By the way, Kane sucks
This thread is getting stupid.
i didn even know Nash was in Ninja Turtles. The Thunderlips quote is hilarious. For Predator i was thinking of whe he said "sunufa bitc is dug in like an Alabama tick." havent seen te other movies.I'll assume you're only talking about lines from the wrestlers.
5. Kevin Nash had one line and it was (in response to Leo saying "Shredder, you gotta to listen to reason! You're gonna kill us all!") "Then so be it!" Also, it probably wasn't even Nash who said this.
4. Necro Butcher: "Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss." is the most memorable line from him, but I'm a personal fan of his line talking about how he doesn't like to run "Maybe I hit the ropes for you once... take a bump, just no criss-crossing stuff"
3. "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum"
2. Hogan (as Thunderlips): "The ultimate male versus... the ultimate meatball. Ha, ha, ha."
1. This one is a tie, Jesse Ventura: "Buncha slack jawed ------- around here, this stuff will make you a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus!" as well as "I ain't got time to bleed". Really everything he says and does in this movie is awesome.
Plz tell me she's wearing anything other than chucks for her shoe apparel.
You see that and you worry about her shoes?
Fantasy matches? Here's a few random ones I'd go for;
Kerry Von Erich vs Austin Aries - the Texas Tornado vs the Greatest Man that Ever Lived, a mis-match in size but both are/were arguably the best all-round wrestlers of their generations.
*unless awful booking prevails
Right now its:
Brock vs Triple H
Cena vs CM Punk vs Big Show
Sheamus vs Del Rio
Ziggle vs Jericho
Bryan vs Kane
By the way, Kane sucks
Best all-around wrestler of his generation? Kerry wasn't even the best in his family.
Oh great now i'm the only one left......well time to start the Barrett Bevy.
More like the Barrett Brothers. Count me in until his theme music is revealed.
More like the Barrett Brothers. Count me in until his theme music is revealed.
Yes, Barrett brothers does have a better ring to it, since Barrett gets a new theme every month here's hoping he finally gets a theme that actually suits him instead of amazing stuff like I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF MEEEE! Last heard blaring out of an angst filled teenager's room I'd imagineExcuse me I believe I always believed in Wade Barrett and his Barett Barrage.
This thread is getting stupid.
Terrible acting there.
Terrible acting there.
Terrible acting there.
WWE will launch a Saturday morning program geared towards children on August 25, Los Angeles Time reports.
In two weeks, Saban Brands will launch Vortexx, a five-hour block of original children’s programming aimed at young boys. The slate of shows will air on the CW television network, with WWE Saturday Morning Slam anchoring the block.
The half-hour program will feature one wrestling match a week, as well as Superstar profiles, behind-the-scenes footage and anti-bullying messages via ‘be a STAR.’
Saban Brands approached WWE about doing the show after executives noticed toys featuring WWE Superstars were among the best-selling items. According to Los Angeles Times, WWE’s research shows that children, including a “healthy contingent” of boys younger than 12, consist of 22% of their viewing audience. Saban and WWE are hoping to capitalize on the data with Saturday Morning Slam.
Eric Pankowski, senior vice president for WWE creative and development, said the organization is aware of potential media concerns of violence airing on a program geared toward children.
“We are very sensitive to the fact that we are speaking to an audience of children,” said Pankowski. “We want to make sure that the content that we put on at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning is appropriate for younger audiences.”
Nothing will ever beat Maria getting dumped by Dolph;
Aw I thought it would be like Hulk Hogan's Rock and Roll Wrestling.
Who will be the jobbers to compete on the show?
Though it would appear that Kelly Kelly is back full-time with WWE following her appearance on Raw, as of a few days ago, she had not committed to a road schedule. She is only committed to working for the next two or three weeks and as an ambassador afterward.
Santino, Brodus and Ryder will be heavily featured I guess.
I won't dispute that, David & Kevin were always the better technicians than Kerry, but this is all-round wrestler I'm talking about here. Kerry had the looks, the charisma, the selling ability (far ahead of that of his brothers) and the crispness in the ring that set him apart from a lot of his peers. It's not always about how much you do in the ring, but how you do it, and Kerry was always an exciting talent to watch. Also, guys that "borderline suck" don't have main event matches in Korakuen Hall against the likes of Jumbo Tsuruta.
I cried.
God that's the worst.
It's like her normal terrible rope running PLUS the fact that she's rusty at it or something.
I like her hair.
Probably as real as Natalya's boobs.
I'm here to Batista Bomb this Thursday workday.
Why does Kelly Kelly look high in the picture on the right?
Why does Kelly Kelly look high in the picture on the right?
I also wouldn't use main eventing Japan shows as proof of great talent. Would you really argue that guys like Abby and Tiger Jeet Singh were really talented guys? Japan has a history of making bizarre choices in their foreign talent. They still do. A lot of really terrible Americans have ended up on major Japan tours.