least a weekly thing.
I'd love to pick a PPV or Wrestling Event from the past each month to showcase in the OP that is available on youtube or other services and discuss throughout the month. Same with a Wrestler of the Month. I'd love to integrate a Fave Five Vote mechanic as well (not like polls, we'd need to go outside of here to do it, but it can be done.)
I'd love to just be able to connect and watch more wrestling with you guys and discuss it intelligently (and not so intelligently...there's plenty of room for hijinks) - wrestling that goes beyond current shows in syndication.
What do the rest of you think? Am I just oversteppin' or is this something almost all of you would be into?
I was there it was a blast. Some a-hole had his kid who started crying and he wouldn't walk out with her. Not sure how much I that is picked up.This weeks episode of The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana was recorded Live from Chicago's Challenger Comics store, featuring El Generico & The Super Smash Brothers;
It got picked up a lot. What an asshole.I was there it was a blast. Some a-hole had his kid who started crying and he wouldn't walk out with her. Not sure how much I that is picked up.
Well yeah .
I can't do the podcast thing again cause I didn't like how I did the first one and due to my new work schedule I won't be able to watch TNA or Smackdown.
Come Skype with me this monday night Sunflower. We'll talk wrestling while I stream universe mode on WWE 12
I want more wrestlegaf axxess
Sunflower is truly an innovator of this forum community.
Sure, we'll do some community interaction. Then someone will snitch and get one of us banned.
I'd love to pick a PPV or Wrestling Event from the past each month to showcase in the OP that is available on youtube or other services and discuss throughout the month. Same with a Wrestler of the Month. I'd love to integrate a Fave Five Vote mechanic as well (not like polls, we'd need to go outside of here to do it, but it can be done.)
I'd love to just be able to connect and watch more wrestling with you guys and discuss it intelligently (and not so intelligently...there's plenty of room for hijinks) - wrestling that goes beyond current shows in syndication.
What do the rest of you think? Am I just oversteppin' or is this something almost all of you would be into?
pants said:Where/how can one watch that Omega match when it happens?
NooooooooooooooooThe show will air in Japan on the 18th, but it could be anything between a week or two or a couple of months before we get to see it. Hopefully IVPvideos.com or RudoReels will have it sooner rather than later.
Some great ideas there man, I'd definitely be up for watching and discussing some classic wrestling with you guys, while something like an official WrassleGAF Fave Five should be easy enough to organise each month. On other forums I've seen people do stuff like a match of the day, whereby those participating take turns to post a favourite match which everyone then discusses and rates.
When Soulplaya leaves, people talk about wrestling rather than argue about waifus/husbandos :3
A kid I was coaching today was wearing John Cena wrist bands. Had to resist making him do laps to prove his HUSTLE, LOYALTY and RESPECT.