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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

I love how Cena's solution to all problems is just to throw his body awkwardly at it. Never done a running high knee before? I'll just kind of jump and put both knees up and hopefully one will hit Bryan.
Don't front, Punk's versions of Cena's moves were just as awkward. They're all like this once they break out from their routine.



Getting back into wrestling...somewhat. So Summerslam is coming up and there's really no special matches? I'm looking at the card and it doesn't seem that exciting, the crowd's not reacting much to Cena or Punk. Don't know what's up with Y2J, hopefully steals the show...
Getting back into wrestling...somewhat. So Summerslam is coming up and there's really no special matches? I'm looking at the card and it doesn't seem that exciting, the crowd's not reacting much to Cena or Punk. Don't know what's up with Y2J, hopefully steals the show...
Huh, really? I think the Punk stuff has been a dud, but Brock/Trips was built well (other than the weeks of recaps) and Jericho/Ziggler is the hottest feud they have.


Getting back into wrestling...somewhat. So Summerslam is coming up and there's really no special matches? I'm looking at the card and it doesn't seem that exciting, the crowd's not reacting much to Cena or Punk. Don't know what's up with Y2J, hopefully steals the show...

The crowd's not reacting to Cena or Punk? They were chanting for them the entire match except for when they took a break to chant at Daniel Bryan.

And sure it's a Kane match, but it has Daniel Bryan is in it so it will be good. I HOPE


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Raw put me to sleep during the main event. I just watched the rest. Why was Big Show just hanging around in the parking lot with a towel? He saw everything with HBK too. I just find that random.
Raw put me to sleep during the main event. I just watched the rest. Why was Big Show just hanging around in the parking lot with a towel? He saw everything with HBK too. I just find that random.

Big Show watches everything. In fact, he's probably watching you right now.
Just bought tickets to next year's Raw in Dallas- a few rows from the ring. Signage will get on TV. Now I just need to remind myself to go to an event six months in the future...






Just bought tickets to next year's Raw in Dallas- a few rows from the ring. Signage will get on TV. Now I just need to remind myself to go to an event six months in the future...

You know what I find can happen when you buy a ticket that far in advance? You start to hate the product....I mean really hate it except for maybe one or two things per episode. However, because you're going to a show months from now, you feel obligated to watch....no matter how bad it gets.
That SummerSlam card looks pretty solid on paper. If each match is given enough time, it could be a good show. Still probably won't watch it live though.


I don't know why the used up two Brock appearances what could've easily been accomplished in 1.

Also the way Heyman really riled up the crowd with the yellow line comment still makes me giddy.


I don't know why the used up two Brock appearances what could've easily been accomplished in 1.

Also the way Heyman really riled up the crowd with the yellow line comment still makes me giddy.
Maybe Vince didn't want Shawn to get crushed in his hometown. So like a reverse JR.


Caught the Raw update on pwtorch. Sounds like the only things worth watching were the Jericho/Ziggler/Miz match and the main event for Daniel Bryan antics.

Is this true or false?
Guys where was Kane?
I had to chuckle at the bit when HHH went into the parking lot yelling WHAT HAPPENED?! shades of 2002 right there, "it was you Hunter".


So not worth it
I don't know what it is, I watch only 2 hours and 10 minutes of Raw, but after a half hour I'm already feeling restless knowing I have to watch so much more.

And it's not like these Raw's have suffered that much, they've increased the wrestling, longer matches, divas get more time and what not, but somehow it just drags way too long.

Still waiting for AJ to lose the GM spot so she can have an actual storyline and wrestle some more. She's way too overdressed as well, didn't even wear the skirt from the photo I posted yesterday. :(

Also, how weird was it that they didn't mention AW getting fired. At least go "Oh, the PTP fired AW last Friday after they had a huge fight backstage" or whatever.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I want to be in a match with Layla
i mean, i would take that move face front and with a big grin on my face...

When I sat ringside at Smackdown a couple of years ago, Layla was standing a few feet from me. The only thing I couldn't stop looking at was her gut. She was out of breath from walking down the ramp.

you remember the part in Ghostbusters 2 near the end where Ray looked at Vigo and then suddenly Vigo took over Ray's body?

I got that same vibe when HBK couldn't stop looking at Brock.

It's weird.

HBK is a druggie and Brock is paying HBK to feed his addiction.

This leads to SES Punk saving HBK and becoming HBK's new savior turning heel on God

HBK vs. God at Wrestlemania with Kane as the special referee.


Again I point out if you watch when HBK was yelling at Heyman, look in the background when Brock starts to pull HBK out of his car.
My goodness Raw felt like it just went on and on and on forever.

Seriously, worse than usual.

After the contract signing I'm like WHY IS THIS SHOW STILL GOING

Daniel Bryan is carrying both shows, he is more Cena than Cena is. One day his day will come again, one day. :(

I miss Kaitlyn's old hair, it was nice to see her win though, even if it was just The Diva Rollup.

AJ, pleeeease go away AJ. :( Breaking my heart.

Biggest lol of the night, beating out even the lol HBK and Bork stuff...... Ryback's new music lol. Sounds like Shao Kahn shouting OUTSTANDING, YOU WILL NEVER WIN UHAHAHAHA etc over some theme music.
I don't know what it is, I watch only 2 hours and 10 minutes of Raw, but after a half hour I'm already feeling restless knowing I have to watch so much more.

And it's not like these Raw's have suffered that much, they've increased the wrestling, longer matches, divas get more time and what not, but somehow it just drags way too long.

It's just too much. They were blatantly stalling for time in the 3rd hour and it makes the whole show feel slower as a result. Instead of being able to throw everything out there and make the show feel fast and streamlined (which they weren't doing anyway), now they're drawing stuff out to fill for time. The shows may not be offensively bad, but it's too much. The Bork/HHH/HBK stuff, for example, didn't need to go THAT long. They had no reason to go backstage. Brock could've easily doubled back on HHH when he ran and laid him out with a chair then went after Michaels. The rest of it would play out exactly how it happened, it would've been a good 5-7 minutes shorter, and had more impact with the live audience.

The only thing worse than a straight up bad show is a mediocre show with bad pacing.
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